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Vietnamese soldiers with only AK rifle and bare hand were face off to Chinese soldiers with auto-cannons.
And you barking in here with your keybroad so loud !

So, who's coward dogs !? Asking anyone, even your fellow Chinese to get the answer.
Vietnam troll
Nice intel thanks

If you are referring to the CMS 3015, then you must think those are intels, when in fact the Chinese did not post any of the ships's performance, size, etc...

Anyway, what are you going to do to the ship, ram it like what we did to the Taiwanese fisherman?
Taiwan set to spend US$100 mil. on work at disputed Spratlys

TAIPEI -- Taiwan plans to spend more than US$100 million to build a dock big enough for warships in the disputed Spratly islands, a legislator said Thursday, as other claimants strengthen their regional military presence.

The plan submitted to parliament Thursday by the coastguard would cost TW$3.4 billion (US$112.4 million). Sources said the spending is expected to be approved.

The dock will be an upgrade on the existing pier at the Taiwan-controlled island of Taiping, the biggest island in the Spratlys. It is scheduled to become operational in 2016.

“National security authorities have decided to expedite the project as the other countries in the region have been increasing their naval and air force deployment in the past few years, further complicating the issue,” legislator Lin Yu-fang said in a statement.

Once it is completed, large supply ships and even naval frigates will be able to berth, said Lin, a legislator from the ruling Kuomintang party who sits on parliament's defense committee.

The current pier caters only to small patrol boats.

Once the dock work is completed the runway on Taiping will be extended, Lin said.

Taiwan built a 1,150-meter (3,800-foot) runway on Taiping in mid-2006, despite protests from other countries with claims to the disputed island group.

Taiwan, Vietnam, Brunei, China, Malaysia, and the Philippines claim all or part of the potentially oil-rich Spratlys.

All claimants except Brunei have troops based on some part of the archipelago of more than 100 islets, reefs and atolls, which have a total land mass of less than 5 square kilometers (2 square miles).

Overlapping claims in the South China Sea are seen as a potential military flashpoint, and there has been a series of disputes in recent years.

The Philippines and Vietnam have been strengthening their military deployment in the sea after complaining that China is becoming increasingly aggressive in asserting its own claims.

Taiwan set to spend US$100 mil. on work at disputed Spratlys - The China Post
If you are referring to the CMS 3015, then you must think those are intels, when in fact the Chinese did not post any of the ships's performance, size, etc...

Anyway, what are you going to do to the ship, ram it like what we did to the Taiwanese fisherman?

What the hell do you care? you dont even know who the hell you are?
Not really am saying its not a lose i mean the US defense sec is here so going to china is waste of time besides it just solidify our suspicions that china can not keep its word on anything and you people wonder why non of your neighbors trust you or want to solve the problem using your 19th century gun boat diplomacy (bilateral)
CMS 4001 and CMS 4002 were launched on 31.08.2013 and 02.09.2013 respectively at WCS:


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I think the shipyard have to pay hug amount pension money for "Guanxi" to have contract to build such useless toys. :omghaha:

The 46-year-old Mr. Li, who gave only his surname, said he works for China Rongsheng Heavy Industries Group Holdings Ltd. 1101.HK -3.13% The company Friday said it is struggling to pay employees and suppliers and is in talks with its bankers for more credit. Rongsheng also is seeking financial help from the government and shareholders amid a prolonged industry slump.

China Rongsheng Shipyard's Struggles Illustrate Beijing's Dilemma
Friday, 06 September, 2013


The Philippines has recalled its ambassador to China for consultations, the foreign affairs department said yesterday amid fresh tensions in a seething maritime territorial row.

Ambassador Erlinda Basilio flew back to Manila as the defence department this week accused China of laying 75 concrete blocks on disputed territory in the South China Sea, foreign affairs department spokesman Raul Hernandez said.

"She was asked to come home for consultations, and she will (be in Manila) for the next few days," Hernandez said.

He said Basilio was advising Philippine officials on how to handle the alleged Chinese actions at the Scarborough Shoal, a rocky outcrop about 220 kilometres off the main Philippine island of Luzon, within the country's internationally recognised exclusive economic zone. The outcrop, which China calls Huangyan Island, is about 650 kilometres from Hainan , the nearest major Chinese land mass.

Asked if Manila would lodge a diplomatic protest or undertake other options, Hernandez said: "We are still studying the matter."

The Philippine foreign ministry earlier said President Benigno Aquino had called off a planned trip to China for a trade fair after Chinese authorities imposed conditions on the trip.

The concrete blocks have raised concerns in Manila that China could be planning construction, as it did on Philippine-claimed Mischief Reef in another area of the sea in 1995.

Foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said it was the Philippines which was causing the problems. "The Scarborough Shoal is China's intrinsic territory. The Philippines should respect China's sovereignty," he told a daily news briefing.

"If the Philippines really is paying attention to and cares about the Code of Conduct for the South China Sea, it ought to earnestly stand by, and put into effect the Declaration of Conduct, and create a good environment and conditions for talks on the Code of Conduct, and not make trouble out of nothing and cause incidents."

On Wednesday, he rejected the Philippine allegations of block-laying.

China claims most of the South China Sea, including waters close to the coasts of its neighbours.

Brunei, Malaysia, Taiwan and Vietnam also have competing claims to parts of the South China Sea, and the rivalries have been a source of tension for decades.

The Philippines engaged China in a tense stand-off at Scarborough Shoal last year.

Manila has said the Chinese have effectively taken control of the shoal by stationing vessels there and preventing Philippine fishermen from entering the area.

In January the government asked a United Nations tribunal to rule on the validity of the Chinese claims to most of the sea. China has rejected the move, but has said it wants to solve disputes through bilateral negotiations with concerned parties.

Manila recalls Beijing ambassador amid row over Scarborough Shoal | South China Morning Post
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