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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

It was a bad move for China to sign the law of the sea even though they put clauses in there. Good lesson for China is that contracts and treaties can be breach
U.S still not sign "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea", is that mean China better than U.S ? Maybe China should leave it.
Trust me, you will never understand until you leave China and live in USA. You will understand what freedom means. I'm sure you get your freedom in China and I'm sure they treated you well there. But the trade off is your thoughts to think freely for the freedom to live. Whereas, USA you retain the freedom to think freely and express openly and still live.
man, if you live in China, you can see that we are not living in a hole...you can see ppl on weibo and wechat or other website oppose ccp publicly and freely, sure we have a lot to improve and a long way to go, but I've been to england as exchange student, frankly I don't think the "free media" dare or willing to report a CHina that I see from my own eyes, I'm not saying China is flawless, I'm just saying we are actually not that ignorant and brainwashed as you think or what public medias want you to think, most of our differences came form different point of view or different culture,that 's all. Yes China and other countries had to play power play in SCS, but it means not we like to play like that, and I always believe if both governments can hold up bilateral negotiation without other's intervention, things would be a lot better. Btw, taiwan has free media, but they can not accept this unfair tribunal, that says a lot of things.
China to the tribunal ruling:yahoo::yahoo:
That is what the UN said to China about the claiming the SCS.
That is what the UN said to China about the claiming the SCS.
UN said that to US before, remember? So , both China and US don't care. And what else the tribunal can do ? Appeal to the UNSC? Sorry, vetoed..
Lol, your judgement is beyond ignorant. Maybe you live my life, so you know everything. You don't even know the Vietnam war. Go read it and learn it. It will open your eyes as to why I sided with the US. Otherwise, you're just a waste of air.
And yet still u are in Canada living a good life while your fellow countrymen suffer. Talk of patriotism

fair enough...let's clear the dust..shall we...so what is your stand on the international ruling??
The one designed to contain China ? lol
Come on they can go and invade iraq, attack Libya leave it in Dust. What worth does this Biased ruling have ?
man, if you live in China, you can see that we are not living in a hole...you can see ppl on weibo and wechat or other website oppose ccp publicly and freely, sure we have a lot to improve and a long way to go, but I've been to england as exchange student, frankly I don't think the "free media" dare or willing to report a CHina that I see from my own eyes, I'm not saying China is flawless, I'm just saying we are actually not that ignorant and brainwashed as you think or what public medias want you to think, most of our differences came form different point of view or different culture,that 's all. Yes China and other countries had to play power play in SCS, but that not means we like to play like that, and I always believe if both governments can hold up bilateral negotiation without other's intervention, things would be a lot better. Btw, taiwan has free media, but they can not accept this unfair tribunal, that says a lot of things.

Yet, China hasn't play fair? Why did you even go to school in England? why didn't you stay in China and study there? So obviously, you did think the Education in England was better. Thus, the west influence is more comfortable for you. You know it, but you didn't fit into the culture because it was more difficult for you to adapt. I can agree with you on that. Chinese major cities all adopted Western influences. Tall buildings, roads, highways, speed trains, planes, etc. If China didn't absorb those things into Chinese culture, there would still be old ancient brick buildings and mud/straw houses. Your government has a bigger motive.

And yet still u are in Canada living a good life while your fellow countrymen suffer. Talk of patriotism

The one designed to contain China ? lol
Come on they can go and invade iraq, attack Libya leave it in Dust. What worth does this Biased ruling have ?

lol, go tell that to the VCP. I have nothing to do with that. Go blame them.

You can choose to live anywhere you want and run your life how you want. Up to you. No one says you have to live in the gutter.
South China Sea: India, US say 'accept ruling' while Pakistan backs China
TNN & Agencies | Jul 12, 2016, 09.16 PM IST
  1. India has urged all parties involved in the South China Sea dispute to show utmost respect for the UN-backed tribunal's ruling
  2. An International tribunal struck down China's claims of "historical rights" in the strategic South China Sea
A ship (top) of the Chinese Coast Guard is seen near a ship of the Vietnam Marine Guard in the South China Sea. (Reuters photo)
NEW DELHI: India on Tuesday urged all parties involved in the South China Seadispute to show utmost respect for the UN-backed tribunal's ruling.

A UN-backed international tribunal on Tuesday struck down China's claims of "historical rights" in the strategic South China Sea, prompting Chinese President Xi Jinping to reject its ruling and asserting that Beijing will not accept the verdict "under any circumstances".

"Sea lanes of communication passing through the South China Sea are critical for peace, stability, prosperity and development. As a State Party to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea (UNCLOS), India urges all parties to show utmost respect for the UNCLOS, which establishes the international legal order of the seas and oceans," the ministry of external affairs said in a statement.

India supports freedom of navigation and over flight, and unimpeded commerce, based on the principles of international law, as reflected notably in the UNCLOS, the statement said.

