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South China Sea region property of the world: India

The USN 7th Fleet's 3rd Strike Group in military patrol in the South China Sea.

Is it CBG ? Already in SCS ???
Source please
Obama will pledge to increase America's military presence in the Asia-Pacific region when he begins Australia tour

Read more: South China Sea dispute: Obama to increase US military presence in Asia-Pacific region | Mail Online

US Navy to Station Ships in the South China Sea

Washington/Singapore. The US Navy says it will station several new coastal combat ships in Singapore and perhaps in the Philippines in coming years, moves likely to fuel China’s fears of being encircled and pressured in the South China Sea dispute.

Regional defense analysts said the ships were small, but agreed that the symbolism of the moves, which come after Washington announced it was increasing its engagement in Asia, would upset Beijing.

Last month the United States and Australia announced plans to deepen the US military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, with 2,500 US Marines operating out of a de facto base in Darwin in northern Australia.

In coming years, the US Navy will increasingly focus on the strategic “maritime crossroads” of the Asia-Pacific region, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert wrote in the December issue of Proceedings, published by the US Naval Institute.

He said the navy planned to “station several of our newest littoral combat ships at Singapore’s naval facility,” in addition to the Darwin plans announced by President Barack Obama.

“This will help the navy sustain its global forward posture with what may be a smaller number of ships and aircraft than today,” he wrote.

Littoral combat ships are shallow draft vessels that operate in coastal waters and can counter coastal mines, diesel submarines and small, fast, armed boats.

“If we put this into context, it’s a fairly small scale of deployment and the combat ships are relatively small vessels,” said Euan Graham, senior fellow in the Maritime Security Program at Singapore’s S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. “Encirclement is a phrase that does come up in Chinese debate about the US strategy. They won’t be happy about it, but there’s nothing much that they can do to stop it.”

Greenert wrote that the ships would focus on the South China Sea, conducting operations to counter piracy and trafficking, both of which are endemic in the area.

“Similarly, 2025 may see P-8A Poseidon aircraft or unmanned broad area maritime surveillance aerial vehicles periodically deploy to the Philippines or Thailand to help those nations with maritime domain awareness.”

The disputed ownership of the oil-rich reefs and islands in the South China Sea is one of the biggest security threats in Asia. The sea is claimed wholly or in part by China, Taiwan, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam and Brunei.

US Navy to Station Ships in the South China Sea | The Jakarta Globe

Conflict looms in South China Sea oil rush -US Navy Deploying Amphibious Assault Vessels

United States of America Empire expansion and using military force to confiscate natural resources.

When Lieutenant-General Juancho Sabban received an urgent phone call from an oil company saying two Chinese vessels were threatening to ram their survey ship, the Philippine commander’s message was clear: don’t move, we will come to the rescue.

Within hours, a Philippine surveillance plane, patrol ships and light attack aircraft arrived in the disputed area of Reed Bank in the South China Sea. By then the Chinese boats had left after chasing away the survey ship, Veritas Voyager, hired by U.K.-based Forum Energy Plc.

But the tension had become so great Forum Energy chief Ray Apostol wanted to halt two months of work in the area.

“They were so close to finishing their work. I told them to stay and finish the job,” Sabban, who heads the Western Command of the Philippine Armed Forces, told Reuters at his headquarters in Puerto Princesa on Palawan island.

Over the next few days, President Benigno Aquino would call an emergency cabinet meeting, file a formal protest with China, and send his defense secretary and armed forces chief to the Western Command in a show of strength….

“As Southeast Asian nations run to the U.S. for assistance, Beijing increasingly fears that America aims to encircle China militarily and diplomatically,” said Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt, Northeast Asia Director for the International Crisis Group. “Underlying all of these concerns is the potential that discoveries of oil and natural gas beneath the disputed sections of the South China Sea could fuel conflict.”

The area is thought to hold vast untapped reserves of oil and natural gas that could potentially place China, the Philippines, Vietnam and other claimant nations alongside the likes of Saudi Arabia, Russia and Qatar.

Manila is beefing up its tiny and outdated naval fleet and military bases, adding at least two Hamilton-class cutters this year and earmarking millions of dollars to expand its Ulugan Bay naval base in Palawan.

It’s no match for China’s fleet, the largest in Asia, which boasts 62 submarines, 13 destroyers and 65 frigates, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies.

China last month launched the fourth of its new 071 amphibious landing ships that are designed to quickly insert troops to trouble spots, disputed islands, for example.

The U.S. Navy has announced it will deploy its own new amphibious assault vessels, the Littoral Combat Ships, to the “maritime crossroads” of the Asia-Pacific theater, stationing them in Singapore and perhaps the Philippines.

Washington’s renewed presence in the Philippines, a former U.S. colony that voted to remove American naval and air bases 20 years ago, follows the U.S. announcement last year of plans to set up a Marine base in northern Australia and possibly station warships in Singapore.

Manila is talking about giving Washington more access to its ports and airfields to re-fuel and service U.S. warships and planes. The two countries will conduct war games off Palawan island in late March — focusing on how to deal with a takeover of an oil rig in the South China Sea….

China has warned oil companies not to explore in the disputed South China Sea, over which Beijing says it has “indisputable sovereignty.” Chinese ships have repeatedly harassed vessels that have tried.

After ExxonMobil discovered hydrocarbons off the coast of Danang in central Vietnam, an area also claimed by China, one of China’s most popular newspapers warned in October that nations involved in territorial disputes should “mentally prepare for the sounds of cannons” if they remain at loggerheads with Beijing.

