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South China Sea Forum

yes, yes ... I know that PRC has so many toys to play around.
But remember: sow the seeds and so get your fruits, it maybe feel high sweet at first, but can lead you to the bitter end.
Sow the seeds and so get your fruits, the same to Vietnam.

It's unnecessary to make a un-disputed islands whole controlled by China become the trouble between Vietnam and China, waste ur TIME and MONEY to challenge China sovereignty.
Sow the seeds and so get your fruits, the same to Vietnam.

It's unnecessary to make a un-disputed islands whole controlled by China become the trouble between Vietnam and China, waste ur TIME and MONEY to challenge China sovereignty.
Well, we paid little attention to the island until China claimed much of the SCS for itself. Things started to go sour after China showed the 9 dash-line map, remember?
Using nuclear weapon is always illegal. You are welcome to do so if you are ready to take punishments from the whole world. So much for a peac-loving country, bring nuke around to scare people. You are giving us reasons to develop or buy nuke of our own.
1,china will never use nuke against such a poor&weak country like yours .because a normal PLAN with full open fire enough to pull down your country.
2,if you think chinese are afraid of sanction,you just need to review Korean War.
3,and if the war between china and viet braek out,tell me which country will help you? uncle sam?do him have the courage to do it in china's gate.

China ever declared Senkaku belongs to Japan ?
I wonder when the Diaoyu name used ?
china ever declared your country belongs to china as a province.
Sow the seeds and so get your fruits, the same to Vietnam.

It's unnecessary to make a un-disputed islands whole controlled by China become the trouble between Vietnam and China, waste ur TIME and MONEY to challenge China sovereignty.
you admit that your govt is liar, so it's violated our sovereignty, we have right to defend our interest...
1,china will never use nuke against such a poor&weak country like yours .because a normal PLAN with full open fire enough to pull down your country.
2,if you think chinese are afraid of sanction,you just need to review Korean War.
3,and if the war between china and viet braek out,tell me which country will help you? uncle sam?do him have the courage to do it in china's gate.

china ever declared your country belongs to china as a province.
1. I just quoted another Chinese member, not that I think so. But even the US considered nuked Vietnam, why China will not.
2. The world at that time was divided 2 side communism and capitalism. China had half of the world to back them in the Korean War.
3. The US goes around the world to play police. What prevents them to join the war if Vietnam signs some military agreements with them? I think they are more than happy to give Vietnam weapons to fight China. Vietnamese dies, China weakens, America wins.
the Cairo Declaration need jap return diaoyu island and other island to china,do the jap carry out?
viet like use international law ?look, is the international law effective?
so be a soldier,gaining the territory always depand on a war,not depand on your mouth or a funny law.

1. I just quoted another Chinese member, not that I think so. But even the US considered nuked Vietnam, why China will not.
2. The world at that time was divided 2 side communism and capitalism. China had half of the world to back them in the Korean War.
3. The US goes around the world to play police. What prevents them to join the war if Vietnam signs some military agreements with them? I think they are more than happy to give Vietnam weapons to fight China. Vietnamese dies, China weakens, America wins.
the Soviet Union ever warn china that he will use nuke against china many times,and chinese never,surrender.
to china,most of chinese think many problem will be solved when china become more powerful,so we just need to wait.

by the way,if i were viet,i will choose join china to develop south sea,and give up some sovereignty for more investment.
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Even if we are backed up, we are still the one who fight and die. Just because somebody gives you a weapon, you have to go out and start a shoot out with the police? What kind of moron to do that, and to bilieve someone would do that?
Yes, so you admit we are the East Asia police enforcing our law in East Asia. You are nothing but a street criminal trying to scam and con. Outgunned, outnumbered and outsmarted by the police. Now you are busted by the law and punishment will be "Singapore style." :)
the Cairo Declaration need jap return diaoyu island and other island to china,do the jap carry out?
viet like use international law ?look, is the international law effective?
so be a soldier,gaining the territory always depand on a war,not depand on your mouth or a funny law.

the Soviet Union ever warn china that he will use nuke against china many times,and chinese never,surrender.
to china,most of chinese think many problem will be solved when china become more powerful,so we just need to wait.

by the way,if i were viet,i will choose join china to develop south sea,and give up some sovereignty for more investment.
Do you know about nuclear deterrence? You nuke me I nuke you. It keeps nations with nuclear weapons not use them freely.
CCCP warned China but she could not start a nuclear war with China while the US is watching. The threat level was so low that China could ignore it.

Give away some sovereignty, but how much? In the land border treaty, it is rumored that Vietnam lost over 200 km square and much more before the treaty was signed. China was too aggressive in the oil rig incident and it backfired
Currently there is no tension between Viet Nam and Phil. We have just played tug of war, soccer, and volleyball on our island:p:

As for the Paracel islands; I can assure you that 99% of our tension/animosity toward China is because of this island chain. If China agrees to return just a few of those Paracel islands back to Viet Nam; that is a HUGE boost in normalizing relation between the two countries back to pre-1974 :enjoy:
We don't believe this sport game will hide the true tension behind VN/PH . It is just a show to demonstrate unity but hardly any dispute is solved between the two. Until you do, we will respond.

As for Parcel island, we said we will accept negotiation and resolve through peaceful mean. Cooperation is needed from Vietnamese side. If you are friendly with our strategic goal and interest, anything is possible for us. These little rocks and reefs are only meant for us to protect our shipping route and monitor the US activity.
Yes, so you admit we are the East Asia police enforcing our law in East Asia. You are nothing but a street criminal trying to scam and con. Outgunned, outnumbered and outsmarted by the police. Now you are busted by the law and punishment will be "Singapore style." :)
If China is a police, then she is a corrupted one. The kind of police go bully street rats and extort them for money. You talk about laws yet China refuses to go to court with Philipine. And stop twisting my word around. The US may be the world police, but only the UN court decides who is the criminal.
i did not read anything in this thread but just wanted to post this gif, you can guess which one represents those barking annam dogs
Well that was easy. A big fat guy who provoked first then started kicking the shit out of other people. He even had more people on his side. Does it not look like China and Vietnam now?
welcome new comer, not welcome new spammer.
1. your leader never say about nuke like you. To me, Chinese still poor, just pretend to be rich.
Don't allow big GDP lured you, GDP should be counted to Apple, Foxconn, ...
2. Let' review PRC ROC 1958, then you understand many things
3. Not so naive to think Vietnam depends much on outside help. That's not Vietnamese essence.
It's Our men and women will live or die for our country.

1,china will never use nuke against such a poor&weak country like yours .because a normal PLAN with full open fire enough to pull down your country.
2,if you think chinese are afraid of sanction,you just need to review Korean War.
3,and if the war between china and viet braek out,tell me which country will help you? uncle sam?do him have the courage to do it in china's gate.

china ever declared your country belongs to china as a province.
welcome new comer, not welcome new spammer.
1. your leader never say about nuke like you. To me, Chinese still poor, just pretend to be rich.
Don't allow big GDP lured you, GDP should be counted to Apple, Foxconn, ...
2. Let' review PRC ROC 1958, then you understand many things
3. Not so naive to think Vietnam depends much on outside help. That's not Vietnamese essence.
It's Our men and women will live or die for our country.
Agreed. Whether it's Russian or American weapon, or even homemade arms, as long as Vietnam has a mean to fight, we fight to the end.
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