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South China Sea Forum

don´t you read the news? or at least the posts from your compariots here.

you are sending warships and fighter jets into Vietnamese water and airspace.

Lie and another big lie. All I see is photo of your Ka-28 and Su-22 bomber ready to intimidate Chinese coastguard.

See this one?


You see its all the while the viet sending warplane and military helo while China has only civilian coast guard.

One moment, the viet claimed they are the victim. China the aggressor but they are the one sending military fighter jet and helicopter intimidating others..

So who is the aggressor and who is the victim? I think the whole world shall know.

World opinion is shit.What ever we do,we are always the bad guy,dont give any expectations on that.
Seems after Obama's recent visit, china knows that it cannot continue to touch US allies (Japan, Phil, Taiwan...) rightnow, so it turns to bully Vietnam.
I think Vietnam should sue China to international courts due to this violation blatantly.
I really don't think US will to do anything. From recent trends what i see US doing is lip service, nothing else. Instead VN should be self reliant and shouldn't depend or expect anything from US or other western countries. Good Luck VN :tup:
Chinese should not care about whether they are victim or aggressor. At the end of the day, the world only remember the winner. That is life. Big fish always eat little fisth
Yeah, acting like this guy is more appropriate. At least it can free yourself from thinking about bs reasons to justify your aggression like this one.

No, we must make a good story that its the vietnam aggressor attacking Chinese coastguard first before we send in missile, fighter jets to annihilate the whole VPN. :lol:
Hey neighbor, don't come knock on our door and tell us to back off from our home. If you want to be a naked thief, at least act like one.

We will show you who is the boss.
Everyone has the right to be ready. We are ready on our land while you sent warship into our sea. Get it?

Aggressor and started twisting facts... You are the one sending military helo and fighter jets against China coastguard.

The world and China will teach the aggressor a lesson.
Seems Uncle Sam caused the Chinese pissing theirs pants. They dont dare to bully Philippines more...

You shall more concern about Vietnam. I thought your troll company just brag about how Vietnam military will take over the whole world and is world miilitary superpower that can crushed China easily few days ago? :lol:

Now you cried foul? :lol:
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