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South Korean President Park calls on Beijing to take strong punitive actions against Pyongyang after

Not necessarily. Seoul is already playing an omnidirectional game with both Beijing and Washington. I would say that Seoul would try to implement an equidistant position ; afterall they already signed an FTA with Beijing just this year. If , hypothetically speaking, South Korea and North Korea were to be reunified, and the seat of power were in Seoul, then a unified Republic of Korea would balance relations with China and America.

Mind you that a unified Korea would now also be nuclear armed, thus would have the ability to stave off any coaxing by both Russia, America, and also the means to intimidate Japan, even Russia. I would even go as far as to claim that a unified Korea would see both China and America jostling for Seoul's favor.

What's your input, @sEoulman556 @pokdo ?

Either way, if South Korea and North Korea unifies, then United States will be ejected. Believe you me. If that happens, then Japan, too, will follow suit.

Strategically, it is against US interest to lose its grip on Seoul and Tokyo. So you will see the US will do everything it can, a la Washington state actors and intelligence agencies, to stoke political instability in the two nations , which will only further necessitate the Washington alliance with TOKYO and SEOUL, respectively.

Remember, it is contrary to American interest to see a unified Korea, or a totally resurgent Japan. It was not China that attacked America in '41, and it was not China that america dropped nukes on, after all. :)

America, honestly speaking her, should be fearful of having a totally resurgent right wing Japan. As the right wing are demanding the total ejection of American "rapists" of the islands, and the total ejection of Gaijin impurities. Right wingers also want a nuclear armed Japan, and the return of the Imperial Agencies. These Uyoko Dantai also talk about revenge for historical attacks. Quite alarming, actually. :)

I agree with you to some extent regarding the implications of a South and North Korea unification.
However, for the possibility of a right wing resurgent imperial Japan is as funny as hearing a right wing militaristic imperial Germany.:lol: Thing is, even if Japan was to go that route, then it's not the U.S that will be worried, it's your eternal enemy and rival China that will deal with Japan first. The U.S will simply seat quietly take a pop corn and watch the circus unfold.:pop::lol: .
So you should never forget that China still regards Japan as it's biggest threat/enemy.whether you like it or not:agree:
Oh no, i'm so scurred! :o: Do you actually believe they have the capability to follow through?:laughcry:

Why would we care about Nork threats of total destruction? They make them every year.

In any case North Korea is welcome to try,
but that will also leave a huge crisis on China's border, namely refugees, along with US troops and a solidly pro American and possibly anti-Chinese South Korea.
Fat Kim only needs to sell his nuke toys to isis or some other crazy organization.
What a bother of you to reply him, the above posts of the guy with plaster flag are self-contradictory.
I agree with you to some extent regarding the implications of a South and North Korea unification.
However, for the possibility of a right wing resurgent imperial Japan is as funny as hearing a right wing militaristic imperial Germany.:lol: Thing is, even if Japan was to go that route, then it's not the U.S that will be worried, it's your eternal enemy and rival China that will deal with Japan first. The U.S will simply seat quietly take a pop corn and watch the circus unfold.:pop::lol: .
So you should never forget that China still regards Japan as it's biggest threat/enemy.whether you like it or not:agree:
Maybe even you doesn't believe what you just said yourself, which anyway doesn't matter, trying the best to let Japanese believe it is most important for you.

For Japanese right wing, the only reason of the resurgence of it is that US want to abet Japan to counter China and earn Japanese as a free meat shield of US. That is also the reason that Japanese can play this trick of historical issues, at least no German dare to play the trick of Nazi like what its counterpart in Asia, Japanese does, though they did almost the same does in WWII.
For Japanese to find the real enemy of itself, they just need use their own brain and think one little minute to wonder who has frustrated Japan tens of years ago and make it trap into the nowadays dilemma or tragedy as a slave country of which the economy is purely dead? China?
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In my view, and from studying policies implemented by the ROK government over the years, their bilateral mechanism with China, in context to America, they most likely implement an equidistant policy. Ultimately they will probably implement a non-alignment policy. Remember that after the two Koreas are united, the unified Korea will be nuclear powered. So, there will be no threatening Korea ever again, my friend. As she can assure MAD to any power.