Insight: Conflict looms in South China Sea oil rush | Reuters
Of course the South China Sea is World Territory, that is why United States Navy sends our guided missile destroyers to conduct military exercises there, frequently. lol.



US Naval Exercises in South China Sea.

On April 12, the USN sent a strike group to the South China Sea, in response, China has left 1 ship in the Scarborough Shoal facing off the 1 Philippine Coast Guard Ship. Their response to our presence was as expected. :)

I believe the USN would not stood this low of having a naval response to a situation involving only the Coast Guards in a fishing dispute.
Oh I am not familier with BIBLE. If someone slap you. First thing anyone would do is try to find why then he react in your case you are not physically challenged. It's plane allegation. You could have given him list of various UN indexes used to evaluate the country. But you didn't. So that make you incapable/ignorant to prove him wrong. Any ways you posted 3/5 post just of nothing. A good post with exact reply would have finish this in one post. Again you made the choice :D
As usual otherwise

if you're such nice guy..I will let you the hornor to prove him wrong...I have never claim to be saint or angel.
China certainly has alot of options agaisnt India...that's why you have received a warning :lol: and don't talk like your Navy as much superior than PLAN navy...we have 3 time of your military budjet....we certainly can afford a naval confrontation against Indian Navy...

as for your question What have u done so far tell me? As you will drill oil....we will wait for you to drill the oil then see..don't expect much from China to do aything now...

as for warning...at least you're warned...don't whine later that you didn'r receive any warning from China's warning department to official warned INDIA :D ..so basically you're warned.

Come on, superiority in numbers does not equate to military victory. The Ming Armies had far more superior numbers than the Manchu (Qing), however, still were defeated by the Qing forces.

Strategy wins wars, not numbers.
if you're such nice guy..I will let you the hornor to prove him wrong...I have never claim to be saint or angel.
When did I said I am a nice guy ? Thanks for letting me the "honour" to prove him wrong but how can I when I myself been never in China. All I know about china is through media. And media is not free in china. So you are the better Person to defende that argument plus it's your nation. I would have defiantly contributed in but I have a lot of negative information than positive. It's upto people of china like you to put forward the positive info before world. If you don't then how come anyone like me who read in free media would know is it wrong or right. Sometimes media is biased. So it was in the best interests of china that people like you speak but you skip that honour and intended to pass on to me. When you defiantly know I am of no help in that matter to you
Come on, superiority in numbers does not equate to military victory. The Ming Armies had far more superior numbers than the Manchu (Qing), however, still were defeated by the Qing forces.

Strategy wins wars, not numbers.

Since when I said superiority in numbers is the key winner??? I dont know which planet you live.

When did I said I am a nice guy ? Thanks for letting me the "honour" to prove him wrong but how can I when I myself been never in China. All I know about china is through media. And media is not free in china. So you are the better Person to defende that argument plus it's your nation. I would have defiantly contributed in but I have a lot of negative information than positive. It's upto people of china like you to put forward the positive info before world. If you don't then how come anyone like me who read in free media would know is it wrong or right. Sometimes media is biased. So it was in the best interests of china that people like you speak but you skip that honour and intended to pass on to me. When you defiantly know I am of no help in that matter to you

I never said that you're nice guy...I said if you're nice guy
Since when I said superiority in numbers is the key winner??? I dont know which planet you live.

I never said that you're nice guy...I said if you're nice guy
Great you replied to sarcasm but not to the question. Now I am really suspecting that you don't know anything about China yourself. And just imposing to be Chinese or you are not allowed to let that information out or last you are dum :)
Anyways be happy with your ways.
Great you replied to sarcasm but not to the question. Now I am really suspecting that you don't know anything about China yourself. And just imposing to be Chinese or you are not allowed to let that information out or last you are dum :)
Anyways be happy with your ways.

you can make any guess or specualtion you want about me...do i care???...and yes I'm dum enough to attract dumpest people such you to read my post and reply...LMAO
South China sea is a huge area. No one can claim even the crap out of it randomly.

And so shall it remain international waters. The 3rd and 7th US Fleets guarantee it will remain so. Any threats will be dealt with accordingly. $5 Trillion worth of US trade traverses the South China Sea. The USN's Pacific Command guarantees it will be free of any threats to American Strategic Interests.

you can make any guess or specualtion you want about me...do i care???...and yes I'm dum enough to attract dumpest people such you to read my post and reply...LMAO

....Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.
Abraham Lincoln


I believe the USN would not stood this low of having a naval response to a situation involving only the Coast Guards in a fishing dispute.

The presence of the American Strike Force is of strategic interest. The United States and the Philippines will be holding the Balikatan 2012 Military Exercises, which involves some 4,500 US soldiers and some 2,000-3,000 Filipino soldiers. Naval exercises will be operating in the Spratlys.

A Carrier Battle Group will be around the region, obviously.

Japanese Maritime Self Defense ships are also patrolling the SCS to support The USN's strike force sent to the aforementioned area.
One think U.S should keep in mind that both have alot of enemies to cozy with...US can bring as many ships as they want in SCS...as long as China's interest is unharm...otherwise we certainly return U.S compliments else where...

This world is big enough to play the "GO" game...China certainly will not be confine and contained...Nation rise...Nation fall...we shall witness who will prevail at the end of this century...19th century belong to England...20 belong to U.S...let see if U.S is good enought to dominate till the end of 21th century.
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