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South China Sea Forum

I really think the nations involved should just lay things on the table.

What do people really want the seas for? It's resources and not build houses right? Then discuss it, who gets what, how much, a concession here and there by every party could suit everyone just fine. With a resource project such as this, investment, corporation is needed anyways, so multiple parties being involved is a given anyways.

Right now everyone is in the dark, nobody knows what China wants and why it wants it. China don't understand what the others want and why they want it.

In the end I see the countries working together anyways, so what's this "conflict" really for...?
Just reading what all these posters write here just makes me mad.

I've never seen so many idiotic statements, racist remarks, and war threats in 1 single site on the internet than here. Know what's worst? Some of your english is so poor that I have trouble trying to understand you. :hitwall:


Dude, you know what??

Most of the people here are teenagers, they don't know what's what and only seens fit to have their loud mouth display.
Maybe a war is good for them. They will either learn to be mature or be killed outright, then it can spare us all the war, racist, delirious chest thumping talk.

I laugh at most of them and move on. Try to learn how to read post selectively
Chinese navy exercises 'surprise' neighbours


China has deployed some of its most sophisticated Navy vessels to the eastern coast of Malaysia.

Wednesday's report from the Xinhua news agency is thought to be a play by Beijing to reinforce territorial claims to part of the South China Sea.

Al Jazeera's Rob McBride, reporting from Hong Kong, said military exercises, beginning on Saturday, have "taken many Asian neighbours and military analysts by surprise".

The exercises included the landing of amphibious craft just off the James Shoal, 80 kilometres off the Malaysian coast.

The James Shoal is China's most southerly territorial claim.

It is among several disputed parts of the South China Sea, including the Spratly Islands, that the People's Republic says belong to Beijing.

Our correspondent said the exercise culminated in a ceremony on James Shoal where soldiers and marines promised "to defend Chinese sovereignty".

The move, said Al Jazeera's McBride, could also be Beijing's answer to Washington's so-called "pivot strategy", which would see the US move more resources to East Asia.

Vietnamese boat 'attack'

Vietnam had accused China of opening fire on a fishing boat in the disputed South China Sea on Monday, but Beijing has denied the charges.

The Chinese navy stated that the claim was a "sheer fabrication".

"There is no such things that Chinese vessel fired with weapons or the Vietnames boats caught fire," a Chinese naval official told the state-owned Xinhua news agency.

Vietnam's foreign ministry had said on Monday that a fishing boat was "chased and shot at by a Chinese vessel" and called the incident a "serious violation of its sovereignty".
Good excuse reason for invade others, that why China paid same fate in 19th and 20th century, right!? :smitten:

My point wasn't who won and lost, which were open for interpretations anyway.

The question was why China picked fights only with Vietnam but not the others that share common borders with her. So I gave two reasons: 1) Vietnam was more militarily active than the others. Hey it takes two hands to clap. 2) Vietnam has been known to take adventures across the border from time to time.

And history did prove my two points were corrected since China rarely fought with her other neighbors who respected their respective borders with China. So if you don't agree or have some opinions to add I'm all ear.


China patrols disputed waters, denies firing on boat

BEIJING: China's increasingly powerful navy has denied firing on a Vietnamese boat in disputed waters in the South China Sea, state media said on Wednesday, as its craft made wide-ranging patrols of the region.

The denial came during naval patrols which on Tuesday took Chinese ships within 80 kilometres (50 miles) of the Malaysian coast, amid rising international tensions over the disputed sea.

The navy described a Vietnamese claim that Chinese vessels had fired on one of its fishing boats as "sheer fabrication", Xinhua news agency reported.

Vietnam's foreign ministry said on Monday a fishing boat was "chased and shot at by a Chinese vessel" and had its cabin set ablaze. Hanoi called the incident a "serious violation" of its sovereignty.

"There is no such things that Chinese vessel fired with weapons or the Vietnamese boats caught fire," Xinhua quoted a Chinese naval official as saying, adding that the Chinese vessel had fired "two warning signal shells".

Xinhua said four Chinese naval ships are currently patrolling around the Spratly Islands, a collection of islets and reefs which are also wholly or partly claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei.

It said the ships on Tuesday had reached the James Shoal, a collection of submerged rocks 80 kilometres off Malaysia and about 1,800 kilometres from the Chinese mainland.

The shoal marks the extreme limit of China's claims in the region, which it bases on a map published in the 1940s.

Ships in the patrol include the Jinggangshan, China's largest amphibious landing ship, Xinhua said.

Sometimes the use of military force is a sign of weakness especially when venues for arguing ones case are deliberately ignored.
Accept or not, only power works through the international community. International laws or rules are made by great powers to rule this world, and they are cheaper than a void paper if there are something against the great powers' interests. US also refuse to accept some international rules.
Let's see what your voice would be like when US keep falling down and quit Asia. Don't let us down~~~
Every man has his price ,bro. China bribed US and attack VN in 1974,1979, so we can bribe Mr.Obama to gain his support too.

Bribe US to fight against China for VN? Are U Kidding me? How much or what could you pay them then?
You are still living in a drum or do not want to admit the fact that US is just making use of you and hoping you become its cannon fodder.
Doesn't the article said that the Fishermen entered Chinese occupied territory?

& only thing that the Chinese did wrong is to shoot at the boat instead of taking them in for trespassing & judge them as such.

That is a lie. We did not shoot them, but just lunched a signal detonator. BTW, most Chinese people blame their government's weakness on this kind of dispute and think highly of what Russians did toward Japanese fishermen.
Our tanks in Beijing? you joke!

