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South Korean President Park calls on Beijing to take strong punitive actions against Pyongyang after

:coffee: MO China, Japan and Korea in union will bring more prosperity, peace and harmony to EAST ASIA. Since all of these nation are linked and related by blood ties. The 2% Ainu heritage (The short migrant themselves from the Tibeto-Burma Border in Yunnan) which the Japanese historians tried to use to hide their Chinese heritage in Japan does not represent Japan, only the mainstream migrants e.g. Yayoi, etc and all the other later migrations to Japan from mainland does.

Issue like naughty boy "North Korea" can easily be resolved within these three nation without USA or any outsiders whose only objective is to stir up trouble between them in the region.

Example: I forgot the name of the USA General who opined during an interview on why USA did not dispatched any troops to assist her allies KMT's RoC against Japan. That was before Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
He was quite vocal and his opinion was "Let the Chinese killed each others meaning to them when Japan attacked Japan, it was Chinese killing Chinese."

So you see, East Asians should be realistic and protect their own interest.

Any war with USA would easily escalated into a nuclear war and the results will be 100X worse than Hiroshima or Nagasaki. That is why I do not believe USA will really enter into a war with China just to help her allies in Asia.

In history, USA is a self interest nation that looks after her interest first. All these proxies acting on behalf on her will be hanging dry when a new USA President comes onboard.
This is a fairy tale man. :lol:

So you think the North Korean regime, in their last dying moments, would allow themselves to be occupied by their most hated enemies (US + SK soldiers) without firing off every hydrogen bomb they have?

Nobody believes that, or else America would have invaded North Korea already, instead of invading Iraq over fake WMD.

North Korea could hit US homeland with nuclear weapon, says top US admiral - The Guardian

And even IF those Hydrogen bombs somehow did disappear into thin air (or they were somehow all used up), and America invaded NK, do you really think China would not intervene again like we did in the last Korean War? :azn:

Your scenario is all rainbows and optimism, but nobody believes it or the Norks would have been handled already.

First for clarification North Korea doesn't actually have a working hydrogen bomb. The estimated yield of their most recent detonation is somewhere around half that of the bomb dropped on hiroshima. If they were attempting to test a hydrogen bomb, it was a dud.

Second, the North Korean threat you gave is that North Korea would launch nukes in the event of it being close to collapse, in which case your nuke threat is worthless, it was already used, and US troops would respond.

Why would the US allow the Kim government even the slightest chance of recovering? It just tried to nuke them!

If China attempts to militarily stop that then its war *shrug*

That you believe the US wouldn't respond to attempted nuking is more concerning.

Fat Kim only needs to sell his nuke toys to isis or some other crazy organization.

Aside from the absolute shitstorm this would cause around the world and utterly detrimental to Chinese interest, it isn't that simple, Nukes have signatures that can be traced to specific countries.

Nuclear debris carries signatures of bomb that caused it | Ars Technica

Yeah...troops just along our border are not a threat...how naive we are to accept it, seeing your bombers and giant radars there...It's just like what you do in Europe, NATO has expanded to Russia's border and you say it's not to deter Russia. How about we set a military base in Vancouver and deploy some J-20 and bombers and anti-missile systems with the same explanation? I don't think generals in Pentagon will just take it as a holiday hotel for our soldiers.
Don't treat us like Iraq, we are a power and need strategical buffer zone. Korea is not to be unified for it will harm every side's benefits, including US.
Hey the status quo fits us just fine, we don't mind it, It doesn't seem like South Korea minds it either.
You won't see S. Korea choosing China over the US though while North Korea exists.

More or less around those lines. :)

Korean and Chinese interests are in direct conflict with Japanese interests, most specifically on the subject of territorial disputes. Both sides are emotionally (societally) involved in the issues by all accounts, and not willing to compromise or concede the issue. How would you manage that while preserving Japanese interests?

Keep in mind also that by becoming non-aligned you would be by default less friendly to American interests, and so there would be less trust by the US to Japan, while at the same time it is not clear whether overtures to the Chinese or Korean public would be effective given historical grievances and their use at times to stoke nationalism in China and Korea.

This would also necessitate a massive increase in Japanese public spending without the US umbrella and MDT in order to better round out Japan's military. A country the size of Japan without clear allies and an unbalanced military in its situation is a disaster waiting to happen.

Ultimately it sounds like a bold, but risky, strategy for Japan that would likely result in a net reduction of regional influence and leave Japan with no clear allies.

