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Bangladesh has little to no oil reserves :bounce::bounce: how much you think is if offshore?? is there a study

Bangladesh may have little to no oil reserves but the bay of bengal has quite a large sum of gas reserves for a small country, "Its proven gas reserve is 6.0 trillion cubic feet while probable reserve is 5.5 tcf." (SOURCE: Reuters) and considering that majority of things are being run on CNG (compressed natural gas) in Bangladesh, than that findings good.
I would build missile defences in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and station Chinese air and naval assets in military bases in those countries.

China needs not to worry, India is already claiming that china is building a string of pearls with deep sea port development in each of the countries you mentioned.

Here's the run down.
China has helped build the
Gwadar port in Pakistan
Colombo International Container Terminal/Port in Sri Lanka

Planning to help build ports at in/
A deep sea port at Sonadia Island, Cox's Bazaar in Bangladesh
Also an ongoing feasability study to build a deep sea port in Kutubdia island, Chittagong in Bangladesh
A dry port in Nepal.
China is also looking at Myanmar.

All the countries you listed said that they will not allow any country to operate militarily on their dea ports.
China has also planned to help build several townships in the countries mentioned above.

China's primary country of Focus in South Asia is Bangladesh. This is because Bangladesh is located at the mouth of the Bay of Bengal, that would mean they have control over a majority of the Bay of Bengal and the indian ocean, in terms of trade, commerce and an advantage in warfare. Bangladesh is also the gateway from south asia to south east asia, vice versa, meaning that it can potentially be a stopping point for goods as far as hong kong traveling to Mumbai, by road.

Infact china isn't the only country interested in Bangladesh, so is America and Russia, both are interested for the first point I made, if you have a base in the bay of bengal, than you control major sea routes.

What's on the line?
Regional connectivity which boast the india's seven sister states, Bangladesh and China are on the line. The BCIM corridor as I mentioned before, is a vital trade route, which dates back to silk road era and is being proposed again, for regional connectivity, if a conflict occurs than the BCIM corridor isn't likely to happen.

Also Both China and India are probably going to be in a losing battle. If a conflict breaks out between China and India, than spratist movement in both countries will probably engage in war too, and try and succed from one another?

A run down of hostile areas in Both countries.
China: Tibet Autonomous Region,, Xijiang province, Inner Mongolia and Hong Kong.
India, all the seven siter states, Arunachal Pradesh,Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, and Tripura, Jammu and Kashmir.

Either way it won't look good for any of the countries. Both countries will be wedged in conflict between each other and conflict inside their own country.

India should just back the f*** up, but they probably wont cause they still alldge that china is building a string of pearls in south asia, that's probably why India has keen interest in viet nam, cause than it can get back at china.

Also I would like to note that if the bay of bengal/Bangladesh engages in war than Japan would be there to help it due to a defence contract signed earlier by the two armies. Bangladesh and Japan and Malaysia are on good terms.
Very interesting article, quite a surprise. I've tried to find those pictures online, but could not. If somebody find them, please post them.

Satellite photo shows Vietnam's land reclamation in South China Sea|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com

Satellite images captured by Taiwan indicate that Vietnam is pushing for land reclamation much harder than China in the disputed South China Sea, the Christian Science Monitor reported on Sept. 23.

Wang Cheng-gi from the Satellite Surveying Center of the Department of Land Administration under Taiwan's Ministry of the Interior, who is in charge of a US$3 million project to produce high-resolution satellite images of the disputed South China Sea, said he was surprised to find out that Vietnam is developing reefs and artificial islands in the disputed Spratlys. He also said that one Vietnamese landfill project spans 11 football fields.

"Everyone is talking about mainland China, but Vietnam is going all out," Wang said.

The Spratly islands are variously claimed in whole or in part by China, Taiwan, Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia. Taiping, also referred to as Itu Aba, was the largest island in the group before the large scale land reclamation projects got underway and is the only island currently under Taiwan's control. An armed conflict between Taipei and Hanoi could potentially take place in the future if Vietnam continues to expand its influence in the region.

Alexander Huang, professor of strategic studies at Tamkang University in New Taipei, said the high-resolution satellite images will give Taiwan could be a valuable intelligence asset to scholars in Washington in assessing the basis of China's claim to the islands.

Tensions in the region have been high over the past year, with China and Vietnam getting into a standoff over the deployment of an oil rig to waters near the disputed Paracels–claimed variously by China, Vietnam and Taiwan–in May, leading to widespread protests in Vietnam and several factories run (or perceived to be run by) Chinese being looted and burned.

