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South China Sea Forum

A map of China 1904:

The Han-Chinese map published by Shanghai Publishing House in 1904 was created across nearly two decades (1708 – 1904), from the Kangxi Emperor who ruled China from 1661 – 1722 to the Guangxu Emperor from 1875 to 1908, says Dr. Mai Hong, former head of the Library of the Institute for the Study of Chinese and Demotic Scripts and Cultures.

Dr. Mai Hong, who bought the map in 1977, adds that this map will provide some helpful evidence that helps Vietnam get more active in resolving disputes with China over the ownership of the two islands in the East Sea.

According to Pham Hoang Quan, a local researcher on Han-Chinese and Demotic Scripts, the map’s accuracy in terms of longitude and latitude is nearly on par with modern maps.

“This map, measuring 115cm long and 140cm wide, was made by experts at the Observatory of the Qing Dynasty, so it can be considered official,” Quan says.

A Map of Vietnam 1834:

“Đại Nam nhất thống toàn đồ” (A map of Vietnam made in 1834 that claims Hoang Sa and Truong Sa are Vietnam’s territory). Source: Ban Do (Map) Publishing House. Photo by Viet Dung
Senator Webb: China’s Military and Governmental Expansion into South China Sea May Be a “Violation of International Law”

Calls on State Department to Clarify Situation

July 25, 2012

Washington, DC—Senator Jim Webb, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations East Asian and Pacific Affairs Subcommittee, today said China’s recent actions to unilaterally assert control of disputed territories in the South China Sea may be a violation of international law. He urged the U.S. State Department to clarify this situation with China and report back to Congress.

Senator Webb: China’s Military and Governmental Expansion into South China Sea May Be a “Violation of International Law”
We've already discussed the 1904 map. It is merely one of over 34 maps in the collection. It is a partial representation of China's territory. You have to look at all 34 maps.
It is a very weak argument. The map shows clearly that the paracel and spratly islands did not belong to China at least in 1904 unless the map is a fake version. The map will avoid unecessary argument between China and Vietnam about the sovereignty of these islands.

It will be very good if you can show all 34 maps and the time the maps were published.

Congratulations to the new city of Sansha and wish you peace and prosperous.

A good move by China to tell the crybabies above they can not always get what they want. There's no need for international recognitions to build your own city, I don't think.

Does every chinese on these board are stupid or uneducated of these international laws
They sounds like barbarians from ancient times that learns the internet to me :lol:

Oh god I wonder what will happen to Singapore if you are the president :rofl:
Does every chinese on these board are stupid or uneducated of these international laws
They sounds like barbarians from ancient times that learns the internet to me :lol:

Oh god I wonder what will happen to Singapore if you are the president :rofl:

You are like a freaking ghost murmuring and belittling China and Chinese in every thread without any substantiation. You only make your country looks bad if you have nothing better to contribute. This is an international forum, for Christ sake, at least make an effort to look smart.

Who wants to be a president now a days after Aquino put such a bad name in that office.
You are like a freaking ghost murmuring and belittling China and Chinese in every thread without any substantiation. You only make your country looks bad if you have nothing better to contribute. This is an international forum, for Christ sake, at least make an effort to look smart.

Who wants to be a president now a days after Aquino put such a bad name in that office.

Oh the irony~ (How about check your other post smartguy :blah:)

Last time I check there were no(maybe a few 1 or 2) chinese here who is repectable enough
How about try to check every thread of your chinese friend and look how they ridicule the other nation
How do you know if the U.S. is willing to protect your country? It's easy. Look out the window.

The Vietnamese, Filipinos, and Gambit keep claiming the United States will intervene if China starts shooting in the South China Sea. I say hogwash. The U.S. couldn't care less in 1974 when China squashed U.S. ally South Vietnam at the Paracel Islands.

Furthermore, Secretary of State Clinton has explicitly stated the U.S. has no territorial claims in the South China Sea and will remain neutral.