The potential benefits are a less hostile China and Korea, possibly making them less of a security threat to Japan, but this is traded off by a less friendly United States, possibly making them more of a security threat to Japan.

There are so many factors that I have likely failed to consider given this is a complex issue, but that is the gist of what I see, I'd be very interested in reading a hypothetical scenario of how you envision it could play out, or an explanation on what you view the Japanese interest is, and how non-alignment promotes it.

What would be the timeline for this hypothetical non-alignment of Japan? Possible events that would shape it?

Always interesting stuff.
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:coffee: Yes. You are absolute right.

Japan is in fact a pseudonym for "New China" or more precisely "Super Chinese". These guys are in fact descendants or refugees from the Qin Emperor much like the Hakka in the rest of the provinces in China as well as ASEAN hence we can see the similarities in cultural habits and practices from that era.

The Japanese rightists dream of a UNITED EAST ASIA with Tokyo as its capital as in ancient time. (Let not forget Shinzo Abe was a minister in the WW2 war cabinet.)

A annexed Hawaii in 1898, a strategic location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean having seen how the expansionist Meiji Japan Imperial Army started extending its influence across the Pacific e.g. Yap Island. President Woodtrow vowed to started a war with Japan to defend this island which was occupied by USA.

When Hawaii was annexed, Japan send her naval warship to Hawaii in protest over the annexation in 1898. After Japan itself had just annexed the Ryuku Kingdom followed by China's Taiwan Island in 1895.

Many Japanese still dream of those GLORIOUS DAYS but it will never happened again.

Realistically Japan should returned the Diaoyutai islands she seized in 1985 as marked in the milestone on those islands back to China and peace as well as her security will be ensured. With that China and Japan will no longer have any island ownership dispute.

Unless Japan is worried that it is now China's turn to annex her as Japan did back then in late 1800's and during WW2. In history, China was never an aggressor and did not had a record of expansion otherwise all the small states in the region in ASEAN e.g. Sultanate of Malacca, Sultanate of Sulu, Surubaya, etc would be colonized and occupied like what Japan did during WW2 Japan using the excuse of driving out the imperialist Western Colonialists although no states had ever invited her. In history Japan became the bigger monster instead.

China & Japan was enjoying a great bilateral relationship with rising trade and all the historical acrimony set aside due to the agreement between Mao and Tanaka until US Sec of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and Sec. of State Hilliary Clintons came and stoke the region.

I remember not so long after his tango with devil-woman Hilliary Clintons, Japan FM Mihara admitted he ordered the arrest of all Chinese Fishing vessels that fishing in their traditionally fishing area in the disputed island of Diaoyutai. That started the feud that Japan up till today cannot called off.

There is NO MUCH OPTION and MOVE left for Japan if she proceed with her present route.

Lacking in strategic resources and without the goodwill of China, Japan will be totally at the mercy of USA whether she likes it or not. That is why many pacifists inside Japan disagreed with Shinzo Abe revision of war constitution that will prove to be the downfall of Japan in the future if war ever breaks out. Esp. now since his Abeconomics as well as QE is not working and Japan is contracting.

:unsure: It would be a miracle if Japan with her downgrade and obsolete weaponries which she acquired from USA in the 70's can MATCH those from China military today e.g. the APG63 on Japan F15J has only a detection range 120 km and its downgrade AIM120 missile has only an effective range of 95 km. Any J10A or J11B which could easily detected their adversaries up to 300km away can destroyed their enemy with their 195 km PL-12 away. So far due to budget constraints, Japan has managed to upgarde 12 unit of F15J whose airframe lifespan has almost expired. So we would be surprised if Japanese SDF F-15J pilot may need to fly home in a single wing.

Are you for real??:lol:

No. It is not. This is how, informed by your own geopolitical prejudices, you would like to portray it. Quoting the Diplomat won't cut it.

That's just a little longer leash and the Japanese are not that eager for it. The ultimate objective is to break away from the leash.

No, we are historical people. Our understanding of the world goes a little deeper. Japan's militarization and conduct in East Asia is the result of the wakening of the imperial system in the region due to Western pressure.

Not sure who is waiting for what revenge. We won't know it until we see it. The looming revenge squarely lays on the US because it is just a foreign entity while we are here for millennia.

Once a truly independent state, China and Japan will complete the East Asian revival.

