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South Korea stop all oil imports from Iran next month

how am i trolling im askaing a question , how can i know they are so popular in iran

you decide

here's their Persian website
تلفن همراه | SAMSUNG

also, troll, if you look at Iranian sports teams or stadiums, samsung is always sponsoring smtg. The billboards for their new phones are always everywhere and Iranians spend a fortune on their phones.

Turkey and Iran have similar living standards in case you didn't know.

then dont come to turkey again and go to iran , because you dont represent us , you are a false flagger i request a mod to change his flag
how am i trolling im askaing a question , how can i know they are so popular in iran

then dont come to turkey again and go to iran , because you dont represent us , you are a false flagger i request a mod to change his flag
So saying the truth makes him a false flagger? Are you insane? Iran has a higher human development index then Turkey. You weren't asking a question, you had a bad tone about you and you were trying to say that Iranians can't afford the phones or something.

List of countries by Human Development Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
That's the difference between you guys and us. You guys always have a king or a family representing you. With us, even if we have a dictatorship, the regimes are a representation of the ideas of a big minority/majority of people. AS far as dictatorships go, the Iranian regime is one of the most democratic dictatorships out there. Those who have a problem with the regime are concerned with the shria laws and the foreign hardcore Islamic laws forced on the nation.

Half of Iran died off, literally, when the English invaded Iran during the world war. In 1954 we lost our democracy because we were weak and couldn't defend ourselves from the Americans. Until 79 we had an American puppet, much like the ones we see across the Arab world, ruling us. Iranians know exactly who the enemy is.

And if you knew the Iranian-American history from 79 to now, you'd know that the past couple of years have been some of the brightest in the past 32 years. From not having any contact to direct one on one talks every other month. Obama has a very good offer ready for Iran but wants to be re-elected first so it doesn't get used against him by the Reblicans.

Anyhow, your crocodile tears aren't even based on reality, so spare us.

And what made you think our regime doesn't represent us?! It's funny how people decide how and what we think of!
And what made you think our regime doesn't represent us?! It's funny how people decide how and what we think of!
Read the first line. As I said, our dictatorships have a very democratic tone to them. They represent the ideas of a big minority/majority and as long as you are in line with those ideas and philosophies, you can engage in any political activity and discourse as a real democracy. In the arab world however, we can see certain families ruling entire nations (The Al Saud family in Saudi arabia and the Khalifas in Bahrain) or a man from certain religious minorities ruling an entire nation (saddam in Iraq or the current Syrian leadership).

The ideal goal for everyone is democracy in its real sense, but for now, at least to a good chunk of Iran, there is real democracy. For those who are in favour of an Islamic Republic, there really isn't anything they don't have in say, Canada. They can choose their leader every four years, from a wide array of Islamic parties, and they can choose their municipal and other local govt officials at regular intervals. But in the end, because the regime doesn't have time for people who oppose an Islamic Republic, it's known as a dictatorship. However, as I said, the struggle is between ideas, not who should rule based on their clan, ethnicity, family, money etc...

That's why to a very large extent, the regime is a big representation of the Iranian nation. That's why even I, a nationalist and an atheist, somewhat support this regime (or have come to support it), even though I would be shunned should I openly declare my views. This regime is still the voice of tens of millions of people and to a larger extent the voice of 79 million Iranians who know far too well who their real enemies are in this world: the Americans and British who massacred and killed off half the Iranian nation during the world wars and the people who chained the country to the ground till 79.
Oil is like Water, if you block its access in one area , it will go out from another. At some point if everyone wants to buy oil from KSA, KSA cannot supply to the whole world and neither can all the " other Middle East sources ". Unless there is a GLUT of oil, Iran will always have buyers for its oil. It is a ZERO SUM GAME.
Read the first line. As I said, our dictatorships have a very democratic tone to them. They represent the ideas of a big minority/majority and as long as you are in line with those ideas and philosophies, you can engage in any political activity and discourse as a real democracy. In the arab world however, we can see certain families ruling entire nations (The Al Saud family in Saudi arabia and the Khalifas in Bahrain) or a man from certain religious minorities ruling an entire nation (saddam in Iraq or the current Syrian leadership).

The ideal goal for everyone is democracy in its real sense, but for now, at least to a good chunk of Iran, there is real democracy. For those who are in favour of an Islamic Republic, there really isn't anything they don't have in say, Canada. They can choose their leader every four years, from a wide array of Islamic parties, and they can choose their municipal and other local govt officials at regular intervals. But in the end, because the regime doesn't have time for people who oppose an Islamic Republic, it's known as a dictatorship. However, as I said, the struggle is between ideas, not who should rule based on their clan, ethnicity, family, money etc...

