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South China Sea Forum

Just keep it simple, let the Chinese playing with their ADIZ, and Indonesia build up her military power with the help of western countries and Russia :)
Just keep it simple, let the Chinese playing with their ADIZ, and Indonesia build up her military power with the help of western countries and Russia :)

Indonesia can't be the only one building up on defense... ;)
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore are allies of China against Phillipines. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos are allies of China against Vietnam. North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan are China's allies against Japan. China has the numbers game on its side.
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Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore are allies of China against Phillipines. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos are allies of China against Vietnam. North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan are China's ally against Japan. China has the numbers game on its side.

Indonesia is Neutral, if you want to go to war just don't drag us.
Off course, why should China obey the ITCLOS when US doesn't care either. You only proves my point that China is just doing the same thing as what the US has been doing i.e ignoring world order due to might. Therefore, can't blame China alone for world unrest since US is even more guilty of that charge.

So for the Philippine, cry to the UN or ITCLOS as much as you want for your fate is that of a mere pawn in the match between US and China. Basically, no one gives a shit what you think, only what is your value. Frankly, not even US wish to stick up for Philippine to upset China since its just not worth it, it is screwed in the long run on the issue.

Wow burn trying to rationalized evil nice so tell me how many people seceded on doing that (please check the Second World war for reference) wow (zero) not so much and its Philippines d bag man if your going to insult a country at less do it right imp.

They're pushing the world to a brink of war because idiots like you are motivating them to.

Think before you speak.

Well be truthful first and use your own damn advice you faking troll @hole
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore are allies of China against Phillipines. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos are allies of China against Vietnam. North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan are China's allies against Japan. China has the numbers game on its side.

They are not allies and hardly strategic partners of China
All of them are for trade and arguably only Cambodia and Laos are closer to China because of trade and the Vietnamese' threat on them
On paper, they will not aggravate anyone
S Korea, Singapore and Thailand have US military bases
Taiwan will take their stance dependent on the situations
By and large the US and its cohorts have a bigger influence on these countries than China because the imperialists are unscrupulous and can be insane
Man this just other china invasion plan in motion

I suppose from the philipine's perspective it is an invasion, the question is what can you do about it? Sent in your navy or keep begging US aid and hope international pressure can make China back off. well those methods didn't work against US and Soviets during the cold war, not gonna work today. US, UK and other European power claimed islands across the globe because they could hold it. At least China is doing it right off its coast more or less.
Liaoning and J-15 jets to conduct drills in South China Sea
Luis Weng and Staff Reporter 2013-12-08 11:34 (GMT+8)


Two J-15 fighters fly over the Liaoning aircraft carrier during a drill on Sept. 21. (Photo/CNS)

China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, has set sail from the Qingdao naval base in northern China's Shandong province and will reach the disputed South China Sea within months to conduct a range of military training exercises, our sister paper Want Daily reports.

The J-15 naval carrier-based fighter jets will also join in the military exercises and will conduct live-fire tests to enhance air defense anti-missile, anti-ship, anti-submarine capabilities in three areas.

The live-fire tests will begin next year in the South China Sea, testing the J-15 fighter's capability in air combat and anti-ship warfare missions, according to a report by Hong Kong's Phoenix New Media.

The J-15 fighters will also test their scrambling capabilities and perform nighttime drills in the next three to five months to ensure they possess the power to attack remote outposts and their 24-hour fighting capability, the report said.

In addition to the J-15, the aircraft-carrier fleet includes two destroyers, two cruisers and two frigates to match the Liaoning. The country's nuclear-powered submarines will also join the fleet in the training exercises.

Meanwhile, observers said the aircraft carrier will run exercises in different areas and open waters, and the Liaoning and J-15 jets will have to prove whether they are capable of operating in the hot temperatures and high humidity of the South China Sea.

A number of countries lay claim to islands in the region, notably the Spratly islands consisting of more than 750 reefs, islets, atolls, cays and islands. They are claimed in whole or in part by China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Brunei, Vietnam and Taiwan.

Liaoning and J-15 jets to conduct drills in South China Sea|Politics|News|WantChinaTimes.com
I suppose from the philipine's perspective it is an invasion, the question is what can you do about it? Sent in your navy or keep begging US aid and hope international pressure can make China back off. well those methods didn't work against US and Soviets during the cold war, not gonna work today. US, UK and other European power claimed islands across the globe because they could hold it. At least China is doing it right off its coast more or less.

Wow that's the most stupid post i have ever hear so your saying that being outlaw of international law is working and all the lesson of the past should be ignored because it suits you better
I suppose from the philipine's perspective it is an invasion, the question is what can you do about it? Sent in your navy or keep begging US aid and hope international pressure can make China back off. well those methods didn't work against US and Soviets during the cold war, not gonna work today. US, UK and other European power claimed islands across the globe because they could hold it. At least China is doing it right off its coast more or less.

Only because thats the only thing China can do. Claim what is belongs on the coast. Can't claim North America because of its past exploration. That would be knocking heads with the U.S. as well as Canada and Mexico.
What are you gonna do about it?

Use a boat and sail in front of the Chinese carrier, and hold a banner saying "F**k off!"

I'd like to see you try.
Vietnam three times defeated Yuan dynasty,
one of them we sunk 400 warships of them in Bach Dang battle, nearly 800 years ago

And many times we killed millions of Han troops in our land, and Han ships from prehistoric to 17th century.

Let imagine, one day Mongol and China come for explore some sunk ships and skulls as a prove of ... their land and sea .... stupid thing
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