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South Korea stop all oil imports from Iran next month

Was talking about kurds not Turks.
I don't understand; what do Kurds have to do with the fact that South Korea and Turkey suck up to the West?

But United States guarantees S Korea's safety

What an unfortunate thing to say. We should protect ourselves, the only thing America is protecting are American interests.
he can do nothing except accept the order from his father.

even india is a country that have potential to become a super power.
india holds the free to decide what should do on foreign affairs
but poor SK can't

something i thought that freedom for hatred is what South Korea be allowed to have
i send my sympathy to those poor South Koreans
to receive the hatred from Koreans is the responsibility for China as SK's big guy neighbor

come on south koreans ,throw your hatred at us as much as you like
It's like China hasn't joined the sanctions and curbed Iranian oil imports to it. So, according to your logic China and Russia who banned arms transfer to Iran are lapdogs of US?!

My frank and honest view about this is:

Iranian regime have caused enough bloodshed and sectarian wars in the region. They created proxies to destabilize ME countries in order to dominate them through taking advantage of Shea minorities whom They portray themselves as their motherland and defender. This will bring us to mention that there has never been a Shea vs Sunni rivalry before 1979. We all were looking at each other as brothers. In fact, the majority didn't know what was Shia or Sunni. All we knew was that we were all Muslim brothers. This regime took advantage of what it seemed an unbreakable brotherhood to spread her hegemony through adressing herself as the only true Islamic nation. As a result, and as you see here, many got impressed by her and blindly defend her agenda. As for us, it is crystal clear that this regime will not rest but to either fulfill his dreams of controlling ME or to get toppled by weakining them through stiff economic sanctions which seems invetable in hope Iranian people would rise and get rid of them by a rise rather than a war which will be devastating to ME and Iran in specific. Iranian people deserve a better life, a peaceful one. I hope Iranian people take the initiative before it gets worse for them and all.
It's like China hasn't joined the sanctions and curbed Iranian oil imports to it. So, according to your logic China and Russia who banned arms transfer to Iran are lapdogs of US?!

My frank and honest view about this is:

Iranian regime have caused enough bloodshed and sectarian wars in the region. They created proxies to destabilize ME countries in order to dominate them through taking advantage of Shea minorities whom They portray themselves as their motherland and defender. This will bring us to mention that there has never been a Shea vs Sunni rivalry before 1979. We all were looking at each other as brothers. In fact, the majority didn't know what was Shia or Sunni. All we knew was that we were all Muslim brothers. This regime took advantage of what it seemed an unbreakable brotherhood to spread her hegemony through adressing herself as the only true Islamic nation. As a result, and as you see here, many got impressed by her and blindly defend her agenda. As for us, it is crystal clear that this regime will not rest but to either fulfill his dreams of controlling ME or to get toppled by weakining them through stiff economic sanctions which seems invetable in hope Iranian people would rise and get rid of them by a rise rather than a war which will be devastating to ME and Iran in specific. Iranian people deserve a better life, a peaceful one. I hope Iranian people take the initiative before it gets worse for them and all.
man,wake up!wake up!
you were dreaming.
erdogan, there are actually a lot of people who would agree with you in Korea. of course, i disagree, but i am biased as i am korean american and believe a strnghtened korean american alliance is good for them and good for thr world.

those koreans who agree with you in korea are generally speaking, idealistic nationalists often of the leftist persuasion. aka north korean. we all know what kind of country those guys want to build. no thanks.

in 1953 korea was one of the most pitifully poor countries in the world. we koreans know all about being poor and proud. see, losers have a lot of pride, because they have absolutely nothing. all they have is pride. winners on the othehand dont give a sh17 about pride. because they have money. winners have money, because they are winners. winners can afford to be humble.

S. Korea is sick and tired of being a loser. I think Turkey is the same. Which is why the modern Turkey is an advanced country going forward in a region plagued with problems.

S Korea cannot match the combined military might of China and North Korea. That is a loser's game. And if S Korea does exactly what you recommend, S Korea will become losers and the only consolation she will be have is you on Pakistan Defence Forum saying,"Be Proud!"
so you are saying every iranian has the potential to buy expensive samsung products? samsung is going very strong especially withe new Samsung galaxy s3 and new tv range i think with google they will be growing alot

Time to send all their car and electronic manufacturers packing. We already have a few electronic manufacturers and we're making everything from smart phones to LCD and LED TVs. In the car department we're already golden. We can easily offset the whole thing by stopping all imports from that country. And the oil won't evaporate, it will find an end user eventually.

