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South China Sea Forum

Yeah, you are damn right, Viet is a real big actual threats to China and we should not look down you so much. Does that make you satisfied and feel better?
No need to be sarcastic. My post was responded to @terranMarine, saying that Vietnam never had the power to invade China. Anyway the raids were merely the reactions to your aggression against us. Nothing more.

Actually ancient Vietnam had more than enough chances to teach you aggressive Chinese a lession. But we did not want to.
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That PLAN exercise in James Shoal raises concern on the Indonesian military forum because that's so close to Natuna. Natuna is one of the richest oil reserves in SCS.

China needs a lot of oil to sustain economic growth. Chinese always silent about Natuna (its still not clear whether the nine dash claim including Natuna or not), but sometimes their attitude show something different.
China is just buying time without softening it's stance, 5, 10 years down the track she will be powerful enough to dictate the rules in SCS. None of the countries in dispute can match china, economically, militarily or culturally, they also lack support from the international community. For self assurance, they seems to think countries with no stake in SCS will miraculously forgive their own interests and help them. Wake up you self delusional trolls, countries have no allies only interests.

It's embarrassing some viet trolls think the US would give 2 shits about them.
China could dream as she can, in fact china invite Uncle Sam to present at your door, idiot.
No need to be sarcastic. My post was responded to @terranMarine, saying that Vietnam never had the power to invade China. Anyway the raids were merely the reactions to your aggression against us. Nothing more.

Actually ancient Vietnam had more than enough chances to teach you aggressive Chinese a lession. But we did not want to.

Don't overreact, Vietnam never had the power to invade China in ancient times and VN could only pick Cambodia as target for retaliation and did not choose to attack China despite the PLA did help Khmer Rouge attack you mofos.
If VN did had that kind of power it would have done so, just keep smoking pots if you truly believe VN was ever much stronger than China.
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Don't overreact, Vietnam never had the power to invade China in ancient times and VN could only pick Cambodia as target for retaliation and did not choose to attack China despite the PLA did help Khmer Rouge attack you mofos.
If VN did had that kind of power it would have done so, just keep smoking pots if you truly believe VN was ever much stronger than China.
We gain Nothing to attack a country with billion of people living in barren land. Think abt attacking China is just like to think abt occuopying Shahara desert
. :coffee:


Russian ships conduct firing practice in SCS(east sea)
21:10, March 28, 2013

MOSCOW, March 28 (Xinhua) -- A group of six Russian navy warships conducted firing exercises in the SCS the country's Pacific Fleet said Thursday.

"A big anti-submarine ship Admiral Panteleyev has conducted artillery shooting exercises in the South China Sea. The sea targets were destroyed," Pacific Fleet spokesman Roman Martov told local media.

Ka-27 carrier-born helicopters made several sorties in a simulated enemy submarine search. The crews also tested their ships' survival capabilities, Martov said.

The Russian ships, including one big anti-submarine ship, three landing ships, a tanker and a rescue vessel, are on their way to the Gulf of Aden where they will protect navigation against piracy.

This is the ninth mission by the Pacific Fleet to Somali shores.

Russian ships conduct firing practice in South China Sea - People's Daily Online

Welcome back to Cam Ranh bay, brother bear :cheers:
barren land? Go look at your jungle primate
No need to be sarcastic. My post was responded to @terranMarine, saying that Vietnam never had the power to invade China. Anyway the raids were merely the reactions to your aggression against us. Nothing more.

Actually ancient Vietnam had more than enough chances to teach you aggressive Chinese a lession. But we did not want to.
Well, no need to respond that stupid arrogant, he can not accept the true. You can see idiot in his post:

He said China was back Khmer rough attacked us, and We counter attack Khmer-rough, So China attacked us to help Khmer-rough.
It's clear, China was betrayed us at first, they feel proud when they can used Cambodia along their PLA damage us, but coward to admit their betrayal with us.
We were want peace at lastest, but when Khmer-rough prepared to launch a all out war on us, we must take them down, but China can't take it.

Their stupid pride and arrogant so hard to accept the true like alway: When said about shake hand with America 1972, they said that's political and power in region and international, but when said about 1979, they crying about morality and ungraceful because we fefused to join with them against USSR in 1969.

