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South China Sea region property of the world: India

Dont flatter yourself...you guys had been under british rule for over 200 year... the treatement are not difference than those africans lived in Southern USA...until 1947.. I dont need to dig out all the shames that you guys had been passing through under British...you know your history better than me.

Even now...your so call world most populus democracy can only bring 1 meal per day for millions of India...mal nutriciou babies...you name its...Hell is even better place than India...LMAO

Except that this is 2012 and not 1947 - over six decades have passed since. We are a free nation - most Indians were not even around to remember what the British Raj was like except for the citizens in their 80s. You unfortunately are still like slaves in your country with no rights. I don't blame you for thinking such thoughts about Indian citizens as promoted by your state run media. Even the Soviets were made to believe that they were better off than the average American. Thankfully, the Soviet citizens saw through their government's lies and deceit but the Chinese are happy being ruled. It is probably a cultural thing.
Kiss the dragon,

History is history, yes, perhaps the people of the indigenous Indian kingdoms were forced under under the auspices of the British Empire to be a colony, however, the end result speaks for the character of India and the Indian people.

India walked away from her colonial quagmire as a unified country, independent of Britain, and united. Prior to British suzereignty, India was composed of different kingdoms with its own Raja.

India, in the present, has learned from its history, has has come out as a much stronger, multicultural, democracy. The growth and the aspirations of the Indian people and their potential for growth in this coming century is observable. Their ability to withstand some of the troubles in their borders, political ups and downs, speaks a lot for that country.

I have a lot of respect for the Republic of India and the people of India.
Dear Kiss of DragON
No country is perfect. Progress is a continuous process. We are proud to be Indian but we also don't back down from criticising our government policies if they are wrong. You challenged us on many issues we explain you those. We challenged you on few you go to our history. That's the difference between India and China. I don't intend to score a point but you aren't understanding it or not willing to
Except that this is 2012 and not 1947 - over six decades have passed since. We are a free nation - most Indians were not even around to remember what the British Raj was like except for the citizens in their 80s. You unfortunately are still like slaves in your country with no rights. I don't blame you for thinking such thoughts about Indian citizens as promoted by your state run media. Even the Soviets were made to believe that they were better off than the average American. Thankfully, the Soviet citizens saw through their government's lies and deceit but the Chinese are happy being ruled. It is probably a cultural thing.

Addendum: The USSR collapsed under the weight of her own military spending, all of her policies were in vain and nullified. In the end it collapsed into fragmented republics. Russia, in the present, is but a shadow of her former self. From communism back to oligarchy.

It is where a country where a president becomes a prime minister and president again. ;)
Addendum: The USSR collapsed under the weight of her own military spending, all of her policies were in vain and nullified. In the end it collapsed into fragmented republics. Russia, in the present, is but a shadow of her former self. From communism back to oligarchy.

It is where a country where a president becomes a prime minister and president again. ;)

Yea, I have no love lost for Russia either. In my opinion, even India is pretty much an oligarchy. But just look at China - whether it is their Emperor, the Japs, the Commies - whoever in their history - the people have never had rights. When not having free will and human rights in ingrained in your society's DNA structure, you tend to develop a social form of the Stockholm Syndrome - (perhaps the Shanghai Syndrome?) where you actually start believing in the superiority of your system whilst the rest of the civilized world laughs at you.
Dear Kiss of DragON
No country is perfect. Progress is a continuous process. We are proud to be Indian but we also don't back down from criticising our government policies if they are wrong. You challenged us on many issues we explain you those. We challenged you on few you go to our history. That's the difference between India and China. I don't intend to score a point but you aren't understanding it or not willing to

The reasons is due to the dichotomy of philosophical ideals, my friend. China has always been an autocratic society, as it never really had a successful democracy, albeit Taiwan is an independent case. Prior to the rise of the Chinese Communist Party, the civilization known as Cathay (China) has always been ruled by absolute autocracies. Part of their national character is the dynamic of dynastical changes; and each dynasty was ruled by ruthless monarchs who wielded absolute control. Any form of dissent was either crushed or inhibited. If dissent was not crushed, then the leaders of such forces would overpower the current dynasty and set up the new dynasty; this was considered and interpreted by the people as the "Will of Heaven".

India, as the birthplace of western civilization, is different. India has always had a concept of religious and philosophical tolerance. It is the birth place of many of the world's religion: Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism. The Hindus Valley civilizations influenced Persian civilization, which influenced Greek, which then itself influenced Roman, and from thence, it influenced the world.

