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South China Sea Forum

Things are not looking right for China, The disputes will make china an unstable country for sure.

Come to China and you will find out that China is way more stable than India,which is beset by numerous rebel groups.

Chinese try to instigate Cambodia, that is not new. But the Cambodians know from its history that it is never wise to act against its mighty neighbor Vietnam.
Mighty Vietnam,haha

In the published comments, Mr Hos accused the Philippines and Vietnam of attempting to "sabotage and hijack the joint communique" during the Asean meeting.
BBC News - Philippines and Cambodia in South China Sea row
What Vietnam got now, much more than countable weapons ....
More aggressive China act, more supportive movement to Vietnam ( even from some countries we never can dream of getting their support )

We even could use that to develop our economy, not only for military ...

For example, Cam Ranh naval base now offer technical services to both Russia and USA ... Japan and India also need that ...
Money talks ,no one likes to be a friend of a dirt poor country.

But Hun Sen never says anything hateful against Vietnam. He knows we saved his country from the abyss.

Yet his government supported China in Asen conference.
Money talks ,no one likes to be a friend of a dirt poor country.
do you think you can buy friendship with money?
here a new monument celebrating Vietnamese victory over Cambodia, Hun Sen cut the inauguration banner. lol

Yet his government supported China in Asen conference.
ASEAN, you fool
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typo is everywhere on the internet and money can buy friends,that's very true. everyone knows it and it works in any country.
Rainsy is a hater, and not a policy decision maker in Cambodia. He leads the opposition party and that´s all. Vietnam (and Viet settlers in Cambodia) will make sure that Hun Sen and his party win every election. I like democracy.

Vietnam, Cambodia push for stronger bonds | VOV Online Newspaper

Even Homer Simpson thinks you're a failure as a human being.

Cambodia is a totalitarian one party state (sounds familiar?) & you support it even though you just said you like Democracy.
Even Homer Simpson thinks you're a failure as a human being.

Cambodia is a totalitarian one party state (sounds familiar?) & you support it even though you just said you like Democracy.
my comment was ironic. in the case of Cambodia, I like it when Hun Sen wins every election. Rainsy is dangerous for Vietnam.
11 Chinese troops got riddled by hundred bullets and all what corrputed China leader could do was only sit and watch :laugh:
Never happened. Vietnam government was not stupid. The move only puts Vietnamese soldiers on other SCS islands in the risk of revenge.
Stop masturbation.
Hun Sen is Pro-China. Just look at last year ASEAN meeting & ask everyone. So I don't understand your Pro Hun Sen view.
the event was just one of the many events happened last year. don´t overrate it.
as when China noticed they just damaged themselves by such silly move, they agreed to negotiate the code of coduct. that is exactly what Vietnam and the Philippines have wanted.
I am always calm, but you are too naive to see the real world.

There is no saint, it is full of wolves and bloodsuckers.

May i ask you one question?

Nearly 80 years ago, Japan has invaded China and killed nearly 50 million people.

I think that you won't deny that their goal was to conquer China?

Today, most of their people are still worshipping these criminals and warmongers who have committed unforgivable atrocity to China.

Do you truly believe that they are truly given up their lust of conquering China? I don't believe the promise, i only believe the action.

Geez~ history is history~
Nearly 600 years ago Mongols led by Gengis Khan and Kubilai Khan invaded and conquered the whole region including China stretching from Far East to Near East~ A lot of atrocities were also commited, the destruction were unprecedented, leading to the fall of Islamic Civilization.

I don't think nowadays there are any nation, especially Islamic countries protesting Mongols over their glorification of Gengis Khan and Kubilai Khan~ They even erect statues commemorating their national "hero"!

As you said, the world is full of wolves and bloodsuckers~
The strong nation invade weak nation~ that's how it was the norm until after World War II; To be invaded was mere the sign of weaknessses of the invaded countries; China was weak and corrupted, it was a natural consequences of being weak at those times.

Heck even China invaded Viernam~ Did vietnamese even call for Chinese to apologize?
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