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South Korean President Park calls on Beijing to take strong punitive actions against Pyongyang after

The UK is part of the NATO alliance, is she not? The UK supports the US in most if not all of her foreign policy directorates, does she not? This is why i say the Western led global order. I would caution you and other westerners to understand that tho Japan is in alliance with the US and the West, it is an alliance system that was imposed on Japan , by the conditions of the peace treaty. Japan, i am just being direct here without my usual pleasantries and political correctness (that i'm sure you're used to), tolerates US direction to an extent. Even with the recent change in constitutional directorates in JSDF's Proactive Self Defense, that does not necessarily mean Japan will enter a conflict to aid the west. Any and all conflict intervention is not a power exercised by the Prime Minister's Office, but one that requires the approval of both the Lower House (Shugiin) and the Upper House (Sangiin) of the National Diet. As well as with the approval of the Emperor. In fact without the consent of His Imperial Majesty, even resolutions made by the Shugiin and Sangiin -- technically-- cannot be implemented.

The Emperor -- since the end of the war -- has not exercised this Imperial Right recently -- however -- He is afforded that Power. Considering the supremacy of the Emperor, if His Imperial Visage sees to it that conflict is in contradiction to the interest of Japan, He can impress the entire Diet to re-consider. :)

I reiterate to you that a War in East Asia, a conflict where Japan is pitted against China, again, is in direct and total interest to Japan. The Emperor is particularly fond of China, and the current Crown Prince, Imperial Highness Prince Naruhito, himself, is a Sinologist and particularly fond of China. When He ascends the Chrysanthemum throne on the passing of The Emperor (may that be 10,000 years from now), relations between Japan and China will improve ever further.

Ok Mr Diplomat. Hopefully Sino-Japnese defence ties will keep souring higher.:enjoy:

Britain is an opportunistic player, my friend, long has your country been opportunistic. England will expect to follow the coattails of the US, yet under the same hand, will court China for financial assistance. A nation of deep skin and immense opportunism in mind. A shrews international player, by all means. :)

Every sane power is/ought to be shrewd. That's the Geo-political reality of the modern world. After all, we didn't build the world's largest empire in human history by not being shrewd. Japan was/is quite shrewd as well judging by it's military alliance with the U.S and close economic ties with China.:D
Every sane power is/ought to be shrewd. That's the Geo-political reality of the modern world. After all, we didn't build the world's largest empire in human history by not being shrewd. Japan was shrewd as well.

Precisely. Just because Japan is an 'ally' of the United States and cooperates with the West does not mean Japan is the enemy of China. In fact Japan coordinates and cooperates with China on immense dimension ranging from environmental protection projects, ecological conservation projects, educational reforms, collegiate reciprocity programs, space cooperation, meteorological information sharing, corporate law , maritime security, military security channels to local government exchanges, civil servant exchanges, to parilamentary/ legislative level exchanges. The point, Mike, is that Japan does not operate in a black or white manner nor do we believe in jingoistic notions of "either you are with us or against us" sentiments espoused by Bush Jr. I leave the rest for your personal analysis and interpretation.


Ok Mr Diplomat. Hopefully Sino-Japnese defence ties will keep souring higher.:enjoy:

It will soar higher, as relations between the two millennial civilizations (Japan and China) have always remained balanced and in harmony, despite minimal challenges from time to time.

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