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and chinas maps are ?

UN not standing against china ..
they said prove it that it yours...
chines now have to submit their so called MAPS .....
it will be a g8 fun ....
if UN is joke .. china is one of 5 jokers .. is it like that?

protect your interest not at cost of others
you wil reported fo r abusive lang

shall i call japanese by that for you then ,..

now this is joke

Japanese never colonized whole China proper. They had control in a few cities for less than a decade but were ultimately defeated by CCP. India on the other hand...you know the rest.

All the reasons for rejection the court of the chinese, that is just sophistry.

Simply, chinese does not have any evidence to prove their baseless claim in SCS.

Perhaps before a death, Chiang Kai Shek did not tell CCP that why he drawn "11 dash line map" :lol:

Your thinking is too simplistic my Vietnamese friend.
Nothing change unless we have to decoy the chinese into a trap, such as "Battle of Bach Dang River", then killing at least half of their troops. ONLY that case, they accept to abandon the idea of invading Vietnam.
Talking about justice with the chinese that is just wasting your time.
I disagree, talking about justice is the only to prevent bloodshed and destruction. Chinese posters here believe in brute force and law of the jungle. That's why they are going around showing ships and planes. But then, their leadership cries when the US jumps in, calling the US "intimidating" the poor helpless Chinese. Bullies always fear to things: a bigger bully or a weaker foe with strong argument and his pack of friends. We can't be a bigger bully so we will have to be the one backed by sounded justice and other fair-minded nations.
Strongly agree with you.

China has only big mouth :shout:. The historical evidences are not on their side. So, they are very afraid of the international court.

This is a Chinese map published by the Shanghai Publishing House, in the Qing Dynasty.

On the map, Where is the Paracel Islands, Spratly Islands? Where is so-called "nine dotted line"?


You have been told countless time that this map is NOT even a full map of China.
Why are you keep posting this, why are you keep forgetting things?
if phipines are swine
shall i call Japanese then they will tell you what you are..shall i call tokyo
note: sorry chinese member this guy is out of control
Japanese and Chinese share similar DNA haplo. Japanese acknowledged that it learnt and borrowed a lot from Chinese culture.
You have been told countless time that this map is NOT a full map of China.
Why are you keep posting this map, why are you keep forgetting things?

This is how some Vietnamese work. I worked there for two years and understand them quite well.

It is very simple that you the chinese big mouth can not given any evidence for chinese baseless claim "nine dotted line" in SCS.
I'm wrong?
I am not here to educate you my friend.
You have been told countless time that this map is NOT even a full map of China.
Why are you keep posting this, why are you keep forgetting things?

It is not full chinese map until in 1947, when Chiang Kai Shek inserted "11 dash map"? :omghaha:

I am not here to educate you my friend.

You are not qualified to educate me, unless it's your reason to flee.
I right?
I understand it, simply because you are a chinese.
You are not qualified to educate me, unless it's your reason to flee.
I right?
I understand it, simply because you are a chinese.

You wrong, I did not flee. You guessed I am Chinese because my flag is Chinese--simply brilliant. Imagine if Vietnam had one million of you, how can Vietnam not be a hegemon of the world?
I disagree, talking about justice is the only to prevent bloodshed and destruction. Chinese posters here believe in brute force and law of the jungle. That's why they are going around showing ships and planes. But then, their leadership cries when the US jumps in, calling the US "intimidating" the poor helpless Chinese. Bullies always fear to things: a bigger bully or a weaker foe with strong argument and his pack of friends. We can't be a bigger bully so we will have to be the one backed by sounded justice and other fair-minded nations.

Our ancestors had a way to deal with Han chinese, that is to decoy them into a trap, then kill haft of them.
Please study our great victories before the chinese invasion, you will see that.

Perhaps VN now is a province of china, just like East Tukistan or Tibet ... if our ancestors just sit and wait for international justice.
You wrong, I did not flee. You guessed I am Chinese because my flag is Chinese--simply brilliant. Imagine if Vietnam had one million of you, how can Vietnam not be a hegemon of the world?

What I need here that is an evidence for chinese claim "9 dotted line", not the so-called hegemonic the world in your dream.

Do not break your dreams, to be honest, it is a far fetched dream.

I'm not even taking about Chiang nor the 11 dash map, I'm talking about the map you posted which can't be the proof of your argument.

You want to say that the chinese map published by your ancestors, it is waste paper if without "9 dotted line", which was just inserted in 1947?
Our ancestors had a way to deal with Han chinese, that is to decoy them into a trap, then kill haft of them.
Please study our great victories before the chinese invasion, you will see that.

Perhaps VN now is a province of china, just like East Tukistan or Tibet ... if our ancestors just sit and wait for international justice.
But the world has changed and certain international rules are accepted and abide by all civilized nations. If it were the old days, China would have attacked Vietnam already, not lying and having the shills to defend them all over the internet.
and do you know what your fellow countryman talk about this incident?
"Vietnamese is invader, they attack us first, we didn't do anything, it's their fault, i repeat that we didn't ram their ship, they attack us first"
Vietnam did start this incident. China will end it should Vietnam keep harrassing Chinese boats.

Japanese ships against ship from Honkong

And this is a Chinese ship ramming Japanese Coast Guard ship.

See any similarity with this one?

We are trying to get away from you. The only obvious course is to expand trade with Japan, ASEAN, India, and the US. Attrition warfare is our specialty; that is what won over ancient China, the France, and the US. China is not a good neighbor. Vietnam wants to be friend with you but it seems like PRC doesn't need friends. You are right, China is so big and so powerful that it can go up against the world. Even the Russians are really cautious with China. Who has to right mind to immediately after signing the gas agreement to suggest Russia open border to Chinese workers to "populate" Siberia?
Self defense on China's part. Vietnam is the aggressor. They started this incident.
Vietnam did start this incident. China will end it should Vietnam keep harrassing Chinese boats.
Funny, China started it by invading the Paracel in 1974, and did it again this year by sending the rig into our territorial water.

China did the same thing, harassing the US ship in its claimed territorial water, several years ago: Navy Sends Destroyer to Protect Surveillance Ship After Incident in South China Sea. Maybe I should have cried that the US was doing self-defense like you back then.
But the world has changed and certain international rules are accepted and abide by all civilized nations. If it were the old days, China would have attacked Vietnam already, not lying and having the shills to defend them all over the internet.

I think nothing change. Kill at least half of their troops, That's the only way.

As you know, after killing 4, most of the illegal chinese labors fled Vietnam. Earlier, many Vietnam papers has repeatedly condemned the illegal chinese labors flooding of VN, but nothing changed.

Do not waste your time to talk right-wrong with the chinese, my fellows.
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