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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

South China Sea Dispute: US Calls Nations To Support Philippines

Obama Clean Steve Jurvetson / Flickr CC BY 2.0

While the whole world awaits the decision of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague that hears the territorial dispute in the South China Sea, which the Philippines has lodged against China, the U.S meanwhile, has urged ASEAN member countries for unity on the court ruling.

On October 29, last year, the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague ruled in favor of the Philippines after it ruled that the court has jurisdiction over the case. The international tribunal hears cases concerning disputes in the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

The Philippines and the world is expecting that the court would dispense its decision by the end of next month or late June. But China has already said it has no intention of participating with proceedings nor it would honor the decision of the court, as previously reported by Morning News USA.

Meanwhile, the U.S, the Philippines’ strongest ally in its territorial dispute with China, has urged countries in the ASEAN region to honor and uphold the decision of the tribunal, Reuters reported.

U.S Deputy Secretary of State Anthony Blinken addressed members of the Congress on Thursday. In his speech he said that China, with its continued defiance of the pending decision from the Permanent Court of Arbitration, is just isolating itself more from fellow Asian countries.

“China has a decision to make. [If] it ignores the decision … it risks doing terrible damage to its reputation, further alienating countries in the region and pushing them even closer to the United States,” Blinken was quoted as saying by the Reuters.

Although the ruling of the court is not binding and it has been ignored in the past, the U.S has been trumpeting that countries, especially the signatory to the convention, to must abide by the ruling of the tribunal.
China even resorts to using the Victim's card after losing.
China: We are the victims in dispute; won’t heed UN decision

Read more: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/12...n-dispute-wont-heed-un-decision#ixzz4EBe3apJg
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Being one of the P5s China is morally bound to follow this UN mandated tribunal decision! Discarding this ruling will only undermine the authority of UN.. & will make it look like a joke.. while less fortunate countries gets bossed around & powerful ones get away!
So now China may pull out of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea? Yes?
I hope China will pull out of UNCLOS.

What the PDF Chinese and their clueless supporters do not realize is that China being out of treaties actually give US and the rest of the world more latitudes on how to deal with China on various issues.

Simple example: If I do not respect your property rights, why should you respect mine ?

In our respective countries with our respective laws, law enforcement, and judicial systems, we can appeal to a higher authority to enforce property rights laws. But the example has its limit on the anarchic global system. Since there is no higher authority to hear appeals, the UN does not have enforcement ability, members of the global system are free to act in their own interests to exact justice.

Regarding the SCS, China will be alone. China's withdrawal from UNCLOS will be the proverbial 'blessing' for other Asian countries who need passage thru the SCS for their economic health.
I hope China will pull out of UNCLOS.

What the PDF Chinese and their clueless supporters do not realize is that China being out of treaties actually give US and the rest of the world more latitudes on how to deal with China on various issues.

Simple example: If I do not respect your property rights, why should you respect mine ?

In our respective countries with our respective laws, law enforcement, and judicial systems, we can appeal to a higher authority to enforce property rights laws. But the example has its limit on the anarchic global system. Since there is no higher authority to hear appeals, the UN does not have enforcement ability, members of the global system are free to act in their own interests to exact justice.

Regarding the SCS, China will be alone. China's withdrawal from UNCLOS will be the proverbial 'blessing' for other Asian countries who need passage thru the SCS for their economic health.
Exactly, well said. Its like morality, you can break it now and pay for it later.
Arbitration is a two way street, next time if there is an issue where chinese assets are confiscated or interests violated like investments they cannot have an arbitration. Arbitration is not about enforcement but about finding valid soln wrt to law. Chinese cannot brow beat the world but only those in SCS area.
China doesn't think the court has the right to judge on the territory sovereign. Not else
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