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South China Sea region property of the world: India

whats so surprising about chinese working for indians. it happens both ways in US, both work hard to earn money.
try not to get carried away with hatred

Well said. I guess, some of the posters who claim to be from China here, equate working for someone as being inferior to the one employing.

Such a very rudimentary and reprobate mentality.


You don't know the Chinese there, or anywhere, as well as I and I bet to differ.

You are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to mine. Mind you, I frequent the Caribbean every year; am an avid scuba diver. ;)

Many of your brothers work in the docks, many of them work for diving companies; many of them come from Guangzhou.

Lei ho ma, em goi. :smokin:
whats so surprising about chinese working for indians. it happens both ways in US, both work hard to earn money.
try not to get carried away with hatred

You don't know me well enough to accuse me that. In fact you can not find one post here that I made had derogatory remarks on Indians.

It's not Chinese that don't work for Indians. Chinese and Indian Diasporas rarely met outside of Asia. The few isolated locations where they come into contact the Chinese there are usually stick together and have there own businesses or they take care of each other.
You don't know me well enough to accuse me that. In fact you can not find one post here that I made had derogatory remarks on Indians.

It's not Chinese that don't work for Indians. Chinese and Indian Diasporas rarely met outside of Asia. The few isolated locations where they come into contact the Chinese there are usually stick together and have there own businesses or they take care of each other.

You are completely wrong on that one. I'm Singaporean and over here we have many Chinese and Indian Diaspora, both as students and white-collar professionals. Many work together in the same industry and companies. You are under the impression that all Chinese who leave China for other nations are business owners? Do u know 1/2 the bus-drivers in Singapore are from China and that in itself is a problem we are having in our country?
You don't know me well enough to accuse me that. In fact you can not find one post here that I made had derogatory remarks on Indians.

It's not Chinese that don't work for Indians. Chinese and Indian Diasporas rarely met outside of Asia. The few isolated locations where they come into contact the Chinese there are usually stick together and have there own businesses or they take care of each other.

more buf00nery. you obviously haven't heard of a strange land called US of A. chinese and indians commonly work for each other here
reminds me of a frog and his well
more buf00nery. you obviously haven't heard of a strange land called US of A. chinese and indians commonly work for each other here
reminds me of a frog and his well

In the United States, Indians and other South Asians dominate the medical field. In the ICU floor that I work in, 3 of the attending MDs are Indian. When it comes to medical field in the United States; the Indian or the Filipino are pronounced. And as a cardiologist, I will say that many graduates from Indian medical schools are pretty fine doctors.

We were talking about the Caribbean and outside of Asia.


Right now I'm in NYC and am going to here for a couple of months, so do I know the place you talking about or not? In NYC Chinese either work in their mom/pop operations or the younger one for American companies and the Indians are most in professional fields. The Indian town on Lexington Ave, where I buy my favorite curry, and Flushing have few stores.
That SCS has abundance of hydrocarbons is a well known fact and chinese grand claim stretching thousands of KMs away from mainland which it doesnt control is against UNCLOS .....

With Iran issue going on it SCS could be a balancing source of supply , China need to understand this and not provoke entire world ... buy oil from Vietnam,Philipines ,Brunei , etc with its cash rather than wage wars against these countries and try to snatch it away from them !

If China tries to snatch these oil rich scs islands it will only be a self defeating exercise for the chinese !!!

Right now I'm in NYC and am going to here for a couple of months, so do I know the place you talking about or not? In NYC Chinese either work in their mom/pop operations or the younger one for American companies and the Indians are most in professional fields. The Indian town on Lexington Ave, where I buy my favorite curry, and Flushing have few stores.

perhaps you haven't seen enough yet (a couple of months isn't enough by any measure). in any case sweeping statements as below are ridiculous at best.
worst come to worst they'll work for anyone but the Indians.

We were talking about the Caribbean and outside of Asia.


Right now I'm in NYC and am going to here for a couple of months, so do I know the place you talking about or not? In NYC Chinese either work in their mom/pop operations or the younger one for American companies and the Indians are most in professional fields. The Indian town on Lexington Ave, where I buy my favorite curry, and Flushing have few stores.

Request all to get back on to topic !!! :coffee:
perhaps you haven't seen enough yet. in any case sweeping statements as below are ridiculous at best.

Come on that was a little bantering with the good old doctor because he favors Indians so much and a little bias toward Chinese. If you feel offended I offer my apologies.

BTW I travel to NY for more than 15 years and stay 1/4 of the time.

Unlike you almost every post you made with China in it was negative and don't deny it!
Come on that was a little bantering with the good old doctor because he favors Indians so much and a little bias toward Chinese. If you feel offended I offer my apologies.

BTW I travel to NY for more than 15 years and stay 1/4 of the time.

Unlike you almost every post you made with China in it was negative and don't deny it!

Who said I favor Indians more than Chinese? Please, don't assume. I suggest we all get back to the topic.

Nei hao ma, Namaste and Asalam Alaikum to everyone here. Let's discuss without any personal insults, please.
Unlike you almost every post you made with China in it was negative and don't deny it!

more sweeping statements? since you've read every post of mine, would you mind giving me a percentage of negative and positive posts?

nevermind FM. back to topic as requested by Hawk
You are completely wrong on that one. I'm Singaporean and over here we have many Chinese and Indian Diaspora, both as students and white-collar professionals. Many work together in the same industry and companies. You are under the impression that all Chinese who leave China for other nations are business owners? Do u know 1/2 the bus-drivers in Singapore are from China and that in itself is a problem we are having in our country?

Singapore is a Cosmopolitan city and it is attracting people from all corners of the world. So it is not a surprise to see that white, indian, malay, chinese, arab etc all are working, eating, playing together here. BTW, last I read from somewhere in out local forum mentioning about one of our major public transport company is hiring about 20-30% of their bus drivers from China which may be doubtful.

jai - You have just demonstrated yourself the proper way to converse here. Hope you can keep it up for your own good.
You are completely wrong on that one. I'm Singaporean and over here we have many Chinese and Indian Diaspora, both as students and white-collar professionals. Many work together in the same industry and companies. You are under the impression that all Chinese who leave China for other nations are business owners? Do u know 1/2 the bus-drivers in Singapore are from China and that in itself is a problem we are having in our country?

No it's not I under the impression that the Chinese who left China recently are rich. It's you who under the impression that all Chinese Diasporas are from China recently. The fact is the ones who left China for the last 2 decades, except for Africa, account for only a very small percentage of all Chinese Diasporas. The original immigrants are doing very well world wide.

In the US, part of the new ones from China have relatives here so many have connections for jobs. The remaining are here on investment visas and they obviously have no problem of finding jobs. Singapore situation I'm not familiar so I defer to comment.
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