Maybe you can answer the question which was raised some tine ago by me, but no Chinese wants to answer: In the long common Sino-VN history over 2,000 years, why China has chosen Vietnam for expansion, and not other immedidate neighbors such as Korea, Laos, Thailand and Burma?

Those countries could be taken with ease by China.

Why always Viet? You are asking an interesting question. Let me tell you why. First of all, just think about where your civilization came from. In ancient years, China is not only a definition of politics , it was not only a country, but a huge civilization area including Central China, Mongolia, Tibet, Korea and Vietnam. Yes, we for sure admit you as an independent country now. But to be honest, Vietnam, at least Northern Viet was a part of China's territory since 2000 years ago. But because of many complicated factors, it is inevitable that you became independent. Another reason is that Korea was more obedient to China in history and we view it as an extremely important part of national interests. That is why we fought against Japanese for Koreans several times in history.
China is establishing itself as a major player in the world. If China wants the whole world to listen, she should not bully its neighbors.

The issue here is not war between nations of unequal powers but fairness and justice. This is a question of sovereignty. If the UN is to be regarded as a viable venue to resolve issues such as this one, then it has to give existing international laws a chance to clear things up regardless of who the claimants are.

The veto being exercised by China in the security council is one of the reasons of your arrogance in world affairs and your recent prosperity made your country an abusive bully.
Tell me, who gave fairness and justice when 8 countries invaded China together in 1900? And who gave you fairness when US and Spain fought against each other for the control of your land and people? This world is just so cruel indeed!

And you really don't know why there are so many voices against China? Because of its arrogance? Why don't you blame Americans then? US starts 3 wars in past 15 years and killed millions of people and you still think it is a nation of "fairness" and "justice". So it really teaches us what is the exact definition of this two terms.
the difference between China and USA is that Uncle Sam control Taiwan, but China dare not do nothing to unitify the country. It's the difference, kid.
Such stupid words is why we always look you down...A monkey is laughing at a lion for it dares not fight against an elephant. Idiot.

thank you for your supports for acknowledge Taiwan as part of China.
you should do the same for parcel and spratly islands tho.
hopes Philippines do same as like you do.
Sorry, what is Parcel Island? I cannot even find it even in a dictionary and I only know the Xisha Islands.
When Khmer Rouge attacked VN, the vietcongs fought back and invaded Cambodia plus occupied the country for some years. PLA did help attacking you mofo but what did VN do? Exactly no guts to invade China.
LOL, What did you have a brain for? Troll? :rofl:
What is happening between China and Vietnam? It's very difficult to solve a problem when one or both the party are lying.
Some chinese arrogant can't take their mouth off, of course. :coffee:
My point wasn't who won and lost, which were open for interpretations anyway.

The question was why China picked fights only with Vietnam but not the others that share common borders with her. So I gave two reasons: 1) Vietnam was more militarily active than the others. Hey it takes two hands to clap. 2) Vietnam has been known to take adventures across the border from time to time.

And history did prove my two points were corrected since China rarely fought with her other neighbors who respected their respective borders with China. So if you don't agree or have some opinions to add I'm all ear.
LOL, you kidding so much, What's happened with Korea, Mongolia, Manchuria, .... then?
You big, you mighty, you invade others, then it became our fault, :omghaha:
Why always Viet? You are asking an interesting question. Let me tell you why. First of all, just think about where your civilization came from. In ancient years, China is not only a definition of politics , it was not only a country, but a huge civilization area including Central China, Mongolia, Tibet, Korea and Vietnam. Yes, we for sure admit you as an independent country now. But to be honest, Vietnam, at least Northern Viet was a part of China's territory since 2000 years ago. But because of many complicated factors, it is inevitable that you became independent. Another reason is that Korea was more obedient to China in history and we view it as an extremely important part of national interests. That is why we fought against Japanese for Koreans several times in history.
Tell me, who gave fairness and justice when 8 countries invaded China together in 1900? And who gave you fairness when US and Spain fought against each other for the control of your land and people? This world is just so cruel indeed!

And you really don't know why there are so many voices against China? Because of its arrogance? Why don't you blame Americans then? US starts 3 wars in past 15 years and killed millions of people and you still think it is a nation of "fairness" and "justice". So it really teaches us what is the exact definition of this two terms.
:omghaha: This how they call double standard :omghaha:
Such stupid words is why we always look you down...A monkey is laughing at a lion for it dares not fight against an elephant. Idiot.
If that's how world were, so you're mere dog, do you?
Lost arguments primate? VN went after Cambodia and not China proofs VN never had the power to attack us in the first place.
LOL, :rofl:

Some chinese arrogant can't take their mouth off, of course. :coffee:

LOL, you kidding so much, What's happened with Korea, Mongolia, Manchuria, .... then?
You big, you mighty, you invade others, then it became our fault, :omghaha:

:omghaha: This how they call double standard :omghaha:

If that's how world were, so you're mere dog, do you?
No one calls you monkey and those offensive words do not make any sense but bring shame on yourself. I won't talk to anyone who can't understand analogy.
No one calls you monkey and those offensive words do not make any sense but bring shame on yourself. I won't talk to anyone who can't understand analogy.
Others troll, you troll (or you wrong?) and I troll! problem? :pop:

P/S: no need to explain, I read some your net fiction, and I know bullshjt in there. Are you read it? :whistle:
Such stupid words is why we always look you down...A monkey is laughing at a lion for it dares not fight against an elephant. Idiot.

he, he, China is bigger she is elephant, Uncle Sam is lion. :omghaha:
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