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South China Sea Forum

3. Go read UNCLOS regarding EEZ. It does not matter whether a country is archipelago nation or not. EEZ will apply to any territory that can "sustain life on its own". Paracel fits this description. In 1998 agreement, we settle this with UNCLOS already and was given an EEZ. Stop wasting my time to argue whether Paracel has its own EEZ. If Haiwaii archipelego has an EEZ, then Parcel deserves to have one. That the end of the talk. I'm sorry, my friend. Our American friends are free to discuss this with us over legal term.


Article 121. Regime of islands

1. An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide.

2. Except as provided for in paragraph 3, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of an island are determined in accordance with the provisions of this Convention applicable to other land territory.

3. Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.

The oil rig being 18nm from ZhongJian is still within our contiguous zone.

The Five Archipelagic Sovereign States
BUT! Japan is not, yet they dictate EEZ for all their islands. Japan is just one example. :D

Vietnam's hypothetical EEZ claim (in green) if they control Paracel & Spratly. Is Vietnam a archipelagic state too? :lol:

EEZ Waters Of Viet Nam
I hope to see this VN-PH alliance :woot:. The world can call it the "dream team"!
not a bad idea.

Vietnam can establish a Vietnamese led military alliance in SEA:

we start with Laos and the Phillippines.
the we encourage Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei to join the alliance.
the final step is to convice Thailand and Burma.

only a regional united front can stop your aggression.

then Vietnam negotiates a military alliance with other great powers: Russia, Japan and America.

that is what Vietnam needs: a multilayered defence.
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Article 121. Regime of islands

1. An island is a naturally formed area of land, surrounded by water, which is above water at high tide.

2. Except as provided for in paragraph 3, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of an island are determined in accordance with the provisions of this Convention applicable to other land territory.

3. Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have no exclusive economic zone or continental shelf.

The oil rig being 18nm from ZhongJian is still within our contiguous zone.

The Five Archipelagic Sovereign States
BUT! Japan is not, yet they dictate EEZ for all their islands. Japan is just one example. :D

Vietnam's hypothetical EEZ claim (in green) if they control Paracel & Spratly. Is Vietnam a archipelagic state too? :lol:

EEZ Waters Of Viet Nam

Hoang Sa is Island of Vietnam. occupation of China whit force is illegal. China is sea pirate country.
For more detailed video of the news below:

Historic ASEAN Summit to be held in Myanmar

The 24th ASEAN summit is set to be a landmark in the history of the association of nations, with Myanmar acting as host for the first time. But tensions in the country threaten to cloud Myanmar’s hopes of using Sunday’s ASEAN summit as a coming-out celebration.

From once perceived as an isolated country, Myanmar has come a long way in reforming its political situation

And this, the 24th ASEAN summit, that starts with the meeting of the member country’s foreign ministers , is Myanmar’s first chance to show that it is ready…

to fully participate in the association of nations, that is also one of its’ fierce supporter

The country is also hoping to use the momentum of this chairmanship to further reforms in the country

Ye Htut, Myanmar presidential spokesman, said, "We have the more confident in our process (to reform) now, all the, even the different stakeholders are working to fulfil the ASEAN Summit chairmanship. So we want to bring this cooperation to the future reform process."

But this historic moment is potentially clouded by the events that transpired here…the south china sea..

Where tensions are running high after China, Vietnam and the Philippines were involved in a series of serious incidents at the disputed territory.

Marty Natalegawa, Indonesian foreign minister, said, "A quite substantive part of our discussion was on the South China Sea but as I said before not reflecting division, on the contrary reflecting our sense of common purpose. I think I said ministers were united in one thing to respond collectively the recent developments, expressing their concern and calling for exercise of restraint"
not a bad idea.

Vietnam can establish a Vietnamese led military alliance in SEA:

we start with Laos and the Phillippines.
the we encourage Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Brunei to join the alliance.
the final step is to convice Thailand and Burma.

Wow! Dai Viet strong!

(P.S. Remember to wash your bedsheets today).

Sri Lanka has always maintained official neutrality regarding China-Vietnam disputes.

It makes no sense that they would suddenly make such a leap in their position. And they have clarified as such.
This OIL RIG 981 in our EEZ, next OIL RIGs would be in our Beach
This OIL RIG 981 in our EEZ, next OIL RIGs would be in our Beach

Do something about if you think their oil rig in your beach, now you make Vietnam look weak for crying outloud. Bomb the rig and start a war with China.

Sri Lanka has always maintained official neutrality regarding China-Vietnam disputes.

It makes no sense that they would suddenly make such a leap in their position. And they have clarified as such.

Pakistan totally and whole heartedly supports the Chinese stance on SCS dispute... :china::china::china::pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:
Do something about if you think their oil rig in your beach, now you make Vietnam look weak for crying outloud. Bomb the rig and start a war with China.
I told you already. Pls give us some toys then we are ready

- a fleet of nuclear subs (6)
- a fleet of destroyers (6)
- a squadron of F-35 (12)
- nuclear umbrella
- delivering of weapons and providing political backing

by the way, it is the nationalistic Global times who calls for a war against Vietnam (teach a lesson).
Hoang Sa is Island of Vietnam. occupation of China whit force is illegal. China is sea pirate country.
read this.

chinese goverment claim in1958



 (三)一切外国飞机和军用船舶,未经中华人民共和国政府的许可,不得进入中国的领海和领海上空。   任何外国船舶在中国领海航行,必须遵守中华人民共和国政府的有关法令。

and Vietnamese goverment already accept that at that time
there is no nine dashed line at that time, there is no agreement for anything under lat 17 because both china and North Vietnam agreed in 1954 the control right below lat 17 belong to South Vietnam. all related to early recognization of 12nm of territorial water from coast. fully comply with later unclos 1982
vietnam made the letter as china was fearing the US use Taiwan as 1st step to their mainland at that time
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