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South China Sea Forum

Whatever military actions by Vietnam Navy in South China Sea, is a WAR signal for China. And it will be a new threat to other East Asia and South-east Asia nations.

Whatever Vietnam Navy will do in South China Sea, is a unnecessary provocation to China. In South-east Asia the Vientam is the only one close to China land border.
You sound so confident that the one firing the first shot would be Vietnam while all the evidences we have until now is that Chinese harassed, rammed, and sunk Vietnamese boats. Vietnam has shown remarkable restraint under Chinese's constant assaults. This line from Chinese media is like a scene from a bully constantly hitting a poor student while yelling "don't hit me, don't hit me, you don' dare hit me," while his supporters are telling the class that "the poor student is about to hit the bully, the poor student is about to hit the bully, everyone please side with the bully when that happens."
We set 1 mile but due to your uncooperative nature and harassment of our property, we increased to 3nm ensuring safety of the rig workers. Didn't you boast and posted pictures of your boat come close to our rig? What happen now, my friend? LOL

If that happened outside of 3nm ( ie. 8-10nm ) from the Oil Rig, now what ?
You sound so confident that the one firing the first shot would be Vietnam while all the evidences we have until now is that Chinese harassed, rammed, and sunk Vietnamese boats. Vietnam has shown remarkable restraint under Chinese's constant assaults. This line from Chinese media is like a scene from a bully constantly hitting a poor student while yelling "don't hit me, don't hit me, you don' dare hit me," while his supporters are telling the class that "the poor student is about to hit the bully, the poor student is about to hit the bully, everyone please side with the bully when that happens."
Less bullsh!t, more strength.
Court hands China 6 month deadline in Philippines maritime case

An international court has given China six months to respond to legal claims by the Philippines regarding disputes between the countries over the South China Sea.

The Philippines in March presented a 4,000-page “memorial” to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, asking the tribunal to invalidate the “nine-dash line” – a demarcation on Chinese maps that includes much of the South China Sea and suggests that China claims most of the waters.

Court hands China 6 month deadline in Philippines maritime case - FT.com
you are a moron as you resort to aggression. You think you are BIG and Vietnam is SMALL. therefore you want to dictate.

you could have parts or whole of Paracels to get Vietnam as well as international recognition if you negotiated with Vietnam.
But NO, you rather seek violence.

China is BIG and Vietnam is SMALL. And we are dictating you. Why should we negotiate with a small power like Vietnam that has nothing to hurt us.
Good job,next time we should use a gun to sink viet boats.
Is gunnery next on the PLAN's training syllabus ? Come to think of it, is gunnery next on the PLAAF's training syllabus as well ? First, it was a PLAAF fighter pilot who rammed a lumbering four engines prop jobber American plane, now the PLAN uses its ship to ram its opponent. What is Chinese for: 'Ramming speed...!!!' :lol:
China does not deserve to be next super power because these kind of act..totally terrorising other nations..They have a make right environment in this region.
If that happened outside of 3nm ( ie. 8-10nm ) from the Oil Rig, now what ?
There is not enough neutral independent source to verify your claim. This is the main problem with you Vietnamese. Your government is employing an international smear campaign to pain us as the aggressor and you as the victim when in fact, it is you who instigated everything when we clearly warned you to stay away and cooperate until we remove the rig in August.
Is gunnery next on the PLAN's training syllabus ? Come to think of it, is gunnery next on the PLAAF's training syllabus as well ? First, it was a PLAAF fighter pilot who rammed a lumbering four engines prop jobber American plane, now the PLAN uses its ship to ram its opponent. What is Chinese for: 'Ramming speed...!!!' :lol:

Guns are more than enough to sink Vietnamese ships. Guns were enough for us to defeat the US in Korea.

China does not deserve to be next super power because these kind of act..totally terrorising other nations..They have a make right environment in this region.

Obviously you have to 'deserve' it to be a 'superpower' :lol:
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China does not deserve to be next super power because these kind of act..totally terrorising other nations..They have a make right environment in this region.

We don't want to become a so-called super power。It is just not in our blood playing the role of a world police。

The US is welcome to keep the “honour” for as long as it pleases or can afford。

When ready, India is also welcome to take up the baton。

We just want what is rightfully ours。:D
4500-tonne CCG 1401 official induction today 05.06.2014


More to come,a lot more。:azn:
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