All what you said is just what you wish/hope for, reality is totally different. Everybody knows you people view Japan a your number 1 enemy. I myself have been to both China and Japan, and i can attest to this myself. It's normal though judging by the unresolved historical issues you still have together.
Anyway, we will keep seeing Chinese leaders blabbering/complaining about Japan's 're-militarization', not the U.S. This is for obvious reasons.
So we will both have to agree to disagree on this one. :pop:

US will keep them controlled for a long period...instead of the collapse of the balance in EA first worry about the future of Britainstan, Germanstan, Frenchstan:disagree:My French friend, an exchange student, said he found Hangzhou much safer than his hometown, he can go out at midnight with friends for entertainment here but dare not in Paris.

Huh...Maybe that's why even wealthy Chinese officials/authorities immigrate here and send their children here for studies/live a better life??:D
@TaiShang @Shotgunner51 when Chinese send their kids study overseas it's called immigration, when non Chinese do it it's called enriching and enhancing the one's life.o_O

When Chinese buy properties in US, it's called immigration, but when others do it, it's call "investment"

When a Chinese act rude in foreign places it's called "rude Chinese behavior", when westerners do it in other country it's called "lack of understanding of the host' country's culture."
@TaiShang @Shotgunner51

When a Chinese act rude in foreign places it's called "rude Chinese behavior", when westerners do it in other country it's called "lack of understanding of the host' country's culture."

Oh come on this obviously applies to Americans as well.
Are you for real??:lol:

Huh...Maybe that's why even wealthy Chinese officials/authorities immigrate here and send their children here for studies/live a better life??:D

:yes4: That means :laugh::laugh: you do not share my opinion. That is absolutely fine. But that is ground reality in Asia as we see it in Asia.

Many of us Asians believe (including the veteran politicians from Philippines, Japan, Singapore, etc) if East Asia is united today, many of the problems created by the IMPERIALISTS from the West especially USA will be resolved within themselves.

The very thought of a UNITED EAST ASIA already strike FEAR among many Western as demonstrate by your reaction.

:laugh: Disbelieve!! How about the idea of an UNITED ASIA which is being promoted by USA ally Singapore as well!

In history, the MIDDLE KINGDOM was self sufficient and does not need to trade with other foreign nations. It was in fact the Western Power then that intruded into our lands and colonialized them against the wishes of the natives with their superior military power.

EXAMPLE: How many of us is aware that in the history of Philippines, US troopers was ordered to open fire at peaceful demonstrators killing approx. 80,000~90,000 of them making it the bloodiest in US colonial's history.

:laugh: Next when one is wealthy and successful, the rich can migrate to anywhere they like. The truth is when they discovered it was all a mistake, they have options to choose again.

Example: Why did Jim Roger, the co-founder of Quantum Fund and creator of Rogers International Commodities Index migrate to Singapore?

In an interview to the Singapore TV station, he says that he believe that Asian's culture & Education System is superior to the West. That is off course once again, his own personal opinion. Although many of us do share his thought.

You are welcome to stick to yours.
:yes4: That means :laugh::laugh: you do not share my opinion. That is absolutely fine. But that is ground reality in Asia as we see it in Asia.

Many of us Asians believe (including the veteran politicians from Philippines, Japan, Singapore, etc) if East Asia is united today, many of the problems created by the IMPERIALISTS from the West especially USA will be resolved within themselves.

The very thought of a UNITED EAST ASIA already strike FEAR among many Western as demonstrate by your reaction.

:laugh: Disbelieve!! How about the idea of an UNITED ASIA which is being promoted by USA ally Singapore as well!

In history, the MIDDLE KINGDOM was self sufficient and does not need to trade with other foreign nations. It was in fact the Western Power then that intruded into our lands and colonialized them against the wishes of the natives with their superior military power.

EXAMPLE: How many of us is aware that in the history of Philippines, US troopers was ordered to open fire at peaceful demonstrators killing approx. 80,000~90,000 of them making it the bloodiest in US colonial's history.

:laugh: Next when one is wealthy and successful, the rich can migrate to anywhere they like. The truth is when they discovered it was all a mistake, they have options to choose again.

Example: Why did Jim Roger, the co-founder of Quantum Fund and creator of Rogers International Commodities Index migrate to Singapore?

In an interview to the Singapore TV station, he says that he believe that Asian's culture & Education System is superior to the West. That is off course once again, his own personal opinion. Although many of us do share his thought.

