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South China Sea Forum

1. You did killed their men and stole "their" island, who knows what will really happened if China isn't involved in this game;
2. Your history proofs even proofed that those islands aren't even yours, you people abandoned Hanji and messed up your own historical record and mistakes "Chinese islands" as "yours";
3,4. Maybe not for Vietnam, but the Philippines.

1) Proof for this? Where and when did we kill Filipino soldiers?
2) Since you are not taking things seriously, I don't have to answer these trolling, provoking, nonsense and meaningless words.
3+4) It's your personal idea. We don't care what you think.
They are not "considering other's EEZ as their 'Chinese water'", they are having "a different size of EEZ". If you know what I mean.

The United Nations asks for respect for all nations' sovereignty yet also tell you that human rights should be over sovereignty. Isn't it a contradiction? Well that's how the game run.

No, I don't know what you mean clearly. From what I understand, you mean that China don't respect and obey International Laws. They reward themselves the right not to obey the contract they signed for.

And I don't know that chinese guys have some kind of 'human right', since they are not allowed to use google, and some other interesting sites that can let the people know what their governments are hiding from them.
You lack knowledge of basic facts.

Google still has a decent market share in China, though far behind Baidu of course.

So, when I was there, why couldn't I access google?
I just did the google search and it says that not only google cn but all other languages like google com. google co uk... are all banned.
Googe's market in china is due to android stuffs.
Again. Never rely on Russia. They are arms dealers. They sell guns. Support us? They just don't care. The only thing they care is we buy guns from them, that's all.

I'm afraid your friend, in his state of utter desperation, is simply not as lucid as you. His solution is for Vietnam to throw its dignity out the window like the Philippines and court anyone with a gun, something the cheapest escort on the street would do. The relationship between Russia and China is like two seasoned business parters. A business partner would never through away a business relationship with a longtime partner for the sake of an escort, even a very pretty escort.
1) Proof for this? Where and when did we kill Filipino soldiers?
2) Since you are not taking things seriously, I don't have to answer these trolling, provoking, nonsense and meaningless words.
3+4) It's your personal idea. We don't care what you think.

1. My mistake, it was southern Vietnamese soldiers killed by the northerners. And I was talking about Southwest Cay;
2. So impolite, ask @Viet your fellow here who can proves me that I am the most goddamn serious member in this fourm.
Check your own book 《大南一統志》Đại Nam nhất thống chí:


Comparing the coordinates, sharp and location of the islands, Vietnam's 東沙 and 萬里長沙 are obviously not China's 西沙 and 南沙.

Vietnamese 黃沙 & 萬里 長沙 are located in the central coast of Vietnam, it has nothing related to Spratly & Paracels, Their descriptions of the environments, latitude, terrain and the description in historic data are totally different.

In fact the real Chu nom of Hoàng Sa is 壩葛鐄, not 黃沙.

“海中有一長沙, 名壩葛鐄, 約長四百里, 闊二十里, 卓立海中。自大佔海門至沙榮, 每西南風, 則諸國商舶內行漂泊在此; 東北風,外行亦漂泊在此, 並皆飢死。貨物各置其處。阮氏每年冬季月持船十八隻,來此取貨, 多得金銀、錢幣、銃彈等物。”

Besides they were not fishermen, they are scholars, navigators, officers and soliders.

3,4 Killing Moro people for hundreds year obviously isn't my personal idea.

Keep the thread on topic.

Oops, sorry, I don't mind if you delete all the off-topic posts here.
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will the Russians accept chinese hegemony in Asia?
I don´t think so.
Chinese are greedy, they will try to get back their "lost" land to Russia.

Russia Navy opened fire for warning on Chinese ships when they invaded in to water of Russia territory. cowardice Chinese.
Vietnamese 黃沙 & 萬里 長沙 are located in the central coast of Vietnam, it has nothing related to Spratly & Paracels, Their descriptions of the environments, latitude, terrain and the description in historic data are totally different.

Islands is closer to our mainland in map to demonstration that Islands is part of Vietnam.