Ultimately a non alignment policy by both the United Korean Republic and Japan would be healthy for the region.

No, China should not intervene in Korea, i suppose the best strategy is to allow both to reunify the natural way. Japan, already, has immense interest in uniting both Koreas. Afterall there is a great opportunity in developing North Korea.

Anyways both North and South Korean Governments have already made a joint declaration of North - South unification as the end goal.

The leaders of the South and the North, recognizing that the meeting and the summit talks were of great significance in promoting mutual understanding, developing South–North relations and realizing peaceful reunification, declared as follows:

  1. The South and the North have agreed to resolve the question of reunification independently and through the joint efforts of the Korean people, who are the masters of the country.
  2. For the achievement of reunification, we have agreed that there is a common element in the South's concept of a confederation and the North's formula for a loose form of federation. The South and the North agreed to promote reunification in that direction.
  3. The South and the North have agreed to promptly resolve humanitarian issues such as exchange visits by separated family members and relatives on the occasion of the August 15 National Liberation Day and the question of unswerving Communists serving prison sentences in the South.
  4. The South and the North have agreed to consolidate mutual trust by promoting balanced development of the national economy through economic cooperation and by stimulating cooperation and exchanges in civic, cultural, sports, health, environmental and all other fields.
  5. The South and the North have agreed to hold a dialogue between relevant authorities in the near future to implement the above agreements expeditiously.

June 15th North–South Joint Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But unfortunately the reality doesn't go as what we imagine. First of all, let's see what ordinary SK people's attitude towards "reunification":
Half of South Koreans Don't Want to Pay for Reunification - koreaBANG
And neither Chinese Koreans (chousenzoku) nor those who managed to escape from North were treated fairly in SK, they were usually discriminated, and that's why some Chinese Koreans returned with shame. To unify, SK have to settle over 20 million people and most of them are illiterate, brainwashed and reserved, so I doubt how many years it would take to integrate them into SK, and during it SK will go backwards to a developing country, so if I were a South Korean I would not accept it.
Plus, North Korea has built a "caste system". Those "core class" living in Pyongyang are Brahmins while those "enemy class" suffering in rural areas are Dalits. For Brahmins reunification means the loss of their privileges and will only benefit Dalits, and they must fear that after reunification they will have to pay for their crimes. Koreans are ultra-nationalists but not idiots.
Externally China sees more trouble than benefits in the reunification. A unified Korea will grow more nationalistic and seek independence from US and China, and they will have nukes, what the hell. Their distorted history will make them claim the whole NE China and even to my hometown, and I doubt maybe Japan will also be in their "territory". After "reunification", I guess the next step maybe "revenge". What's more, a unified Korea will be more capable to compete China in many areas, and the trade between China and Korea will shrink------we no longer can get cheap stuff from NK like timbers and coal, and Korea has no need to import so much from China for they can let those poor NK workers to produce.
As for yankees, at least Korea will no longer rely on them to current extent, and as a Japanese you must know what a unified Korea means to Japan.
So let it go as usual, and it's acceptable for all sides.:cray::cray:Poor NK people, just blame the maker of your tragedy, the Soviet Union, it is Russian that pushed Kim to power.
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But unfortunately the reality doesn't goes like what we imagine. First of all, let's see what ordinary SK people's attitude towards "reunification":
Half of South Koreans Don't Want to Pay for Reunification - koreaBANG
And neither Chinese Koreans (chousenzoku) nor those who managed to escape from North were treated fairly in SK, they were usually discriminated, that's why some Chinese Koreans returned with shame. To unify, SK have to settle over 20 million people and most of them are illiterate, brainwashed and reserved, so I doubt how many years it would take to integrate them into SK, and during it SK will go backwards to a developing country, if I were a South Korean I would not accept it.
Plus, North Korea has built a "caste system", those "core class" living in Pyongyang are Brahmin while those "enemy class" suffering in rural areas are Dalits. For Brahmins reunification means the loss of their privileges and only will benefit Dalits, and they must fear that after reunification their will have to pay for their crimes. Koreans are ultra-nationalists but not idiots.
Externally China sees more trouble than benefits in the reunification. A unified Korea will grow more nationalistic seek independence from US and China, and they have nukes, what the hell. Their distorted history will make them claim the whole NE China and even to my hometown, and I doubt maybe Japan will also be in their "territory". After "reunification", I guess the next step maybe "revenge". What's more, a unified Korea will be more capable to compete China in many areas, and the trade between China and Korea will shrink------we no longer can get cheap stuff from NK like timbers and coals, and Korea has no need to import so much from China for they can let those NK poor workers to produce.
As for yankees, at least Korea will no longer rely on them to current extent, and as a Japanese you must know what a unified Korea means to Japan.
So let it go as usual, and it's acceptable for all sides.:cray::cray:Poor NK people, just blame the maker of your tragedy, the Soviet Union, it is Russian that push Kim to power.