Finally, it is easy to know if the U.S. will militarily support your country. Just look out the window and check for American-flown F-16 fighters and soldiers on your military bases.

Poland will have American F-16 fighter jets and support personnel on its soil at the start of 2013 (see citation below). Can Vietnam or the Philippines make the same claim?

Poland and Georgia sent troops to Afghanistan to support the U.S. military. Can Vietnam or the Philippines make the same claim? If not, what does that tell you about the likelihood of U.S. help for Vietnam or the Philippines?


US to station forces in Poland for first time

"US to station forces in Poland for first time
by Staff Writers
Washington (AFP) July 25, 2012

The Pentagon said Wednesday it plans to send a US air force detachment to Poland to support fighter jets and transport planes, marking the first time that US soldiers have been stationed there.

The announcement was made at the end of talks between US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and his Polish counterpart Tomasz Siemoniak.

The detachment "will arrive this fall to support quarterly F-16 and C-130 deployments beginning in 2013 and will be the first US forces stationed on Polish soil," Pentagon spokesman George Little said in a statement.

"The arrival of this detachment will mark a new step forward in the relationship between United States and Poland and enable closer military cooperation."

US F-16 fighter jets and Hercules transport aircraft are to be deployed in Poland on a rotating basis as of next year, the statement said.

The ministers also discussed Poland's contribution to the international force in Afghanistan, where nearly 2,500 Polish troops are stationed in the eastern province of Ghazni, and Warsaw's participation in NATO missile defense.

Poland and Romania are each expected to host a ballistic missile interceptor site by 2018. Turkey is to host an early warning radar system."
you guys should rename this thread as "Paracel island pics" to reflect its true content.
Border disputes in China


China has more neighbours than any country in the world, bordering on 14 other countries. Only the European Union, taken as a whole, has more bordering countries.

With so many fences to keep up, a few disputes can be expected. Here are a few from recent years.


Two regions are claimed by both India and China. Aksai Chin is in the disputed territory of Kashmir, at the junction of Pakistan, Tibet and India. India claims the 38,000-square-kilometre territory, currently administered by China.

Arunachal Pradesh is a state of India in the country's northeast, bordering on Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and China. Though it is under Indian administration, China calls the 90,000-square-kilometre area South Tibet.


A dispute involving three islands on the rivers that form the border between China and Russia was resolved in October 2004, in a manner King Solomon would have been proud of.

Each of the islands – Bol'shoi Ussuriiskii Island and Tarabarov Island at the juncture of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, near Khabarovsk, Russia, and Bol'shoi Island on the Argun River – was split 50-50, with half of the territory going to each country.

The uninhabited islands had symbolic importance in the control over the rivers.


The Senkaku Islands are five unpopulated islands in the East China Sea with a total are of seven square kilometres. They are under Japanese control and are considered part of the Japanese Southwest Islands, but the People's Republic of China and Taiwan each claim them as well, calling them the Diaoyutai Islands and Diaoyu Islands, respectively.

In March 2004, a group of seven Chinese activists landed on one of the islands. The Japanese government arrested them for illegal entry and deported them back to China.


The People's Republic of China claims Taiwan, but it is administered by the Republic of China.


The Government of Tibet in Exile claims not only the Tibet Autonomous Region under the control of China, but also Qinghai province and parts of surrounding provinces. Tibet in Exile calls the Chinese control of Tibet an illegitimate occupation.

Other disputes

Portions of China's western border with Tajikistan haven't been defined.

A section of the boundary between China and North Korea in the Baitou Mountain area is indefinite.

The Paracel Islands in the South China Sea are administered by China, but claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan. There is also a dispute between China and Vietnam over the maritime boundaries in the Gulf of Tonkin.

The rich fishing rights and possible oil reserves of the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea are claimed by China,Taiwan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and possibly Brunei.

China has territorial disuptes with most of its neigbhours, and even with some who are 100o's of miles away from its shores.
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