NO, we expect Russia to support our stance. that is very important. If Russia supports our stance, we will win the game. very simple. If not, that is very serious problem for us. If Russia stays neutral, everything is not lost.

I am sure, the next hours and days will decide the future of the SC Sea. that is a very high stakes game. But one is sure, Vietnam will never back down.

This is an example of a truly greedy Vietcong. Doesn't want to support Russia on the Crimea issue but expect Russia to support your poor jungle? What next? Want uncle Sam to support you guys but don't want to let them use your soil and rape your women?
Islands is closer to our mainland in map to demonstration that Islands is part of Vietnam.


I fully agree. :tup:

And Vietnam is closer to Chinese mainland in map to demonstration that Vietnam is part of China.

And you are closer to moron in deed to demonstration that you are part of morons, too? :lol:
1. My mistake, it was southern Vietnamese soldiers killed by the northerners. And I was talking about Southwest Cay;
2. So impolite, ask @Viet your fellow here who can proves me that I am the most goddamn serious member in this fourm.
Check your own book 《大南一統志》Đại Nam nhất thống chí:


Comparing the coordinates, sharp and location of the islands, Vietnam's 東沙 and 萬里長沙 are obviously not China's 西沙 and 南沙.

Vietnamese 黃沙 & 萬里 長沙 are located in the central coast of Vietnam, it has nothing related to Spratly & Paracels, Their descriptions of the environments, latitude, terrain and the description in historic data are totally different.

In fact the real Chu nom of Hoàng Sa is 壩葛鐄, not 黃沙.

“海中有一長沙, 名壩葛鐄, 約長四百里, 闊二十里, 卓立海中。自大佔海門至沙榮, 每西南風, 則諸國商舶內行漂泊在此; 東北風,外行亦漂泊在此, 並皆飢死。貨物各置其處。阮氏每年冬季月持船十八隻,來此取貨, 多得金銀、錢幣、銃彈等物。”

Besides they were not fishermen, they are scholars, navigators, officers and soliders.

3,4 Killing Moro people for hundreds year obviously isn't my personal idea.

Oops, sorry, I don't mind if you delete all the off-topic posts here.

1) So, stick with the topic, CHINA VIOLATES INTERNATIONAL LAWS and that's all
2) There are many other names for Hoang Sa; Bai Cat Vang, Con Vang.
You have to compare them to other evidences.
The islands that are located in the central coast of Vietnam actually have civilian who live there. Our Authorities created Paracel Naval Team and North Sea Naval Team from men who live in those islands. These teams were ordered to administrate the Paracels (because there were no civilian there), exploit resources, taking remains from sunk ships... It takes 3 days 3 nights to go to Paracels from their islands if they go continuously (without resting).
See 'Phu Bien Tap Luc' from Le Quy Don. You should do the google search yourself since I'm not allowed to post links yet.

The Paracel is seemly located near the shore is due to our old and bad techniques. See how things go when we use our new technique:


I'm not yet mentioning about evidences that say 'The distance from Vietnam Coast to Vietnam's Paracel is approximately equal to the distance from China's Hainan to Vietnam's Paracel'

Besides, scholars, navigators, officers and soliders are just at the fishermen level, not the authorities level. Even the fishermen still have no action that are related to claiming sovereignty. Are the any words from your kings or their representatives about claiming sovereignty? Don't tell me fishermen and stuffs were also kings' representatives, it's not gonna work at all.

3+4) It's yours. Ask Filipino here do they think like that?

Islands is closer to our mainland in map to demonstration that Islands is part of Vietnam.

If you don't know something, keep silence and let's the other who knows about that issue talk. Things never go like that
I would be very appreciate if you don't act like the chinese: making false statements.
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NO, we expect Russia to support our stance. that is very important. If Russia supports our stance, we will win the game. very simple. If not, that is very serious problem for us. If Russia stays neutral, everything is not lost.

I am sure, the next hours and days will decide the future of the SC Sea. that is a very high stakes game. But one is sure, Vietnam will never back down.

Are you naive? Do you have $30 billion to give Russian? :lol: Why Russian wants to support Vietnam to go against China?

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