Differentiate the Indian Emperor Chandra Gupta Maurya and Chinese Emperor Qin Huangdi. The former gave up his empire to become a wandering monk, and set out to live in peace. The latter, Qin, was a ruthless monarch who annihilated any form of dissent.

China has always had autocratic forms of government; from dynastical to communist. India, on the other hand, moved from indigenous rajanates to a parliamentary democracy.

India is a free nation; the people enjoy democratic rights. In China, not so. It is a society that promotes making money, but if one were to dissent against the government, then the consequences would be dire.

Ergo, Tienanmen Square.

Yea, I have no love lost for Russia either. In my opinion, even India is pretty much an oligarchy. But just look at China - whether it is their Emperor, the Japs, the Commies - whoever in their history - the people have never had rights. When not having free will and human rights in ingrained in your society's DNA structure, you tend to develop a social form of the Stockholm Syndrome - (perhaps the Shanghai Syndrome?) where you actually start believing in the superiority of your system whilst the rest of the civilized world laughs at you.

Well said, buddy.
China is falling right into American strategic plans. Isolation. As we speak, China's territorial pestering with ASEAN countries such as Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, has only led these countries to court American support. This correlates with our Naval Policy of reasserting hegemony over Asia-Pacific.

The more you bully these neighbors, the more isolated you will become. Naturally, to the detriment of your own interest.

@USAHawk785: Imagine this scenario.

The US succeed; the PRC collasped and a democratic ROC regain control over the whole of China.

Now, let us look at these historical facts:

1. The ROC(KMT) is an important ally of the US even before the start of the second world war.

2. The present day PRC claims in the SCS were inherited from the ROC.

3. The ROC have claims in the SCS before ASEAN even existed.

Now, a democratic ROC, also an important historical ally of the US, reassert China's claims in the SCS.

What do you think will be the response of the USA?
There is no such empty warning in political arena especially came from Chinese official...you Indian gorvernment received and very well the meaning of this warning...sure they're calculating what options available for China to retaliate and how much they're afford to lose...India just need to prepare to brace the collision impact.

LoL, okay. You scared me. I will now quickly visit Shenzen, Jieyang & Shanghai from tomorrow for 5 days :)

What do you think, people here are kids that you can get around with this childish attempts at utter nonsensical and immature responses?

By making such stupid comments, I assure you that you are doing the chinese people a mis-service because such shallow and immature posts reflect a kind of naiveity that is normally not a trait of the chinese.
@USAHawk785: Imagine this scenario.

The US succeed; the PRC collasped and a democratic ROC regain control over the whole of China.

Now, let us look at these historical facts:

1. The ROC(KMT) is an important ally of the US even before the start of the second world war.

2. The present day PRC claims in the SCS were inherited from the ROC.

3. The ROC have claims in the SCS before ASEAN even existed.

Now, a democratic ROC, also an important historical ally of the US, reassert China's claims in the SCS.

What do you think will be the response of the USA?

In this hypothetical scenario, in such an event where the United States, ROC, Japan, South Korean, NATO, the Philippines,, India and other non-nato allies had coordinated each other's armed forces to eradicating the PLA, PLAN, PLAAF, it would be have been necessitated that ROC would recognize that the SCS would be jointly explored and harvested by all parties.

The shear fact that the United States would have suffered extensive losses in the pursuit of eliminating the common foe would necessitate that the ROC recognize certain demands by the United States.
In this hypothetical scenario, in such an event where the United States, ROC, Japan, South Korean, NATO, the Philippines,, India and other non-nato allies had coordinated each other's armed forces to eradicating the PLA, PLAN, PLAAF, it would be have been necessitated that ROC would recognize that the SCS would be jointly explored and harvested by all parties.

The shear fact that the United States would have suffered extensive losses in the pursuit of eliminating the common foe would necessitate that the ROC recognize certain demands by the United States.

In this scenario; ROC is now a democracy. Any political party who is in power cannot iqnore the collective will of its people. If the ruling party relinquish China's historical claims; opposition parties will surely use this as an election issue to gain votes claiming that the ruling party is selling out China's national interest. In order to win elections and remain in power, the ruling party reassert China's claims. What do you think will be the US response?
In this scenario; ROC is now a democracy. Any political party who is in power cannot iqnore the collective will of its people. If the ruling party relinquish China's historical claims; opposition parties will surely use this as an election issue to gain votes claiming that the ruling party is selling out China's national interest. In order to win elections and remain in power, the ruling party reassert China's claims. What do you think will be the US response?