Excellent points bro!
Oh no, i'm so scurred! :o: Do you actually believe they have the capability to follow through?:laughcry:

Why would we care about Nork threats of total destruction? They make them every year.

In any case North Korea is welcome to try,
but that will also leave a huge crisis on China's border, namely refugees, along with US troops and a solidly pro American and possibly anti-Chinese South Korea.

It does force the South Koreans into considering you, but I wouldn't say that coercion sets the basis for positive political relations in the future.

As you say, it is acceptable to China for security reasons, that said I say its fundamentally flawed because US troops on China's borders are not a big threat in the first place.

Just consider the size of China, the US has no interest in invading that, what do you think we are Imperial Japan? We already have our continental power, there is absolutely no benefit in invading China.

This was a definite concern in the cold war, but now i'd say it's outdated and China should focus on how it can best unify the Korean peninsula under favorable conditions to facilitate and give reason for a US drawdown and for South Korea to view it favorably.

That would be very interesting.. what would the effect of all those north koreans be on Korean politics... well that's a moot point now.
Yeah...troops just along our border are not a threat...how naive we are to accept it, seeing your bombers and giant radars there...It's just like what you do in Europe, NATO has expanded to Russia's border and you say it's not to deter Russia. How about we set a military base in Vancouver and deploy some J-20 and bombers and anti-missile systems with the same explanation? I don't think generals in Pentagon will just take it as a holiday hotel for our soldiers.
Don't treat us like Iraq, we are a power and need strategical buffer zone. Korea is not to be unified for it will harm every side's benefits, including US.
However, for the possibility of a right wing resurgent imperial Japan is as funny as hearing a right wing militaristic imperial Germany.:lol: Thing is, even if Japan was to go that route, then it's not the U.S that will be worried, it's your eternal enemy and rival China that will deal with Japan first. The U.S will simply seat quietly take a pop corn and watch the circus unfold.

In the end, the eternal enemy of Japan is the US, not China. If a militaristic Japan resurrects, it will take on the US, the enemy that it keeps very close.

The immediate effect will be kicking the US (as ultra patriotic Japanese often use) "rapists and murderers“ (I do not necessarily endorse these classifications, but using them only in the political sense my good friend @Nihonjin1051 used above) out of Japan's peripheries.

Two deep civilization-states do definitely have greater historical knowledge and diplomatic leeway to establish a new sort of Asian order of equals.
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Funny paradox, the more China supports North Korea, the less it will be able to change economic relations into political relations, but push too hard and a collapse could leave American troops on your border.

It's a delicate balancing act, and North Korea's nuclear test just makes it even more complicated for China.8-)