You are welcome to stick to yours.

LOL Believe me, i have nothing against China, much less S.Korea, Singapore or Japan. They are all nice/beautiful countries i have visited in the past with great people/food/culture/cuisine. :smitten:
However you talking about some delusional fantasy United EAST ASIA, got me laughing. It's like hearing/believing some Saudi's and Iranians calling for a united Middle East.:lol:

Don't get me wrong though, It MIGHT happen one day(maybe over a century or two from now), but definitely not in our(nor our children) lifetime. :agree: Dreams do come true one day though.:partay:
Funny paradox, the more China supports North Korea, the less it will be able to change economic relations into political relations, but push too hard and a collapse could leave American troops on your border.

It's a delicate balancing act, and North Korea's nuclear test just makes it even more complicated for China.8-)

Frankly you can keep your soft line on north Korea, in private it is geopolitically beneficial for us and a pain in the a$$ for China's foreign policy.:-)

A nuclear NK on one hand reduces its security reliance on China, on the other hand also reduces the chance that China will be drawn into a war over the Koreas. Afterall, the goal of developing nuclear arms for Kim is for his own survival. Its existential threat still will remains to be S.K. and the US, as such China can afford taking politicially a harder line against N.K without it somehow turn against China. As long as it keeps the regime afloat economically, the status quote will remain. While there are alot of talks of a N.K. collapse, it remains to be nothing but wishful thinking.
LOL Believe me, i have nothing against China, much less S.Korea, Singapore or Japan. They are all nice/beautiful countries i have visited in the past with great people/food/culture/cuisine. :smitten:
However you talking about some delusional fantasy United EAST ASIA, got me laughing. It's like hearing/believing some Saudi's and Iranians calling for a united Middle East.:lol:

Don't get me wrong though, It MIGHT happen one day(maybe over a century or two from now), but definitely not in our(nor our children) lifetime. :agree: Dreams do come true one day though.:partay:

:-) Well everything begins with an idea. Soon folks in the region discovered that they have more in common than conflicts being tied together by their similar cultural heritages and history will come to their senses and work together.

And, and when that happened, the West will sound their TREPIDATION BELL all over because East Asia which happened be the abodes of some of the brightest people in the world will become an imaginary THREAT to them,.

In contemporary history, many of us remember the FOUR ASIAN TIGERS namely Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

:laugh: You really believe it won't happen or dread to think it may actually happen! Hahaha

Nothing is impossible in today world and China, like it or not will become the World Biggest Consumer Market and USA knew that. That is why US Obama and the neocons started the TPPA and he hopes to conclude it before he leave office.
:-) Well everything begins with an idea. Soon folks in the region discovered that they have more in common than conflicts being tied together by their similar cultural heritages and history will come to their senses and work together.

And, and when that happened, the West will sound their TREPIDATION BELL all over because East Asia which happened be the abodes of some of the brightest people in the world will become an imaginary THREAT to them,.

In contemporary history, many of us remember the FOUR ASIAN TIGERS namely Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

:laugh: You really believe it won't happen or dread to think it may actually happen! Hahaha

Nothing is impossible in today world and China, like it or not will become the World Biggest Consumer Market and USA knew that. That is why US Obama and the neocons started the TPPA and he hopes to conclude it before he leave office.

Your dream almost sounds like some sort of Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere :D

sure sure, nothing is impossible but what you propose isn't plausible. What an economic grouping by region that has no political connotations has to do with it is baffling.

Its about as likely as the US and Russia putting aside their differences and allying. Only truly existential threat could do that, and only temporarily.
Not sure who is waiting for what revenge. We won't know it until we see it. The looming revenge squarely lays on the US because it is just a foreign entity while we are here for millennia.

Once a truly independent state, China and Japan will complete the East Asian revival.