The United States would remind the current administration of the Republic of China of the sacrifices the United States of America and related allies in the defense of championing ROC interests in the past. ROC would be persuaded , in the light of building and fostering strategic friendly relations with ASEAN nations, with the Republic of India, ROK, Japan, and the United States.

To show to the world of ROC's dichotomy from the fallen PRC, which followed a more aggressive military policy with neighbors, would enact laws and treaties that would foster regional stability.

ROC's abiding of UNCLOS would be a strategic step in fostering regional cooperation. A joint ROC,ASEAN, and possible US, ROI venture in the SCS would foster regional as well as international stability.
Yea, I have no love lost for Russia either. In my opinion, even India is pretty much an oligarchy. But just look at China - whether it is their Emperor, the Japs, the Commies - whoever in their history - the people have never had rights. When not having free will and human rights in ingrained in your society's DNA structure, you tend to develop a social form of the Stockholm Syndrome - (perhaps the Shanghai Syndrome?) where you actually start believing in the superiority of your system whilst the rest of the civilized world laughs at you.

Quite frankly, their society has been a wee bit xenophobic, if you ask me. In their ancient thinking, anything outside of Zhongguo "the middle kingdom" is considered a barbaric and uncivilized society.

India, without even stepping inside of China had already conquered it. Buddhism, a religion that originated from India, had already influenced China culturally speaking. Mahayan Buddhism took root in East Asia (China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan), whereas Thervada Buddhism took root in South East Asia (Khmer Empire, Siam/Ayuthaya, Burma, Sri-Vijaya).

It is quite unhealthy to hold xenophobic attitudes, it should be banished especially in today's globalized society.
The United States would remind the current administration of the Republic of China of the sacrifices the United States of America and related allies in the defense of championing ROC interests in the past. ROC would be persuaded , in the light of building and fostering strategic friendly relations with ASEAN nations, with the Republic of India, ROK, Japan, and the United States.

To show to the world of ROC's dichotomy from the fallen PRC, which followed a more aggressive military policy with neighbors, would enact laws and treaties that would foster regional stability.

ROC's abiding of UNCLOS would be a strategic step in fostering regional cooperation. A joint ROC,ASEAN, and possible US, ROI venture in the SCS would foster regional as well as international stability.

In your scenairo, the US must have paid a high price for the destruction of the PLA, PLAAF & PLAN. I am afraid your scenairo would meant total war between the US & PRC. In such a scenairo, I am afraid our Earth may have landscape resembling that of Fallout 3. Our mother Earth cannot afford such a heavy price. I am thinking more along the line that China had an internal revolution and a democratic ROC inherited PLA, PLAAF & PLAN intact.
In your scenairo, the US must have paid a high price for the destruction of the PLA, PLAAF & PLAN. I am afraid your scenairo would meant total war between the US & PRC. In such a scenairo, I am afraid our Earth may have landscape resembling that of Fallout 3. Our mother Earth cannot afford such a heavy price. I am thinking more along the line that China had an internal revolution and a democratic ROC inherited PLA, PLAAF & PLAN intact.

The PRC is not capable of MAD , the United States would , if pressed to the brink, initiate a pre-emptive strike, rendering most if not all of PRC's military arm nill. Any subsequent nuclear launches from PRC to US strategic points would be shot down by our missile shield.

If , hypothetically speaking, some nuclear warheads hit mainland US, it would be minimal, and not enough to destroy the American Way of Life. The opposite would not hold true in the case of PRC.

PRC, would be, I'm afraid, be glassed in such a conflict. It would not be allowed to survive , as per American Nuclear Doctrine.
In your scenairo, the US must have paid a high price for the destruction of the PLA, PLAAF & PLAN. I am afraid your scenairo would meant total war between the US & PRC. In such a scenairo, I am afraid our Earth may have landscape resembling that of Fallout 3. Our mother Earth cannot afford such a heavy price. I am thinking more along the line that China had an internal revolution and a democratic ROC inherited PLA, PLAAF & PLAN intact.


Realistically speaking, the CCP leadership will not give up control of a functioning PLA, PLAAF, PLAN to the ROC.

In your scenairo, the US must have paid a high price for the destruction of the PLA, PLAAF & PLAN. I am afraid your scenairo would meant total war between the US & PRC. In such a scenairo, I am afraid our Earth may have landscape resembling that of Fallout 3. Our mother Earth cannot afford such a heavy price. I am thinking more along the line that China had an internal revolution and a democratic ROC inherited PLA, PLAAF & PLAN intact.

In the modern age, I don't think any country except very backwards ones can have a successful internal revolution. With the advent of information technology, tracking dangerous dissidents and crushing organized revolts has never been easier.
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