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South China Sea Forum

China is clearly a coward for backing out in the international tribunal. They want to settle the issue by bullying and brute force not through the peaceful means of arbitration based on international law. They are trying to deceive the world by claiming excessive territories based on their own flimsy historical accounts. China knows their deceitful claim could not win in international arbitration and obviously, would not want to participate to lose. Especially because if it lose the case to the Philippines, it will automatically lose to the other claimants.
A thief accuse the owner of stealing, hehe.

The "coward" PLAN is there, where is "brave" Philippine?
UN court is a joke.
in fact the UN is a joke
China always using historical claim. This is the 20th century, you can use history but to claim what is you thought was yours before is totally BS. War changes the face of the earth many times. Unless China wanted to start one, then let it be and hope China will be the same after that.

That is why nations need international laws to follow.

A thief accuse the owner of stealing, hehe.

The "coward" PLAN is there, where is "brave" Philippine?
Philippine claims are based on UNCLOS stupid dimwit. Historical records not recognized by the international community remains a fiction.. wake up...go to school and let your mind evolve... you're just too fed up by your Commie government.
if you stop a car on a runway when an airplane is taking off, you will get crushed so dont blame it on the plane.
a boat is easier to turn, accelerate and decelerate while a moving ship cannot. It clearly shows boats were playing hookie with ship so they get a hickey.
But if the airplane takes off in the highway and crush the car there, then the airpane is to blame. Even Chinese media report that Chinese ships chase Vietnamese ships around, so it's not like Vietnam ships stop in front of Chinese ships to be rammed, ok?

Also you must understand that while a boat is easier to manuver, its engine is much weaker than the steel ship 5 times its size. In the clip, you can see that there was another Chinese ship chasing another Vietnam boat to the left of the sunken boat, blocking its left manuver. Also in the original clip with sound, there were no sound or any means of warning before Chinese ship rammed Vietnam boat.

And to think that a few days ago China lied with a bold face: Vietnam boat tried to ram Chinese ship and sunk.
But if the airplane takes off in the highway and crush the car there, then the airpane is to blame. Even Chinese media report that Chinese ships chase Vietnamese ships around, so it's not like Vietnam ships stop in front of Chinese ships to be rammed, ok?

Also you must understand that while a boat is easier to manuver, its engine is much weaker than the steel ship 5 times its size. In the clip, you can see that there was another Chinese ship chasing another Vietnam boat to the left of the sunken boat, blocking its left manuver. Also in the original clip with sound, there were no sound or any means of warning before Chinese ship rammed Vietnam boat.

And to think that a few days ago China lied with a bold face: Vietnam boat tried to ram Chinese ship and sunk.

boat could have moved, boats accelerate much quicker than a ship, those boats intentionally stopped in front of the ship, yes ship is to be blamed to because they didnt stop...simply put they were both trying to bully each other and both are to be blamed
This shoddy pinoy journalism is getting basic facts wrong and really isn't capable of articulating the legal issues behind this dispute. For something marginally more informative:
Court hands China 6 month deadline in Philippines maritime case - FT.com

The Permanent Court of Arbitration is one of several bodies that arbitrates cases related to the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (Unclos). While China is a signatory, it says South China Sea disputes are exempted because of a 2006 declaration it made to the UN.

The tribunal cannot determine sovereignty of the islands, shoals, reefs and rocks in the South China Sea at the centre of disputes involving China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei.

This dispute is completely beyond the jurisdiction of the Hague-based PCA, which isn't even related to the UN or its subordinate institutions like the ICJ. OP's article must have been fact-checked by a monkey or something.
These tribunals mean nothing to the big powers of the World. USA does what it pleases, even if it goes against the UN, and now China is starting to learn from the US that you use the UN, when it pleases you. China will keep salami slicing and making new facts on the ground to take what they want in SCS. Only way they can be stopped is US willing to go into an all out war with China to stop them, and even then, USA is not guaranteed to be victorious in stopping China in their back yard. USA definitely won't do this to protect Vietnamese or Philipines rights and most probably not Japan's either. USA can only talk a good fight and an Asian pivot, but they lack the resources and political will to take on China in their homecourt. Vietnam and Philipines need to comprehend the paradigm shift in World power and geopolitics and start getting behind the superpower you live next to and not the one thousands of miles away. The rest of Asia, bar Japan and India, understand this. I'm afraid Vietnam and Philipines will be the countries made an example of when the Dragon finally decides to show its teeth.
Well a twisted mind can't think right. China brought this upon themselves and now the Philippines is being blamed for putting things in the right perspective and the proper forum like a civilized country should do.

Ambiguity about the extent of China’s maritime claims in the South China Sea has been a key source of concern in this dispute. In the 1990s, China issued a series of domestic laws detailing its maritime claims under the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, including 12 nautical mile territorial seas and 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zones (EEZ). Nevertheless, Chinese maps continue to contain a “nine-dashed line” around the South China Sea. The line first appeared on an official map produced by the Republic of China in 1947. After 1949, China continued to use the line on its official maps, but never defined what the line included or excluded.
boat could have moved, boats accelerate much quicker than a ship, those boats intentionally stopped in front of the ship, yes ship is to be blamed to because they didnt stop...simply put they were both trying to bully each other and both are to be blamed
I think the boat was maintaining speed, compared to the other 2 ships on its left. It was either the fishermen did not expect the Chinese would ram that hard or the Chinese ship accelerated before they could react and manuver. You know, our fishermen are mostly family business. They receive no school in operating a boat so slow reaction time may be understandable.
Don't cry, babby-sitter.

Hehe, you think you are smarter than me? loser country.
A country with a very strong military challenges a country with a very weak one, and makes it look like it is the one being aggrieved. This is the best display of cowardice in the history of mankind. Bravo China, for adding another shame to your own existence and for showing the world your true colors!
A country with a very strong military challenges a country with a very weak one, and makes it look like it is the one being aggrieved. This is the best display of cowardice in the history of mankind. Bravo China, for adding another shame to your own existence and for showing the world your true colors!

Phillipines have been colonized for eons by Spanish, Chinese, now Americans. You should get used to it by now.
UN court is a joke.
in fact the UN is a joke

why??? Just because UN is disagreeing with China????? if UN today agreed with china then you'll kiss the knee of the UN you know.... Dude you're a joke , don't make no more jokes k..
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UN court is a joke.
in fact the UN is a joke
and chinas maps are ?

why??? Just because UN is standing against China????? if UN today agreed with china then you'll kiss the knee of the UN you know.... Dude you're a joke , don't make no more jokes k..
UN not standing against china ..
they said prove it that it yours...
chines now have to submit their so called MAPS .....
it will be a g8 fun ....
if UN is joke .. china is one of 5 jokers .. is it like that?

we join the organization to protect our interrest. not to obey stupid rules.
you just $hit of $wine.
protect your interest not at cost of others
you wil reported fo r abusive lang

Phillipines have been colonized for eons by Spanish, Chinese, now Americans. You should get used to it by now.
shall i call japanese by that for you then ,..

China is part of P5. It may be a joke, it allows P5 members to be above international laws.
now this is joke
Phillipines have been colonized for eons by Spanish, Chinese, now Americans. You should get used to it by now.
Look who’s talking, China the bully provoking smaller neighbors for her vague territorial claims that fails in accordance with international laws. If you claim those islands/reefs as yours, FIGHT for it DIPLOMATICALLY in UN court.
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