Frankly you can keep your soft line on north Korea, in private it is geopolitically beneficial for us and a pain in the a$$ for China's foreign policy.:-)
Please help us, our lovely American friend! :rofl:
I agree with you to some extent regarding the implications of a South and North Korea unification.
However, for the possibility of a right wing resurgent imperial Japan is as funny as hearing a right wing militaristic imperial Germany.:lol: Thing is, even if Japan was to go that route, then it's not the U.S that will be worried, it's your eternal enemy and rival China that will deal with Japan first. The U.S will simply seat quietly take a pop corn and watch the circus unfold.:pop::lol: .
So you should never forget that China still regards Japan as it's biggest threat/enemy.whether you like it or not:agree:
US will keep them controlled for a long period...instead of the collapse of the balance in EA first worry about the future of Britainstan, Germanstan, Frenchstan:disagree:My French friend, an exchange student, said he found Hangzhou much safer than his hometown, he can go out at midnight with friends for entertainment here but dare not in Paris.
US will keep them controlled for a long period...instead of the collapse of the balance in EA first worry about the future of Britainstan, Germanstan, Frenchstan:disagree:My French friend, an exchange student, said he found Hangzhou much safer than his hometown, he can go out at midnight with friends for entertainment here but dare not in Paris.

Britainstan!? LOL
Xi is not like abe-san. Xi will do whatever he wants that he thinks will be beneficial for China. As for abe-san, he will do anything that a stronger power like america will ask him to do. SoKor president must understand that, Xi is not like abe-san, Park can't ask Xi to do something just because she wants to.
In the end, the eternal enemy of Japan is the US, not China. If a militaristic Japan resurrects, it will take on the US, the enemy that it keeps very close.

The immediate effect will be kicking the US (as ultra patriotic Japanese often use) "rapists and murderers“ (I do not necessarily endorse these classifications, but using them only in the political sense my good friend @Nihonjin1051 used above) out of Japan's peripheries.

Two deep civilization-states do definitely have greater historical knowledge and diplomatic leeway to establish a new sort of Asian order of equals.
LOL You are funny to say a militaristic right wing Japan will be more of a threat to the U.S than China. LOL That's a big joke. Everybody in the world knows Japan is China's main rival and enemy. Plus the enmity between both countries is as high(if not more) than the enmity between India and Pakistan.
It's for this reason that when Japan adopts laws/modifies it's constitution that allows it to act like a normal country, it's China(and to a lesser extent S.Korea ) that complains and whines about this to the international community not the U.S. lol

China: Japan Security Legislation a ‘Nightmare Scenario’ | The Diplomat
China calls Japan’s new security laws threat to regional peace – Asia Times
With a Few Words, Japan Escalates Its Standoff With China in the South China Sea | VICE News

The U.S is the one even pressuring Japan to modify it's constitution and play a more active military role in Asia. :agree:

US Backs Militarization Of Japan In Response To China - Business Insider

So as i said before, Japan should worry far more about the implications of the emergence of a militaristic right wing Japan and China's reaction to this. If ANYTHING THE U.S HAS BEEN A FORCE FOR PEACE AND STABILITY IN ASIA, WHICH HAS ENABLED EVEN COUNTRIES LIKE CHINA TO EMERGE/OPEN UP.:agree:

Finally you and Nihonjin sama should never forget the animosity that exists between China and Japan is farrrrr more than the animosity any western country has against China(much less Japan who is viewed very favorably here).:agree:
Japanese people hate China more than ever | China Daily Mail
Japanese People Hate China More Than Ever - China Real Time Report - WSJ




So as i said to @Nihonjin1051 , go ahead and kick the U.S and militarize with your right wing parties a la Imperial Japan, and see how China will deal with you. They rae still waiting to avenge what you did to them during world war I and World II:D
In the end, the eternal enemy of Japan is the US, not China. If a militaristic Japan resurrects, it will take on the US, the enemy that it keeps very close.

The immediate effect will be kicking the US (as ultra patriotic Japanese often use) "rapists and murderers“ (I do not necessarily endorse these classifications, but using them only in the political sense my good friend @Nihonjin1051 used above) out of Japan's peripheries.

Two deep civilization-states do definitely have greater historical knowledge and diplomatic leeway to establish a new sort of Asian order of equals.

:coffee: Yes. You are absolute right.

Japan is in fact a pseudonym for "New China" or more precisely "Super Chinese". These guys are in fact descendants or refugees from the Qin Emperor much like the Hakka in the rest of the provinces in China as well as ASEAN hence we can see the similarities in cultural habits and practices from that era.