I LOVE this message, bro. East Asian Revival, yes ! I suppose the West fears this paradigm very much, as a unified East Asia will be the center of the world. Greater East Asia shall be feared, and respected! :)

LOL You are funny to say a militaristic right wing Japan will be more of a threat to the U.S than China. LOL That's a big joke. Everybody in the world knows Japan is China's main rival and enemy. Plus the enmity between both countries is as high(if not more) than the enmity between India and Pakistan.
It's for this reason that when Japan adopts laws/modifies it's constitution that allows it to act like a normal country, it's China(and to a lesser extent S.Korea ) that complains and whines about this to the international community not the U.S. lol

China: Japan Security Legislation a ‘Nightmare Scenario’ | The Diplomat
China calls Japan’s new security laws threat to regional peace – Asia Times
With a Few Words, Japan Escalates Its Standoff With China in the South China Sea | VICE News

The U.S is the one even pressuring Japan to modify it's constitution and play a more active military role in Asia. :agree:

US Backs Militarization Of Japan In Response To China - Business Insider

So as i said before, Japan should worry far more about the implications of the emergence of a militaristic right wing Japan and China's reaction to this. If ANYTHING THE U.S HAS BEEN A FORCE FOR PEACE AND STABILITY IN ASIA, WHICH HAS ENABLED EVEN COUNTRIES LIKE CHINA TO EMERGE/OPEN UP.:agree:

Finally you and Nihonjin sama should never forget the animosity that exists between China and Japan is farrrrr more than the animosity any western country has against China(much less Japan who is viewed very favorably here).:agree:
Japanese people hate China more than ever | China Daily Mail
Japanese People Hate China More Than Ever - China Real Time Report - WSJ


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So as i said to @Nihonjin1051 , go ahead and kick the U.S and militarize with your right wing parties a la Imperial Japan, and see how China will deal with you. They rae still waiting to avenge what you did to them during world war I and World II:D

Mike, what is the point of this post? It is as if it reveals your wish to see a bitter enmity between Japan and China ? Watch your colors, my friend, it is very bright and shows in the glimmer of the sun's rays. Careful with your words, my friend.
I LOVE this message, bro. East Asian Revival, yes ! I suppose the West fears this paradigm very much, as a unified East Asia will be the center of the world. Greater East Asia shall be feared, and respected! :)

Mike, what is the point of this post? It is as if it reveals your wish to see a bitter enmity between Japan and China ? Watch your colors, my friend, it is very bright and shows in the glimmer of the sun's rays. Careful with your words, my friend.

lol Which colours?? I'm merely stating facts. I already said several times on here that i don't sugar coat things, i say things the way they are. Reason some people are often uncomfortable with what i say,but it's the sad truth though. Geo politics is not some fairy tale game, it's an immoral game where there are no feelings but self/national interests.
All what i said are known facts. You as a diplomat might try to sugar coat things, but unfortunately reality is always different.
I don't wish any enmity between China and Japan(they already have enough between them). Why will i wish for trouble between both countries? It's not like i stand to gain anything from it, neither has Japan(much less China) ever done anything bad to me and my family/country. lol In fact i have been to both countries a few times, and had a great time there with my family. So why will i harbor any hatred against both countries?? Makes absolutely no sense.:disagree:

I'm a realist, not a day dreamer. When contributing in public forums like this one, we should keep our personal dreams/wishful thinking side, and analyse things the way they are, if not this forums will be full of peoples dreams and fairy tales. lol :angel:
However if you want me to sing some unrealistic praise about an Asian unity dream then i will do it for you bro. :cheers:
lol Which colours?? I'm merely stating facts. I already said several times on here that i don't sugar coat things, i say things the way they are. Reason some people are often uncomfortable with what i say,but it's the sad truth though. Geo politics is not some fairy tale game, it's an immoral game where there are no feelings but self/national interests.
All what i said are known facts. You as a diplomat might try to sugar coat things, but unfortunately reality is always different.
I don't wish any enmity between China and Japan(they already have enough between them). Why will i wish for trouble between both countries? It's not like i stand to gain anything from it, neither has Japan(much less China) ever done anything bad to me and my family/country. lol In fact i have been to both countries a few times, and had a great time there with my family. So why will i harbor any hatred against both countries?? Makes absolutely no sense.:disagree:

I'm a realist, not a day dreamer. When contributing in public forums like this one, we should keep our personal dreams/wishful thinking side, and analyse things the way they are, if not this forums will be full of peoples dreams and fairy tales. lol :angel:
However if you want me to sing some unrealistic praise about an Asian unity dream then i will do it for you bro. :cheers:

On the contrary, enmity between Japan and China is in the interest of the Western-led global order. In particular, the United States and the NATO alliance. Just being direct and frank with you, Mike.
On the contrary, enmity between Japan and China is in the interest of the Western-led global order. In particular, the United States and the NATO alliance. Just being direct and frank with you, Mike.

