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South China Sea Forum

wanting to share some nice pictures of a vietnam hold spratly island in the East VN Sea. Enjoy!
Hoping we soon start reclaiming lands, creating some 100 islands.

The best time to visit Truong Sa is period from May to July, because this is the time that sunshine will be yellow as pouring honey on islands.

Red flag with yellow star on a blue sky at the welcome gate on Truong Sa archipelago.

A corner of beautiful and romantic Truong Sa with white sand, fresh plants and clean water.

Outstanding lighthouse on Son Ca island looks as a simple picture of landscape but attractive enough to captivate tourists’ hearts.

Son Ca island is peacefully lying on sea.

Sea along Song Tu Tay Island

One corner of Song Tu Tay embankment- modern beauty like other coastal corners of beach cities of Nha Trang or Vung Tau.

Here, light towers shine at night
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Long rows of Tournefortia argentea along white sand bring bright beauty for coastal embankment..

Tournefortia argentea is blossoming on islands

Tournefortia argentea, tropical almond, etc. create a simple and peaceful picture

The innocence of children on the Sinh Ton Island

In nearly all parts of the sinking and floating islands, it is easy to see sea water and sky color stretching and endless blue.

Solar energy system is used here

At Truong Sa archipelago, the sea water is too clear to see schools of colorful fish swimming.


A corner of balcony on the island looks poetic with wind chimes made of snail shells.

Visiting any island of Truong Sa archipelago, you can easily see modern solar energy systems.

Solar batteries and wind fans are put into operation to ensure total electric power 5,167Kwh/day, 24/24 supply for both soldiers and residents in Truong Sa.

Under strong sunshine, a technical team is still working to maintain clean power system.

Truong Sa, at night, is shimmering under light like a busy inland cities.

Between red sunset, Truong Sa is nice and fanciful enough to captivate anyone who has a chance to visit Truong Sa archipelago of Vietnam.

Colour picture of Subi dated 21 Dec 2015.

Colour picture of Subi dated 21 Dec 2015.

View attachment 282406

Zhubi is getting bigger day by day.

A corner of balcony on the island looks poetic with wind chimes made of snail shells.

Visiting any island of Truong Sa archipelago, you can easily see modern solar energy systems.

Solar batteries and wind fans are put into operation to ensure total electric power 5,167Kwh/day, 24/24 supply for both soldiers and residents in Truong Sa.

Under strong sunshine, a technical team is still working to maintain clean power system.

Truong Sa, at night, is shimmering under light like a busy inland cities.

Between red sunset, Truong Sa is nice and fanciful enough to captivate anyone who has a chance to visit Truong Sa archipelago of Vietnam.

None of the images are visible, bro (earlier posts, as well). Not sure it is only me...
This is perhaps the plan for Zhongjian (Triton) Island in the Paracels Island group?


From my limited Chinese, this is what I gather:-
Top area reserved for runway
East - retain as is
South - Naval port, and civilian port

1. Excavate by military, civilian harbor 1.5 sq km.
2. New reclamation, 1.5 sq km.
3. Unoccupied 1.5 sq km, new land
China certainly seems to have a clearly defined program to enhance all of its SCS possessions really impressive.


Yes, indeed. China is now executing its plan in the SCS. I have to agree, it's really impressive.

China is the master of developing infrastructure.

This can be seen by the speedy and efficient development of their HSR, expressways and metro systems.

No other country can even come close!
A couple of pictures of Qilian Yu (Seven Islets) in the Paracel Islands.


Starting from the top left corner, West Sand Island, Tree Island, then followed by the Seven Islets.
The large island at the bottom is Yongxing (Woody) Island.


The very top is Tree Island. The rest are the Seven Islets.

Most of them are natural islands.
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