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money is just a part of the equation.

answer yourself this question: why do America and Japan support Vietnam in this conflict?

errr...perhaps because they need a dumb free cannon folder, Eienstein?

Gee, I once thought that Vietnamese avg IQ is about 95, was I wrong?

You are stupid and idiot . There is part of full Vietnam's map, its stated clearly in Chinese character that Hoang Sa (Paracel in English, 黃沙 translated in to Chinese ) and Van Ly Truong Sa ( Spratly in English, 萬里 長沙 translated in to Chinese) is part of Vietnam territory in old map of Vietnam..

When you can't understand Chinese, shut up !

Yes, genius. but didn't you realise that the both the characters and pronunciations you presented in your own ancient map to supposely prove your cause is in fact the standard Chinese? :rofl:

Here is is full map of Vietnam

Chinese are very curel and dishonest...

So if that is true, then I suppose that when the Chinese catch you one day they would live-skin you like a dog first before making a universally accepted excuse about it?
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So if that is true, then I suppose that when the Chinese catch you one day they would live-skin you like a dog first before making a universally accepted excuse about it?

I suppose that Japan with US help will catch you one day they would enslaving you chinese live-skin you like a dog first before making a universally accepted excuse about it?
How cute! The men and the women there are still wearing Bruce Lee-style sun glasses.

how can you say it ? or lie, many type of glasses exist in the world . Hongkong people protested against mainland China too.:smokin:
And Chinese goverment should do the same. Stop calling vietnam as "good friend", "good neighbour", "good comrade" "good partner" bullshit. We all feel disgusting about it

China said it from long time. so chinese are liar.

Desperate Vietcong beg Sri Lanka for help just like they beg anyone and got the shaft.

Now the have to resort to misquotes (on purpose) to create this delusion of a united front of "allies against China" that never agreed. Barking, provoking and whining. Thats all they do all day.

But fake news is a well received source of pride and fodder for their inferioritycomplex, for some certain nations in our neighborhood. They just love to take stupid Vietnamese propaganda for real.
Considering Taiping island is 2000 km away from Taiwan, Vietnam should take preemptive surprise strike at this island to take back what belongs to us. Our Son Ca island is a new nautical miles away from Taiping so we can send our special forces (who can easily swim 20 km) to land on Taiping for the operation while we pound Taiping with our EXTRA rocket. Our Flankers and the Su-22 would have complete air dominance over this island so there is little hope that Taiwan can do anything. Once we take back Taiping, we will put our SAMs on it to fortify our position. I'm all for advocating a military strike on Taiwan to take back our dao Thai Binh that the Chinese stole from us.
Take it easy guys.

Probably the old bugger has no idea what he just said. PM is not a post that is taken seriously in SL. He was just appointed for being an old member of the party unfortunately. Both China and Vietnam are friendly towards Sri Lanka and Sri Lanka doesn't intend to take sides here.
Would they intentionally misquote something that would be diplomatic disaster?? Highly unlikely bro.. Whats more likely is this idiot would have actually stated that

But then again glad that the official stance of SL is now being iterated.. Both Vietnam and China have been steadfast allies against imperialism and seperatism
SL does not have the same history dealing with these backstabbing like China does. you will see this pattern developing as you deal with them more
Without China's help, SL would never be able to eliminate Tamil Tiger. This is a very ungrateful move

Don't buy it too hard. Sri Lanka has to save both faces. China is Sri Lanka's friend and so does Vietnam to certain extent. I do not think our leaders are foolish enough to meddle with Sino-Vietnamese affairs.

Sri Lanka is a friend of China. Even if they believe Vietnam is in the right, the smart move would be to keep quiet and stay behind the scenes. This is most unusual and disappointing.

For once I believe our leaders aren't foolish and realized that this statement has been given by our dear P.M.

In Sri Lanka he has become a joker for what he says and do. Now he has gone to another level to defame his country.

that comes from Sri Lanka’s Ministry of External Affairs.
can you quote from the Prime Minister office?


Don't take our PM's words too seriously he is a village idiot.
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US- Japan-PH alliance is forming. Maybe VN will join to. Who know?

Vietnam is already part of the American's Asia Pivot. The same years the American started the Asia Pivot, coincidentally Japan, Vietnam and Philippine all started up these dispute problem. If Vietnam and Philippine think they can get an upper hand on China because they are a pawn in American's Asia Pivot, they need to think again. If China is to be responsible and credible to itself and its people then it must stand strong and be resolve against Vietnam and Philippine scheme. Vietnam and Philippine might be winning their little PR campaign because of the western media's bias, but China will not back down and will win.

For Japan, the dispute Diaoyu islands was in total control by it and China didn't mine leaving it that way for future generations to solve. However Japan, believing it got a stronger hand after joining American's Asia Pivot, nationalized those islands. China responds back and create an ADIZ over those islands and now patrols around those islands regularly with its ship. Result, Japan have less control of it then before.

For Philippine,fishermen from both China and Philippine were able to fish around Scarborough Shoal peaceful before, but after Philippine joined the Asia Pivot and send it biggest American-gifted Naval warship against Chinese fishermen there, things changed. Philippine pushed China and China shoveled back. China send unarmed patrols ships to the shoal and forced Philippines warship to flee. Result, Philippine totally lost control of the Shoal and now their fishermen can't even go fish there.

For Vietnam, it unilaterally tried to drill oil on disputed sea by itself and involving BP and India's OVL. China indirectlly told BP and OVL off. BP stopped and India's OVL ran off with its tail between it legs. Vietnam pushed China and now China is shoveling back. Result, China is sending its own Oil Rig to explore and drill for oil.

In all three cases, Japan , Philippine and Vietnam gained nothing by joining American's Asia Pivot other than western media's phony sympathies, but they will lose a lot in the future.
and regardless what SL's PM might or might not have said, China regard SL as a friend and vice versa. No amount of Vietnam lies will damage their ties.
To be fair.. In all honesty he would have actually state that.. But the 80+ year old senile fool is well known to shoot his own leg.. Sadly this is the caliber of some of the politicians they have.. Now the authorities will have to run around like headless chickens to clarify things..Thats how they run the banana republic of Sri Lanka

Agree with you here wholeheartedly. :cheers:
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