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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

blahblahblah you can accuse me as ignorant as you want, I'm tired of aguring two opposed opinions, let's just see how things will going on and each of us can do what ever we should do to defend our claims, that's fair and square.

Your government is doing it wrong. Why defend your claims? when you can just take it from us? What is stopping your government from doing that? I'm referring to a war with US.
Of Course China, Like All Great Powers, Will Ignore an International Legal Verdict
In ignoring an upcoming verdict on the South China Sea, Beijing is following well-established precedent by great powers.
This week the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) will deliver its award in the Philippines’ case against China over maritime disputes in the South China Sea. In a bid to thwart Beijing’s attempt to turn the South China Sea into its own virtual lake, Manila contends that China’s claim to exclusive sovereignty over all the islands and shoals within the nine-dashed line – which encompasses 86 percent of the Sea – has no basis in international law. There is not much suspense about what the tribunal will decide: it will almost certainly side with the Philippines. The United States and its allies have already started criticizing China for signaling in advance that it will ignore the court’s ruling, which one Chinese official derided last week as “nothing more than a piece of paper.”

It may seem un-American to ask whether China should do as we say, or, by contrast, as we do. But suppose someone were bold enough to pose that question. The first thing they would discover is that no permanent member of the UN Security Council has ever complied with a ruling by the PCA on an issue involving the Law of the Sea. In fact, none of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council have ever accepted any international court’s ruling when (in their view) it infringed their sovereignty or national security interests. Thus, when China rejects the Court’s decision in this case, it will be doing just what the other great powers have repeatedly done for decades.

From the day the Philippines went to court, China has argued that the PCA has no legitimate jurisdiction on this issue since it concerns “sovereignty” – which the text of the Law of the Sea treaty explicitly prohibits tribunals from addressing. When the Court rejected China’s objection, Beijing refused to participate in its hearings and made it clear that it will ignore the PCA’s ruling. The United States and others have criticized Beijing for taking this stance. But again, if we ask how other permanent members of the Security Council have acted in similar circumstances, the answer will not be one we like.

When the Netherlands sued Russia after the latter’s navy boarded and detained the crew of a Dutch vessel in waters off of the Russian coast in 2013, Moscow asserted that the court had no jurisdiction in the matter and refused to participate in the hearings. It also ignored a tribunal’s order that the crew be released while the dispute was being resolved. After the PCA ruled that Russia had violated the Law of the Sea and ordered Moscow to pay the Netherlands compensation, Russia refused.

Anticipating the Court’s ruling in the case brought by the Philippines, UK Prime Minister David Cameron proclaimed: “We want to encourage China to be part of that rules-based world. We want to encourage everyone to abide by these adjudications.” Perhaps he had forgotten that just last year the PCA ruled that the UK had violated the Law of the Sea by unilaterally establishing a Marine Protected Area in the Chagos Islands. The British government disregarded the ruling, and the Marine Protected Area remains in place today.

The United States has never been sued under the Law of the Sea because – unlike China – Washington has not ratified the international agreement and is thus not bound by its rules. Expect Chinese commentators to emphasize this point in the mutual recriminations that will follow the Court’s announcement.

The closest analogue to the Philippines case involving the United States arose in the 1980s when Nicaragua sued Washington for mining its harbors. Like China, the United States argued that the International Court of Justice did not have the authority to hear Nicaragua’s case. When the court rejected that claim, the United States not only refused to participate in subsequent proceedings, but also denied the Court’s jurisdiction on any future case involving the United States, unless Washington explicitly made an exception and asked the Court to hear a case. If China followed that precedent, it could withdraw from the Law of the Sea Treaty altogether – joining the United States as one of the world’s only nations not party to the agreement.

In the Nicaragua case, when the Court found in favor of Nicaragua and ordered the United States to pay reparations, the U.S. refused, and vetoed six UN Security Council resolutions ordering it to comply with the court’s ruling. U.S. Ambassador to the UN Jeane Kirkpatrick aptly summed up Washington’s view of the matter when she dismissed the court as a “semi-legal, semi-juridical, semi-political body, which nations sometimes accept and sometimes don’t.”

Observing what permanent members of the Security Council do, as opposed to what they say, it is hard to disagree with realist’s claim that the PCA and its siblings in The Hague – the International Courts of Justice and the International Criminal Court – are only for small powers. Great powers do not recognize the jurisdiction of these courts – except in particular cases where they believe it is in their interest to do so. Thucydides’ summary of the Melian mantra – “the strong do as they will; the weak suffer as they must” – may exaggerate. But this week, when the Court finds against China, expect Beijing to do as great powers have traditionally done.

By Graham Allison
Graham Allison is director of Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs and author of the forthcoming book, “Destined for War: America, China, and Thucydides’s Trap.”

