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Philippines Seek Talks on Expanding U.S. Access to its Military Bases

VOA News
August 08, 2013

Philippine officials say the nation is seeking fresh talks with the United States on expanding U.S. access to its military bases, as tensions with China rise over competing territorial claims in the South China Sea.

In a joint letter to Philippine lawmakers, Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario and Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said the talks will focus on "a possible framework agreement" for "an increased [U.S.] rotational presence."

U.S. officials by late Thursday had not confirmed any talks, but said a framework agreement would increase opportunities for joint military training and exercises that could include other regional partners.

Manila's push to bolster its defenses comes as China presses maritime claims to most of the mineral and energy-rich South China Sea. For their part, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei are seeking to defend their sea borders against what those governments see as Chinese naval and fishing intrusions.

Earlier this week, the Philippines took formal possession of a refurbished former U.S. Coast Guard cutter obtained under a bilateral military alliance with Washington. The vessel joins another former U.S. cutter recommissioned by the Philippines in 2011.

Vietnam has also welcomed closer military ties with the United States, and has allowed U.S. Navy supply ships to dock for repairs and maintenance in recent years.

Rumors swirled this week in official Vietnamese media that the United States was considering suspending a ban on the export of lethal weapons to the Hanoi government.

However, there has been no official confirmation of those deliberations. Analysts have cautioned against expecting any such concessions from Washington without evidence of significant improvement in Vietnam's human rights record.
Philippines Seek Talks on Expanding U.S. Access to its Military Bases
Chinese aggressors fired on Vietnam fishermen boats.


Teach them to stay away from the South China Sea!
Fanboi's wet dream only

Hi, sorry if I was not here for a while.

It is such a horrible thing to see. Those coast guards deserve execution
The video was edited! I saw the unedited one and I didn't see anything wrong. Laughing is a big deal? The mere fact that they have entered to our water and the coast guard did a warning shot, for me, am actually soooo HAPPY with a big smile killing Taiwanese thieves :lol:
ASEAN vows unity on South China Sea - Thai official
August 15, 2013

BANGKOK - Southeast Asian nations on Wednesday vowed unity in pressing China to accept a binding code of conduct for handling disputes in the South China Sea, the Thai foreign ministry said.

Competing claims to the sea have for decades stirred tension in the region and the waterway, which is believed to sit atop vast deposits of oil and natural gas, has long been seen as one of Asia's potential military flashpoints.

Foreign ministers from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations agreed "to speak in one voice" while seeking an "early conclusion of a code of conduct", a foreign ministry spokesman told AFP, without giving a timeframe.

The ministers, who held a two-day informal meeting in Thailand's Hua Hin resort town, will meet Chinese officials in Beijing at the end of the month.

"ASEAN will have to speak with one voice and be unified. This does not mean speaking against anyone... ASEAN is united so it's easy to discuss and talk with it," the spokesman added.

"The code of conduct should have the objective of enhancing confidence between ASEAN and China... and preventing any untoward incidents from taking place in the South China Sea."

ASEAN has been trying for more than a decade to secure agreement from China on a legally binding code of conduct.

China claims nearly all of the sea, even waters approaching the coasts of neighboring countries. It has resisted agreeing to the code, wary of giving any concessions that may weaken its claim.

A regional security forum in June saw ASEAN bridge internal divisions over the code.

Last year Cambodia, a staunch ally of China and ASEAN's chair at the time, had refused to endorse a Philippine push for a tougher line with Beijing on the issue.

On Wednesday Cambodia's deputy prime minister agreed to the unified ASEAN position on the code, the Thai spokesman said after the two-day discussions ended.

ASEAN members the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia, as well as Taiwan, also claim parts of the sea.

China has refused to upgrade a 2002 "declaration of conduct" into a legally binding code, instead preferring to negotiate individually with each country.

The Philippines and Vietnam have in recent years accused it of increasingly aggressive actions to exert claims to the sea.

Chinese government vessels seized the Scarborough Shoal, a South China Sea outcrop just 230 kilometers (140 miles) east of the main Philippine island of Luzon, last year. — Agence France-Presse

ASEAN vows unity on South China Sea - Thai official | News | GMA News Online

The video was edited! I saw the unedited one and I didn't see anything wrong. Laughing is a big deal? The mere fact that they have entered to our water and the coast guard did a warning shot, for me, am actually soooo HAPPY with a big smile killing Taiwanese thieves :lol:

Then you have no moral or ethical compass. Shooting at a boat that was not a threat to your safety constitutes murder. Even your government is charging your unprofessional and psychotic coast guard with murder.