Well if you said U.S then YES obviously.
But U.K has no real interests in SCS issue, neither do we benefit anything whatsoever in dispute between China and Japan/Taiwan/Philippines etc. The U.K(just like Europe's other 2 powers France and Germany)all have no real interests at all in these issues and they couldn't really care less to be honest.

Its for this reason the U.K has been the most welcoming/open western partner of China, since we don;t see China as a threat at all despite what the U.S might say or do, we follow our interests first and foremost(as we have always done throughout history).
Interview: Tony Blair says Britain intends to be "best western partner" of China - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Cameron hails UK as 'best partner in west' as he signs £40bn China deal | Business | The Guardian
UK could be China’s ‘best Western partner’ - Global Times
UK could be China’s ‘best Western partner’ - Global Times

So on this one you are wrong. Every country has it'sown interests, U.K,France, U.S etc all have their own personal interests in some regions, but overall our interests do match in major global security issues though from Russia to the middle east etc. So we might be close/strong friends/allies but that doesn't means we always agree on every single thing.:enjoy:
Well if you said U.S then YES obviously.
But U.K has no real interests in SCS issue, neither do we benefit anything whatsoever in dispute between China and Japan/Taiwan/Philippines etc. The U.K(just like Europe's other 2 powers France and Germany)all have no real interests at all in these issues and they couldn't really care less to be honest.

Its for this reason the U.K has been the most welcoming/open western partner of China, since we don;t see China as a threat at all despite what the U.S might say or do, we follow our interests first and foremost(as we have always done throughout history).
Interview: Tony Blair says Britain intends to be "best western partner" of China - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Cameron hails UK as 'best partner in west' as he signs £40bn China deal | Business | The Guardian
UK could be China’s ‘best Western partner’ - Global Times
UK could be China’s ‘best Western partner’ - Global Times

So on this one you are wrong. Every country has it'sown interests, U.K,France, U.S etc all have their own personal interests in some regions, but overall our interests do match in major global security issues though from Russia to the middle east etc. So we might be close/strong friends/allies but that doesn't means we always agree on every single thing.:enjoy:

The UK is part of the NATO alliance, is she not? The UK supports the US in most if not all of her foreign policy directorates, does she not? This is why i say the Western led global order. I would caution you and other westerners to understand that tho Japan is in alliance with the US and the West, it is an alliance system that was imposed on Japan , by the conditions of the peace treaty. Japan, i am just being direct here without my usual pleasantries and political correctness (that i'm sure you're used to), tolerates US direction to an extent. Even with the recent change in constitutional directorates in JSDF's Proactive Self Defense, that does not necessarily mean Japan will enter a conflict to aid the west. Any and all conflict intervention is not a power exercised by the Prime Minister's Office, but one that requires the approval of both the Lower House (Shugiin) and the Upper House (Sangiin) of the National Diet. As well as with the approval of the Emperor. In fact without the consent of His Imperial Majesty, even resolutions made by the Shugiin and Sangiin -- technically-- cannot be implemented.

The Emperor -- since the end of the war -- has not exercised this Imperial Right recently -- however -- He is afforded that Power. Considering the supremacy of the Emperor, if His Imperial Visage sees to it that conflict is in contradiction to the interest of Japan, He can impress the entire Diet to re-consider. :)

I reiterate to you that a War in East Asia, a conflict where Japan is pitted against China, again, is in direct and total interest to Japan. The Emperor is particularly fond of China, and the current Crown Prince, Imperial Highness Prince Naruhito, himself, is a Sinologist and particularly fond of China. When He ascends the Chrysanthemum throne on the passing of The Emperor (may that be 10,000 years from now), relations between Japan and China will improve ever further.

Its for this reason the U.K has been the most welcoming/open western partner of China, since we don;t see China as a threat at all despite what the U.S might say or do, we follow our interests first and foremost(as we have always done throughout history).
Interview: Tony Blair says Britain intends to be "best western partner" of China - Xinhua | English.news.cn
Cameron hails UK as 'best partner in west' as he signs £40bn China deal | Business | The Guardian
UK could be China’s ‘best Western partner’ - Global Times
UK could be China’s ‘best Western partner’ - Global Times

Britain is an opportunistic player, my friend, long has your country been opportunistic. England will expect to follow the coattails of the US, yet under the same hand, will court China for financial assistance. A nation of deep skin and immense opportunism in mind. A shrews international player, by all means. :)
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