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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

China was not present at the PCA hearing, delaring from beginning it to be meaningless. The hearing and the result was on request of Philppines. The findings are non binding. At the end of the day nothing changes on the ground or sea in this case. Just some more noise will be raised and nothing further will come out of it. Philppines is going to change its tune soon. They already have. So, storm in a tea cup will settle soon.
If china rejects Hague court verdict, why stay in UN?

Get out of UN and do as you like !

#doublestandards what else can you expect from the Chinese, they have no moral standing, and they have VETO power in the security council. This is just wrong. Its a rouge country, its does whatever it like's without taking into consideration the consequences. Look at the map how can you justify their territorial claim boundary.
If china rejects Hague court verdict, why stay in UN?

Get out of UN and do as you like !
China doesn't give a shit about such a verdict and at the same time remain a UN member with veto power. Only strong and powerful country can do that. Meanwhile india remains begging for nsg membership and being a permanent security council membership, too bad all those things will remain a dream. :smitten:

#doublestandards what else can you expect from the Chinese, they have no moral standing, and they have VETO power in the security council. This is just wrong. Its a rouge country, its does whatever it like's without taking into consideration the consequences. Look at the map how can you justify their territorial claim boundary.
Your country will continue crying while China remains a veto power and continues building their islands in South China Sea.
China doesn't give a shit about such a verdict and at the same time remain a UN member with veto power. Only strong and powerful country can do that. Meanwhile india remains begging for nsg membership and being a permanent security council membership, too bad all those things will remain a dream. :smitten:

No India will get all those memberships and we don't give a damn what china thinks.

After the verdict if china do not obey the court I think it will be a massive blow to the china's campaign of "peaceful rise" and the recognition as responsible country.
So who all voted in China's favor?

and Vanuatu.

Read more: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/140627/think-tank-scores-it-40-8-in-ph-favor#ixzz4EBdHBtjI
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China even resorts to using the Victim's card after losing.
China: We are the victims in dispute; won’t heed UN decision

Read more: http://globalnation.inquirer.net/12...n-dispute-wont-heed-un-decision#ixzz4EBe3apJg
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China's claim in SCS is illegal.


A look at this map would indicate how hollow the Chinese claim is.

As good as UK's claim over hong kong. Its surprising that there has been no war. Malaysia & Phillipines must be canoodling with chinese . A country which is not even in the frame claiming sovereignty is ridiculous. Given they are claiming so near malaysian waters, it wont take much time to claim malaysian/phillipines territory.
No India will get all those memberships and we don't give a damn what china thinks.

After the verdict if china do not obey the court I think it will be a massive blow to the china's campaign of "peaceful rise" and the recognition as responsible country.
Indians give a damn about everything that China thinks, just look at this thread and see the numerous indians posting here.
Why in the hell is China still so reactive? Should China not be a little proactive? China needs to get something concrete from this crisis, which equals to opportunity.

This award might "literally" be turned into an award by China.

@AndrewJin , @Jlaw , @Chinese-Dragon , @ChineseTiger1986 , @Daniel808 , @xunzi , @CAPRICORN-88 , @Dungeness , @yusheng , @cirr , @cnleio et al. Let's pool our comments under this thread.


Law-abusing tribunal issues ill-founded award on South China Sea arbitration
Source: Xinhua Published: 2016-7-12 16:59:36

The tribunal handling the South China Sea arbitration case unilaterally initiated by the former Philippine government issued its final award on Tuesday, amid a global chorus that as the panel has no jurisdiction, its decision is naturally null and void.

A source with the Philippine Foreign Ministry told Xinhua that the ministry has received the award.


China's reaction to arbitration depends on provocation
Source: Global Times Published: 2016-7-12 0:18:01

The award of the South China Sea arbitration will be issued at 5 pm Beijing time Tuesday. The US and Japan have claimed that relevant countries, including China, should comply with the arbitration result. They stand in sharp confrontation with China, which has announced that the award would be "nothing but a piece of paper." Whether the arbitration will lead to a severe geopolitical crisis has come under the global spotlight.

The Western media is analyzing how China will respond to the award. Bloomberg posited three scenarios from Beijing, from benign to moderately aggressive or aggressive. It considers that China establishing an South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) would be moderately aggressive and towing away the Philippine warship grounded at Ren'ai Reef and construction on Huangyan Island as aggressive.

We believe the Chinese government must have made a series of contingency plans to deal with subsequent actions. What actions China may take on Huangyan and Ren'ai, and whether China will announce a South China Sea ADIZ depends on the reactions of the Philippines to the arbitration result and the degree of US and Japanese provocations.

So far, none of the concerned parties want military confrontation. But all are ratcheting up military preparations. The South China Sea has been clouded by unprecedented tensions. It's uncertain where the situation will head to.

Chinese society pays close attention to the South China Sea situation. After the the post-arbitration wrestling begins, the most important thing for China is to show the outside world the solidarity of its society. For one thing, Chinese society has full confidence in the country's diplomatic and maritime strength; for another, no matter what price China has to pay for the wrangling, all the Chinese will squarely accept it.

The Chinese people and government share the same interests and responsibilities. We should not only safeguard territorial sovereignty, but also make the utmost efforts to maintain peace in China's periphery, prolonging China's strategic opportunities for China's rise.

The South China Sea is a big arena. China will devote its varied resources there. China in the past was weak. It could only express determinations through demonstrations or a few activists visiting its own islands in the South China Sea. But now it has multiple means at its disposal. It has become a formidable competitor that deserves respect. No power in the world could split a united China. As long as we stick together, provocateurs are doomed to fail.
China doesn't give a shit about such a verdict and at the same time remain a UN member with veto power. Only strong and powerful country can do that. Meanwhile india remains begging for nsg membership and being a permanent security council membership, too bad all those things will remain a dream. :smitten:

Your country will continue crying while China remains a veto power and continues building their islands in South China Sea.

Change your flag while your at it, you Chinese Muppet! Rightly said... This is a fundamental reason as to why the UN as an organisation is a complete joke!! All the Clown's are in power, The fact that china is a Communist country in itself should null and void its right to be part of the UN. If they don't give a damn shit, just leave the UN, as if anyone in the world is going to give 2 hoots about it!
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