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South China Sea Forum

Whatever, Phillipine is our friend now, so, China-TW troops in Spratly will be our target :pop:
Should a tiger feel scared of being target of a rabbit? It's more like a small piece of coming meat. What should tiger do with the easy prey? Open mouth and wait.
CCG 3401 being given a new coat of paint。The ship is nearly ready to start her patrols in the SCS:

Another CMS vessel near formal induction:


The photo shows the ship entering the ECS after a 4-day voyage in the Yangtse River。:enjoy:
A new “toy“ (18th of the same class)to be launched shortly:


Good for collision in the high seas。:enjoy:
CCG 3172 and CCG 1127:



Another(the 19th) Type 056 corvette to be floated out soon:



I think S-300 system just use for defense our Capital and HCM city or Cam Ranh bay.
The "right" meal for PRC's ships are Bastion-P, Redut-M, and Uran ...
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