Link: http://thediplomat.com/2016/07/of-c...s-will-ignore-an-international-legal-verdict/
yeah, we have no might to stop USN cruising yet USN has no might to stop our island building either, so that's really a unsatisified situation for both of us.

No one is stopping you from building islands at such high costs which will serve no purpose unless you can get 200 miles around it as Chinese EEZ which is not going to happen.
yes you tested it while you were high with the three guys who thanked you? Even the CPC does not claim Kublai Khan was Chinese and everybody agrees including Marco Polo that he conquered china and executed the child Chinese King. Please stop smoking opium and learn some history.

lol! they can't because reality is too harsh for them they would rather ignore it and hope for the best. It is like closing your eyes and marching towards your enemy's tanks.
Keep USA (the one who used orange agaent on your ancestors) and EU out. None of them are coming to save you lot and for what ? As for China no one can stop the peaceful rise of dragon
Well cheer leading is fine...however lets not defy logic to that extent that it looks outright disgusting...
So are you saying it was ok for the UK and Portugal to takie over Hong Kong and Macau?

They are much smaller than the U.K and Portugal. Did UK take all of Qing China despite the technological disparity?

Need a diagram?

1930s China is a much different animal than 2016 China. Japan will have to wait until the next Chinese civil war to make her opportunistic move.

Carrion feeder eats onlt dying and sick animals if not dead ones.
Your government is doing it wrong. Why defend your claims? when you can just take it from us? What is stopping your government from doing that?
how can you say our government is wrong? Do you think I don't learn by myself? clearly I learned and I believe our claims are just, so certainly I will defend my ancestors legacy. You can say CCP is wrong and we are brain washed but why the taiwan government aka republic of china claims the same? You'd rather say all we chinese are wrong better than just accuse CCP government.
how can you say our government is wrong? Do you think I don't learn by myself? clearly I learned and I believe our claims are just, so certainly I will defend my ancestors legacy. You can say CCP is wrong and we are brain washed but why the taiwan government aka republic of china claims the same? You'd rather say all we chinese are wrong better than just accuse CCP government.

Because you're of the same people. Who falsely believe your government is right. How do you know your government is ABSOLUTELY not wrong?
It is a court of arbitration, it has no power to enforce its decision. Philippines can go to war, impose sanctions or get a UN Security Council resolution against China, but none of these will happen. Philippines will not go to war with China clearly. It is also too small economically to impose sanctions against China. China has veto power in UN Security Council, Philippines will never get a resolution from UN Security Council without China vetoing it. All Philippines can do is make some noise in the media which China doesn't care.

In another word, this is just a drama in the international theater concerning South China Sea involving actors such as US, EU, China and Philippines. It will have no real life consequences.

One thing that is also noteworthy is China has never agreed to the arbitration. An arbitration needs two parties to agree to the arbitration to work. Philippines submitted the case unilaterally. The Permanent Court of Arbitration should not have accepted a case submitted unilaterally by one party. The Permanent Court of Arbitration has shown itself to be a political institution and not a judicial institution in this instance.

This has damaged the reputation of the Permanent Court of Arbitration. Is this surprising? Probably not given the influence of the West on the Permanent Court of Arbitration. However, the rest of the world will see the Permanent Court of Arbitration as political and will set up its own court of arbitration that is apolitical.
No one is stopping you from building islands at such high costs which will serve no purpose unless you can get 200 miles around it as Chinese EEZ which is not going to happen.
ok,thank you, we'd like to spend the money this way as we see fit, thanks for not stopping us, btw we don't want to stop USN as long as we can use the islands freely and the natural resources of our own.
They are much smaller than the U.K and Portugal. Did UK take all of Qing China despite the technological disparity?

Need a diagram?

1930s China is a much different animal than 2016 China. Japan will have to wait until the next Chinese civil war to make her opportunistic move.

Carrion feeder eats onlt dying and sick animals if not dead ones.

Well Portugal didn't need to take over all of China to send Chinese people into slavery.
LOL. When France builds it base in middle east or carries out operation In africa is it fine ?

Ah, come on, man! Not only is this a violent steer towards off-topic
but in addition, these bases are all built with the agreement of the
local authorities ... contrary to the islands in this SCS case so ...

moot point!​

Besides, I said nothing about right or wrong on the matter, only
that your choice of nomenclature was erroneous.

8-) Really, don't fret over so little and have a great day, Tay.
Because you're of the same people. Who falsely believe your government is right. How do you know your government is ABSOLUTELY not wrong?
no no no I admit both countries have their own right of claiming because of the mess in SCS historically that's why we should negotiate,but clearly now it is a power play,besides why do you think taiwan government claims exactly the same as CCP? are they both wrong?
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