India believes that States should resolve disputes through peaceful means without threat or use of force and exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that could complicate or escalate disputes affecting peace and stability, it further said.

Earlier today, the Permanent Court of Arbitration said in a statement that there was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights within the sea areas falling within the 'nine-dash line'.

China "neither accepts nor recognises" the ruling of the tribunal in the SCS arbitration established at the request of the Philippines, the Chinese Foreign Ministrysaid in Beijing.

"The award is null and void and has no binding force," it said in a statement minutes after the tribunal delivered its judgement striking down Beijing's claims of historic rights over the area, strongly disputed by the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and Taiwan.

The US has also urged all parties to accept the tribunal's ruling saying it's "final and legally binding."

"The decision today by the Tribunal in the Philippines-China arbitration is an important contribution to the shared goal of a peaceful resolution to disputes in the South China Sea," State Department spokesman John Kirby said in a statement.

Pakistan, however, backed its "all-weather" ally China and said Islamabad opposes any imposition of "unilateral will" on others.

Pakistan maintains that disputes over the South China Sea (SCS) should be peacefully resolved through consultations and negotiations by states directly concerned in accordance with bilateral agreements and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Nafees Zakaria said.

"Pakistan opposes any imposition of unilateral will on others and respects China's statement of optional exception in light of Article 298 of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea," Zakaria said.

A Philippine victory — or was it?
While the case was brought by the Philippines, China has long blamed the United States for inflaming the situation through its regional allies.

Paul Reichler, the lawyer who spearheaded the Philippines' case, claimed the ruling was a "remarkable victory for the Philippines."

The case was filed in 2013, after China seized Scarborough Shoal, a reef 150 miles off the Philippines that is claimed by both countries.

Filipinos took to the streets Tuesday to claim the result as a victory. For days the hashtag #Chexit has made the rounds on social media, meaning China should exit what Filipinos see as their territorial waters.

But it is unclear how far the current Philippine government will go to enforce the ruling.

Manila welcomed the decision but also urged "restraint." The current government is not the same regime that filed the case in 2013, and the new president, Rodrigo Duterte, has expressed interest in attracting Chinese investment.

He has also distanced himself from Washington, proclaiming a month before his June election that his country "will not be dependent on America."

Will the ruling prompt the U.S. to act?
What happens next could strain U.S.-China relations.

Washington could use the decision as a reason to step up naval patrols to show support for the Philippines, despite Duterte's proposed talks with China toward maritime cooperation.

While the U.S. is hesitant to go to war over a scattering of uninhabited islands, there is also concern about ceding the sea to China as it appears on course to militarize the area.

U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in March that China would "have significant capacity" to project "substantial military power" in the region by early next year.

Victor Gao, an international affairs analyst and former interpreter for former Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping, agrees.

"China is telling the United States the days when China could be bullied are forever over," he told NBC News. "If the United States can send its warships to the South China Sea, China can do the same — sending them to the Caribbean and to the Gulf of Mexico and to the offshore areas in California."

Gao added: "If the United States does not believe that, wait until it happens and it'll be too late."

What about China?
China could take any number of steps in wake of the ruling.

It may withdraw from the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Seas treaty, step up its land reclamation, or impose a new "air defense identification zone" that would allow Chinese forces to monitor and move against planes in the area.

The ruling also may prove to be a strong rallying point for Chinese nationalism.

Social media platforms were kinetic with messages that called for unity around the decision.

In the hours ahead of the ruling, #SouthChinaSeaArbitration was the top trending topic on Weibo with well over 100 million views.

The Global Times featured a front-page editorial on the day the ruling was released saying that China's reaction will depend on outside provocation and that does not rule out the possibility of military confrontation to defend China's claims and its dignity.

China "has become a formidable competitor that deserves respect," the editorial said, "As long as we stick together, provocateurs are doomed to fail."
U.S still not sign "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea", is that mean China better than U.S ? Maybe China shld leave it.

China accepted UN convention on the law of the sea ... and hence either it must accept the verdict or leave... but as it mulling to ignore the verdict, China might become isolated in SCS ..
@vtnsx calm down mare, this is Pakistani forum and these guys are biased towards Chinese.

Don't get yourself banned.
Number of countries which supported India in NSG- 48.

Number of countries which supported China in UN Tribunal- 8.

Yes, China can ignore an international legal verdict, or even pull out of the UNCLOS. But I wonder how China is going to now use those “we have historic and legal rights to xyz water” or “country xyz had violated international law” rhetorics. A few weeks ago, didn’t China accused Indonesia of violating UNCLOS during the fishing boats skirmish? Didn’t China recently appealed to UNCLOS and international laws with regards to the maritime disputes with Japan?

So what will China be invoking UNCLOS or international law again with these kind of disputes? Oh China.
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