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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

I am more interested to see how the new PH president will use this opportunity to negotiate with China.
Why so many Indians here?

I understand that India is willing to let her sovereign territory be delineated by Europeans but China will not work that way.
The Indians are here because of their insecurities. Their pride was destroyed when China, Turkey , Ireland and many more countries blocked their NSG membership.
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It was a predicted case but now comes the real time will they leave or will say F of

It may be too difficult for the US minions to comprehend but actually it's quite obvious what's going to happen. Nothing will happen, China will keep showing the middle finger to Hague, have I spelled it correctly because sometimes it sounds like an old hag?
According to China Xinhua News, China does not accept and recognise Hague Tribunal ruling because the Tribunal has no jurisdiction on this matter.

I hope China will pull out of UNCLOS.

What the PDF Chinese and their clueless supporters do not realize is that China being out of treaties actually give US and the rest of the world more latitudes on how to deal with China on various issues.

Simple example: If I do not respect your property rights, why should you respect mine ?

In our respective countries with our respective laws, law enforcement, and judicial systems, we can appeal to a higher authority to enforce property rights laws. But the example has its limit on the anarchic global system. Since there is no higher authority to hear appeals, the UN does not have enforcement ability, members of the global system are free to act in their own interests to exact justice.

Regarding the SCS, China will be alone. China's withdrawal from UNCLOS will be the proverbial 'blessing' for other Asian countries who need passage thru the SCS for their economic health.
Your officer ripped the judgment paper off when you losed the case with Nicaragua under Hague court. What a funny guy you are Gambit.
And any act on enforcing this verdict will have to pass the SC which China will veto. So the verdict really is meaningless other than for propaganda purposes.
If a resolution is brought to UNSC, China can veto it. But America, Japan, Germany, UK and France can lead a international coalition impose economic or other means, enforcing the Chinese to withdraw from the SC sea.

It is not just for propaganda.


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