Philippines Seek Talks on Expanding U.S. Access to its Military Bases

VOA News
August 08, 2013

Philippine officials say the nation is seeking fresh talks with the United States on expanding U.S. access to its military bases, as tensions with China rise over competing territorial claims in the South China Sea.

In a joint letter to Philippine lawmakers, Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario and Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin said the talks will focus on "a possible framework agreement" for "an increased [U.S.] rotational presence."

U.S. officials by late Thursday had not confirmed any talks, but said a framework agreement would increase opportunities for joint military training and exercises that could include other regional partners.

Manila's push to bolster its defenses comes as China presses maritime claims to most of the mineral and energy-rich South China Sea. For their part, the Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei are seeking to defend their sea borders against what those governments see as Chinese naval and fishing intrusions.

Earlier this week, the Philippines took formal possession of a refurbished former U.S. Coast Guard cutter obtained under a bilateral military alliance with Washington. The vessel joins another former U.S. cutter recommissioned by the Philippines in 2011.

Vietnam has also welcomed closer military ties with the United States, and has allowed U.S. Navy supply ships to dock for repairs and maintenance in recent years.

Rumors swirled this week in official Vietnamese media that the United States was considering suspending a ban on the export of lethal weapons to the Hanoi government.

However, there has been no official confirmation of those deliberations. Analysts have cautioned against expecting any such concessions from Washington without evidence of significant improvement in Vietnam's human rights record.
Philippines Seek Talks on Expanding U.S. Access to its Military Bases

Fantastic, we used to pay the Pinoys rent for the 2 bases and now we are getting them rent free. A big thanks for the not so bright Pinoys, we get bases for free.
Then you have no moral or ethical compass. Shooting at a boat that was not a threat to your safety constitutes murder. Even your government is charging your unprofessional and psychotic coast guard with murder.

Fantastic, we used to pay the Pinoys rent for the 2 bases and now we are getting them rent free. A big thanks for the not so bright Pinoys, we get bases for free.

Wow do you know the deference? typical imperialist just typical use your brain for once your comments just show what type of person you are
Wow do you know the deference? typical imperialist just typical use your brain for once your comments just show what type of person you are
Check your spelling mate. Also, those imperialists are responsible for your nation's defense, the ones who trained your soldiers.
Check your spelling mate. Also, those imperialists are responsible for your nation's defense, the ones who trained your soldiers.

Wow come on dude really how is the chinese responsible for my country defense? people can make mistake so your filipino now? dude admitted your condescending d! with bad case on stupidity and minor of lying syndrome really dude?
Wow come on dude really how is the chinese responsible for my country defense? people can make mistake so your filipino now? dude admitted your condescending d! with bad case on stupidity and minor of lying syndrome really dude?
I was talking about the American army, not the Chinese.
Vietnam Marine police receives three modern patrol ships

Updated : 8/26/2013 2:04:47 PM
Voice of Vietnam

(VOV) - Three more well-equipped ships were handed over to the Vietnam Marine Police to increase their patrol capacity in the country’s territorial waters.

They are able to resist bad weather at sea and transfer data and images to the Vietnam Marine Police’s Information Centre for processing through satellite systems.

The ships will be used for sea patrols to safeguard national sovereignty, protect natural resources, prevent environmental pollution, and deal with violations against sea laws.

They will be used for joint international patrols to strengthen cooperation and maintain safety, order, peace and stability at sea.
Vietnam Marine police receives three modern patrol ships

Updated : 8/26/2013 2:04:47 PM
Voice of Vietnam

(VOV) - Three more well-equipped ships were handed over to the Vietnam Marine Police to increase their patrol capacity in the country’s territorial waters.

They are able to resist bad weather at sea and transfer data and images to the Vietnam Marine Police’s Information Centre for processing through satellite systems.

The ships will be used for sea patrols to safeguard national sovereignty, protect natural resources, prevent environmental pollution, and deal with violations against sea laws.

They will be used for joint international patrols to strengthen cooperation and maintain safety, order, peace and stability at sea.

Three more well-equipped ships

CSB-8003 : korea coast guard's HAN-RIVER class 1003
Commissioned in 1983
Displacement: 1,000 tonnes

CSB-2015,CSB-2016:korea coast guard's Haeuri(type B) class
Commissioned in 1981
Commissioned in 1982
Displacement: 280 tonnes
As patrol vessel for coast gurard ,they are too old,especially it made by korea before 1985。
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