According to the article, the US has offered defense aid to the Philippines in an effort to counter China's expansion in the region.


Wang Cheng-gi 王成機
Very interesting article, quite a surprise. I've tried to find those pictures online, but could not. If somebody find them, please post them.

Satellite photo shows Vietnam's land reclamation in South China Sea|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com

Satellite images captured by Taiwan indicate that Vietnam is pushing for land reclamation much harder than China in the disputed South China Sea, the Christian Science Monitor reported on Sept. 23.

Wang Cheng-gi from the Satellite Surveying Center of the Department of Land Administration under Taiwan's Ministry of the Interior, who is in charge of a US$3 million project to produce high-resolution satellite images of the disputed South China Sea, said he was surprised to find out that Vietnam is developing reefs and artificial islands in the disputed Spratlys. He also said that one Vietnamese landfill project spans 11 football fields.

Now,Vietnam is developing reefs and artificial islands in the Spratlys(Nansha Islands) Two reefs:
Sin Cowe Island(Jinghong Dao、景宏岛) and West London Reef( Xi Jiao 、西礁)
our project is just began.


Now,Vietnam is developing reefs and artificial islands in the Spratlys(Nansha Islands) Two reefs:
Sin Cowe Island(Jinghong Dao、景宏岛) and West London Reef( Xi Jiao 、西礁)
If The Carrier Liao Ning to Fiery Cross Island
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Now,Vietnam is developing reefs and artificial islands in the Spratlys(Nansha Islands) Two reefs:
Sin Cowe Island(Jinghong Dao、景宏岛) and West London Reef( Xi Jiao 、西礁)
If The Carrier Liao Ning to Fiery Cross Island

Sin Cowe Island, also known as Sinh Ton Island,[1] (Tagalog: Rurok; Chinese: 景宏岛; pinyin: Jinghong Dao; Vietnamese:Đảo Sinh Tồn) is an island in the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea. With an area of 8 hectares (20 acres), it is the seventh largest Spratly island and the third largest of those occupied by Vietnam. It has a fringing reef which is above water at low tide.

And we're living, building on that from long time ago, so it's not violate DOC. But PRC did.
@Hu Songshan can you check this Topic ?
Recently, everytime I come here, AVAST anti-virus software keep warning me about mal-ware and trojan.

P/S: you should check Mr.Cirr 's image link ...
Last update 09:27 | 07/11/2014
Vietnam's opposition to illegal survey in Ba Binh island
On November 5, Taiwan continued its illegal survey in Ba Binh island, part of Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago of Vietnam.


In response to reporters’ questions about Vietnam's reaction to the wrongful act, deputy spokesman for the Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pham Thu Hang, during a press conference on November 11, stressed, "Once again we strongly assert our sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa archipelagos.”

"All activities of the parties in this area without the consent of Vietnam are illegal, and null and void. We resolutely oppose." the spokesperson emphasized.

Regarding Vietnam’s participation in the 22 nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing, China from November 9-11 and the ASEAN Summit in Myanmar on November 12, the official said the country will make positive contributions to the maintenance of peace, stability, maritime and aviation security and safety in the East Sea on the basis of respecting international law, as well as sovereignty, sovereign rights and jurisdiction of coastal states.

Speaking of the collaboration between the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Health on Ebola prevention, Hang said the two ministries will issue updates and guidelines to Vietnamese representative offices abroad, especially in Ebola-affected countries, so they can warn Overseas Vietnamese on how to protect themselves against the fatal disease.

The building of law enforcement ships continues at HPS::enjoy:


New 1500T CCG ship launched:

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Last update 17:50 | 06/11/2014
China urged to stop illegal activities on Truong Sa
On October 6, a Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affair representative presented a diplomatic note to the China Embassy in Hanoi, opposing China’s illegal activities on Chu Thap (Stone Cross) of Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago.

In response to the wrongful act, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Le Hai Binh stated, "Vietnam has sufficient legal and historical evidence to affirm its sovereignty over Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos.
China’s aforesaid act has seriously violated Vietnam's sovereignty over the Spratly Islands and international law, running counter to the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) as well as the agreement on the basic principles guiding the settlement of sea-related issues between Vietnam and China, disrupting the status quo and complicating the situation, detrimental to regional peace and stability.”

"Vietnam resolutely opposes the above unlawful act and asks China to respect the sovereignty of Vietnam, strictly implement the DOC, immediately put an end to the construction that have broken the status quo in Truong Sa islands, and prevent similar occurrences, " Binh emphasized.

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