The victims here will be the KIAs and the SAMSUNGs who will lose a market of 80 million people (soon to be 100 million) and will have a heck of a hard time getting it back whenever they come back to town.
It's like China hasn't joined the sanctions and curbed Iranian oil imports to it. So, according to your logic China and Russia who banned arms transfer to Iran are lapdogs of US?!

My frank and honest view about this is:

Iranian regime have caused enough bloodshed and sectarian wars in the region. They created proxies to destabilize ME countries in order to dominate them through taking advantage of Shea minorities whom They portray themselves as their motherland and defender. This will bring us to mention that there has never been a Shea vs Sunni rivalry before 1979. We all were looking at each other as brothers. In fact, the majority didn't know what was Shia or Sunni. All we knew was that we were all Muslim brothers. This regime took advantage of what it seemed an unbreakable brotherhood to spread her hegemony through adressing herself as the only true Islamic nation. As a result, and as you see here, many got impressed by her and blindly defend her agenda. As for us, it is crystal clear that this regime will not rest but to either fulfill his dreams of controlling ME or to get toppled by weakining them through stiff economic sanctions which seems invetable in hope Iranian people would rise and get rid of them by a rise rather than a war which will be devastating to ME and Iran in specific. Iranian people deserve a better life, a peaceful one. I hope Iranian people take the initiative before it gets worse for them and all.

Your Iran paranoia reaches sky high,they have put the propaganda in your head in a way that you can't get it out for years.
The more you hate us,the more we become your nightmare.

WE\'ll make a ******* crater of Iran
Who are 'we' exactly?
Your Iran paranoia reaches sky high,they have put the propaganda in your head in a way that you can't get it out for years.
The more you hate us,the more we become your nightmare.

Who are 'we' exactly?
There is a difference between Iran and the regime. Iranian people don't deserve to be affected by those sanctions and pay for their regime suicidal external policy.
awww when kurds are mentioned you get touchy , worry about how they will die in the mountains and an average life of 5 years

I don't understand; what do Kurds have to do with the fact that South Korea and Turkey suck up to the West?

What an unfortunate thing to say. We should protect ourselves, the only thing America is protecting are American interests.
@ anonymousposter

Who on earth could invade an advanced country like South Korea, if the U.S. wasn't "protecting" you?
so you are saying every iranian has the potential to buy expensive samsung products? samsung is going very strong especially withe new Samsung galaxy s3 and new tv range i think with google they will be growing alot

you decide

here's their Persian website
تلفن همراه | SAMSUNG

also, troll, if you look at Iranian sports teams or stadiums, samsung is always sponsoring smtg. The billboards for their new phones are always everywhere and Iranians spend a fortune on their phones.
awww when kurds are mentioned you get touchy , worry about how they will die in the mountains and an average life of 5 years

I'm supporting the rights of everybody and don't give a **** about any government/state in the world.
There is a difference between Iran and the regime. Iranian people don't deserve to be affected by those sanctions and pay for their regime suicidal external policy.
That's the difference between you guys and us. You guys always have a king or a family representing you. With us, even if we have a dictatorship, the regimes are a representation of the ideas of a big minority/majority of people. AS far as dictatorships go, the Iranian regime is one of the most democratic dictatorships out there. Those who have a problem with the regime are concerned with the shria laws and the foreign hardcore Islamic laws forced on the nation.

Half of Iran died off, literally, when the English invaded Iran during the world war. In 1954 we lost our democracy because we were weak and couldn't defend ourselves from the Americans. Until 79 we had an American puppet, much like the ones we see across the Arab world, ruling us. Iranians know exactly who the enemy is.

And if you knew the Iranian-American history from 79 to now, you'd know that the past couple of years have been some of the brightest in the past 32 years. From not having any contact to direct one on one talks every other month. Obama has a very good offer ready for Iran but wants to be re-elected first so it doesn't get used against him by the Reblicans.

Anyhow, your crocodile tears aren't even based on reality, so spare us.
so you are saying every iranian has the potential to buy expensive samsung products? samsung is going very strong especially withe new Samsung galaxy s3 and new tv range i think with google they will be growing alot

Turkey and Iran have similar living standards in case you didn't know.
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