The Japanese rightists dream of a UNITED EAST ASIA with Tokyo as its capital as in ancient time. (Let not forget Shinzo Abe was a minister in the WW2 war cabinet.)

A annexed Hawaii in 1898, a strategic location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean having seen how the expansionist Meiji Japan Imperial Army started extending its influence across the Pacific e.g. Yap Island. President Woodtrow vowed to started a war with Japan to defend this island which was occupied by USA.

When Hawaii was annexed, Japan send her naval warship to Hawaii in protest over the annexation in 1898. After Japan itself had just annexed the Ryuku Kingdom followed by China's Taiwan Island in 1895.

Many Japanese still dream of those GLORIOUS DAYS but it will never happened again.

Realistically Japan should returned the Diaoyutai islands she seized in 1985 as marked in the milestone on those islands back to China and peace as well as her security will be ensured. With that China and Japan will no longer have any island ownership dispute.

Unless Japan is worried that it is now China's turn to annex her as Japan did back then in late 1800's and during WW2. In history, China was never an aggressor and did not had a record of expansion otherwise all the small states in the region in ASEAN e.g. Sultanate of Malacca, Sultanate of Sulu, Surubaya, etc would be colonized and occupied like what Japan did during WW2 Japan using the excuse of driving out the imperialist Western Colonialists although no states had ever invited her. In history Japan became the bigger monster instead.

China & Japan was enjoying a great bilateral relationship with rising trade and all the historical acrimony set aside due to the agreement between Mao and Tanaka until US Sec of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Sec. of State Hilliary Clintons came and stoke the region.

I remember not so long after his tango with devil-woman Hilliary Clintons, Japan FM Mihara admitted he ordered the arrest of all Chinese Fishing vessels that fishing in their traditionally fishing area in the disputed island of Diaoyutai. That started the feud that Japan up till today cannot called off.

There is NO MUCH OPTION and MOVE left for Japan if she proceed with her present route.

Lacking in strategic resources and without the goodwill of China, Japan will be totally at the mercy of USA whether she likes it or not. That is why many pacifists inside Japan disagreed with Shinzo Abe revision of war constitution that will prove to be the downfall of Japan in the future if war ever breaks out. Esp. now since his Abeconomics as well as QE is not working and Japan is contracting.

:unsure: It would be a miracle if Japan with her downgrade and obsolete weaponries which she acquired from USA in the 70's can MATCH those from China military today e.g. the APG63 on Japan F15J has only a detection range 120 km and its downgrade AIM120 missile has only an effective range of 95 km. Any J10A or J11B which could easily detected their adversaries up to 300km away can destroyed their enemy with their 195 km PL-12 away. So far due to budget constraints, Japan has managed to upgarde 12 unit of F15J whose airframe lifespan has almost expired. So we would be surprised if Japanese SDF F-15J pilot may need to fly home in a single wing.
LOL You are funny to say a militaristic right wing Japan will be more of a threat to the U.S than China. LOL That's a big joke. Everybody in the world knows Japan is China's main rival and enemy.

No. It is not. This is how, informed by your own geopolitical prejudices, you would like to portray it. Quoting the Diplomat won't cut it.

The U.S is the one even pressuring Japan to modify it's constitution and play a more active military role in Asia.

That's just a little longer leash and the Japanese are not that eager for it. The ultimate objective is to break away from the leash.

Finally you and Nihonjin sama should never forget the animosity that exists between China and Japan is farrrrr more than the animosity any western country has against China(much less Japan who is viewed very favorably here).:agree:

No, we are historical people. Our understanding of the world goes a little deeper. Japan's militarization and conduct in East Asia is the result of the wakening of the imperial system in the region due to Western pressure.

So as i said to @Nihonjin1051 , go ahead and kick the U.S and militarize with your right wing parties a la Imperial Japan, and see how China will deal with you. They rae still waiting to avenge what you did to them during world war I and World II:D

Not sure who is waiting for what revenge. We won't know it until we see it. The looming revenge squarely lays on the US because it is just a foreign entity while we are here for millennia.

Once a truly independent state, China and Japan will complete the East Asian revival.
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