That's why to a very large extent, the regime is a big representation of the Iranian nation. That's why even I, a nationalist and an atheist, somewhat support this regime (or have come to support it), even though I would be shunned should I openly declare my views. This regime is still the voice of tens of millions of people and to a larger extent the voice of 79 million Iranians who know far too well who their real enemies are in this world: the Americans and British who massacred and killed off half the Iranian nation during the world wars and the people who chained the country to the ground till 79.

The Iranian government is just like the Chinese government, they may not be flawless, but they are both the foundation of their own nation, so only the enemy would love to see them being destroyed.
i have to confess i know less about Muslim world
i have some Muslim friends who are Chinese Muslim.
they are all friendly
in fact i can't tell the difference from Shia and Sunni

one word i only say
why don't you try to solve the problem all by yourselves?
i mean kick out american power to solve the problem within your Muslim family.
so you are saying every iranian has the potential to buy expensive samsung products? samsung is going very strong especially withe new Samsung galaxy s3 and new tv range i think with google they will be growing alot

Iranians are not English refugees like you who can't afford a mobile or TV lol. Samsung does great business in Iran, even sponsor many events and have lots of franchises. As do KIA and Hyundai and many other Korean firms. So a Iranian boycott would hit them hard.

awww when kurds are mentioned you get touchy , worry about how they will die in the mountains and an average life of 5 years

Mr intelligence scores another own goal. Just shows your level of racism towards the Kurdish people. No wonder they want independence from racists like you.
Korea has no intention of stopping Iranian oil import, because it is tied to Korea's export to Iran.

What's happening is just a temporary suspension due to insurance issue. With no European insurer to buy tanker insurance from, Korean government must insure tankers in place of European insurers but this action requires a law to be passed.

The government is asking the parliament to pass the tanker insurance law, and the Iranian oil import will resume once the law is passed.
as United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, Australia,they always follows the US, no matter what US do, that's why I don't think JAPAN ,UK should be the Permanent member of the United Nations, if that, means US has 3 Tickets, and will make UN meaningless; if had to choose, I prefer INDIA to JAPAN into the Permanent Council of the United Nations
as United Kingdom, Japan, Korea, Australia,they always follows the US, no matter what US do, that's why I don't think JAPAN ,UK should be the Permanent member of the United Nations
Japan already passed the government insurance law. They will continue to import Iranian oil next month, and Korea will follow shortly when its insurance law is passed.

Iranians are always welcome to deliver oil to Korea via its own tankers in the meanwhile, the Korean refiners will take the oil.
@ anonymousposter

Who on earth could invade an advanced country like South Korea, if the U.S. wasn't "protecting" you?

like i said before, s. korea cannot match the combined might of n. korea and people's republic of china. few years ago, if i saw some korean kid post on the internet that China was S korea's enemy, i would have told him to STFU and stop being a troll. that was then and this is now. When N Korea sank S Korean warship and shelled artillery on S Korea, China supported her military ally.

Now, those ztz-99 and J-10s ARE advanced and they ARE powerful. few years ago i did t think opmuch of that fact, because i thought china and s korea were heading towards even stronger friendship. what i didnt know then was that people in very high places in beijing actually think like sinodefence and other trolls we see here on PDF. In other words, those ztz-99 and j-10s are meant to attack s korea in the event north korea sucks china into a second korean war.

sp to put it shortly, even though s. korea has become advanced today, so is china. and china is more than 20x bugger than s. korea and they are pointing their guns at us.

so in short, s. korea has no choice, but to strenghten relationship with United States, because in the event North Korea attacks, US marines will come running to bleed and die for her allies. As she has done so in 1950. and of course Turkey was also one of those noble and honorable nation that came running to save a poor and weak country in her desperate hour of need. korea has a long memory. we thought the times have changed, but it appears it has not. and in the end, we must be reminded as to who our true friends are.
korean, i wish you would change your ID. because you give korean people a bad name. just like sinochallenfer or whatever that guys name is give china a bad name.

you must be deluded if you think s. korea can take China solo. those chinese have so many people in that country, they can just over whelm is with sheer numbers. just like during the korean war.

i dont know where your unfound confidence comes from,
korean, i wish you would change your ID. because you give korean people a bad name. just like sinochallenfer or whatever that guys name is give china a bad name.

you must be deluded if you think s. korea can take China solo. those chinese have so many people in that country, they can just over whelm is with sheer numbers. just like during the korean war.

i dont know where your unfound confidence comes from,

he is not Korean.
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