Don't overreact, Vietnam never had the power to invade China in ancient times and VN could only pick Cambodia as target for retaliation and did not choose to attack China despite the PLA did help Khmer Rouge attack you mofos.
If VN did had that kind of power it would have done so, just keep smoking pots if you truly believe VN was ever much stronger than China.
It's embarrassing some viet trolls think the US would give 2 shits about them.
I don't know about that as well as 1972 event but it's seem like you really like shjts, you can find it in your house... :coffee:
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barren land? Go look at your jungle primate
Barren and polluted land. people don't have enough safe and healthy food in China
1,3 billion people , only 120 million hectares of arable land with one tenth is extremely polluted
One Tenth Of Arable Land In China Suffers From Pollution

China has about 120 million hectares of arable land, 13 percent of its land area.
by Staff Writers
Beijing (XNA) Nov 09, 2006
China's pollution problems have damaged 10 million hectares, or one tenth, of the country's arable land, said the environment watchdog Tuesday as it called for expanding grass-roots monitoring staff in the rural areas. China faces "grave" soil pollution that jeopardizes the ecology, food safety, people's health and the sustainable development of agriculture, according to the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA).

It is estimated that each year 12 million tons of grain are contaminated by heavy metals in the soil, causing direct economic losses of more than 20 billion yuan (around 2.5 billion U.S. dollars), the SEPA said.

Irrigated sewage, scrap metal and acid rain are blamed for contaminated crops.

China has about 120 million hectares of arable land, 13 percent of its land area.

Despite the efforts of SEPA's 160,000 environmental officials, China's environmental picture shows little optimism.

Pollution prevention is weak, especially in the rural areas, the SEPA said, adding that there is currently no legislation concerning soil and poultry raising pollution.

Though an excess of one million factories in the country are generating pollution, there are only 50,000 environmental monitoring and inspection personnel at various levels, SEPA said.
One Tenth Of Arable Land In China Suffers From Pollution
CMS 2032 launched at HPS on 28.03.2013:



What's on the right is another CMS vessel(#6 from HPS) that's been brought on the building berth for only 3 weeks。

CMS 2032 launched at HPS on 28.03.2013:



What's on the right is another CMS vessel(#6 from HPS) that's been brought on the building berth for only 3 weeks。


= 100 kg TNT, enough :P
Shipyards that have won orders to build 1000-tonne and above CMS vessels are:


Yards that have orders for 600-1000 tonne ships are:



No need to be sarcastic. My post was responded to @terranMarine, saying that Vietnam never had the power to invade China. Anyway the raids were merely the reactions to your aggression against us. Nothing more.

Actually ancient Vietnam had more than enough chances to teach you aggressive Chinese a lession. But we did not want to.
Yeah, you Viets were so charitable that you gave up chances to **** China up which had long been one of most advanced and powerful country in the world. I really appreciate that~~~. Keep moving. We are looking forward to being taught by you. And there is one thing I have to praise you: You are really full of talents of humorousness.
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We are now in the 21st century, living in a civilized world and governed by laws.

China must honor the territorial rights of other countries. We are no longer living in the ancient times where there is no law exists and countries were not yet discovered. Wake up! Your claim over your neighbors' exclusive economic zones is grave blunder. You pushed all your neighbors around in the area. You’re the only one doing all the provoking, waddling about showing off how mighty you think you are, but the fact remains, your posturing is all because of your insatiable greed for more natural resources in areas clearly you don’t own.

The world will know further how arrogance by reason of economic and military superiority is not the proper way to insist an old and decaying argument of the nine dash line. Remember Hitler what he did in Germany, You are following that line by insisting your supposed "indisputable" sovereignty on a territory that is so far away from your nearest seashore. It defies logic that you don't possess.
Keep deluding yourself. We are coming to colonize you like other nations you worship already did :lol:

Welcome back to Cam Ranh bay, brother bear :cheers:
Now you want to beg Russia to save you from China :omghaha:

Look at the last time they stood by while we inflicted 100,000 civilian casualties on you. This time our tanks will roll into Hanoi for 10x or 100x more casualties!
China is just buying time without softening it's stance, 5, 10 years down the track she will be powerful enough to dictate the rules in SCS. None of the countries in dispute can match china, economically, militarily or culturally, they also lack support from the international community. For self assurance, they seems to think countries with no stake in SCS will miraculously forgive their own interests and help them. Wake up you self delusional trolls, countries have no allies only interests.

It's embarrassing some viet trolls think the US would give 2 shits about them.
Really not necessary to wake them up and it's boring to talk to Viets and Filipinos ...I found we have much more common topics with Americans.:omghaha:

Keep deluding yourself. We are coming to colonize you like other nations you worship already did :lol:

Now you want to beg Russia to save you from China :omghaha:

Look at the last time they stood by while we inflicted 100,000 civilian casualties on you. This time our tanks will roll into Hanoi for 10x or 100x more casualties!

Is it fun to threat a country much weaker than ours? They are even unqualified to be our enemies. So just stop freaking them out.
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