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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

China's being a favor of the gods -- the Middle Kondom -- is ridiculous in its face. No one but the Chinese believed it.

As for US being the world's policeman, more countries accepted and embraced it than China's superstitious nonsense.

Venezuela has oil, what does the Philippines have ? But look at Venezuela now. Looks like Duterte ain't that bright.

Agree duterte is downgrade he could be a good anti crime interior secretary but as President he sucks bad only the chinese and Dutertards think he's a great President screw them
why would we attack...we just want to defend our territory and use the resources, so we will just continue to build up artificial islands and oil drills and deploy missiles, why should we Naval and Merchant ships? Will they attack us first to start the conflict? pls notice that we have just crush a illigal boat a few days ago. we have gaint boat, so we can simple do the crushes without fire a single bullet, so this is not war right? as long as we can get what we want, why should we attack?

If you don't provoke any conflict then it's good for all parties involved including China and other SE & E Asian countries and also for rest of the world as its an important trading route. But building all these artificial Islands on open seas don't give you any right to exploit its (SCS) resources. Other countries including Vietnam and Philippines also has the right to do so ( including fishing) . As i said before bullying weaker countries don't work (even if its their fishing boats).
hey man I just simply point out what the most logical outcomes all right? If the west had the ability to saction china they would do it a long time ago. clearly today world ecomomy is very fragile so if china, the second largest ecomomy and major manufactuor and consumer in the world market get sactioned, we can simly destory the main supply chian/industrial chain and fanancial system of the world economy and made the world a disastor( very likely to cause a world war), so the question is will the west risk the fragile world order?

Its just matter timing my friend but seriously the chinese economy is now a zombie economy especially the state owned factories etc sorry but your screwed in few decades or maybe less
Victory is won through bloodshed and sacrifices by going through battles. Without those things, there is no real victory only false hope with unrealistic goals.

If the Chinese are unwilling to die for what they want, then they are simply cowards. I don't care how many islands they build, how many walls they put up, how many planes, bombs, etc. They will remain so.
tell me, if we can build up islands and stuff and get the resourses as we want, why should we fight a war?
The suppa pavvar is unable to to take this humiliation and frustration is kicking in.
really a simple solution but China always reactive and turned it into a big thing. Chinese government should have contacted PN government and "make them a deal they can't refuse" during this fiasco. Small countries only fear power. Even threaten them by stop importing bananas would have stopped them from going through.

Apparently thats what Chinese Govt had in mind

Q: We notice that the governments of Sierra Leone and Kenya have recently joined in the chorus supporting China's South China Sea position. Nearly 60 countries have publicly endorsed China's stance, and more and more countries have shown their support to China. Is the Chinese government behind this? Is the Chinese government trying to extend its "circle of friends" on the South China Sea issue?

A: The South China Sea issue is supposed to be an issue between China and a few littoral countries of the South China Sea. We always oppose internationalizing this issue.


But sadly seems like both yours and Chinese Govts wishes failed to turn into reality with Philippines managing to get the best of China at that tribunal :frown:

3 naval fleets 100 ships drill in SCS: China "strike the mountain to warn the tiger"








If U.S Navy not attack China first, we think no war in SCS ... if other try to attack our artificial islands and PLAN & PLAAF will revenge back. As we see most countries in the region r developing states, conflict with China on sea also hurt their economy back ... China has 1.3billion ppl and 1.3billion domestic market during foreign war, even in war China still has great war potential to produce weapons and maintain economy as same as U.S and Russia, such potential is big different from some small countries.
What are they going to do? The ruling means absolutely nothing. It has no value and is politically motivated. It has not even symbolic value. China will move on and continue to build the islands.
The constructions ON the islands will be meaningless.

China's presence on those man-made islands was intended to extend China's legal reach to the entirety of the SCS. Now this UN decision rendered that claim legally null. China can build, but the most the international community will respect is some span of the sea around each island. Nothing more. That mean all ships will be able to traverse the SCS without any legal hindrance from China. That mean any ADIZ China established in the area can be ignored by any flyer.

And guess what...The US will be the enforcer of that UN decision.
If China does not enforce her own claim to the SCS and punish (attack) violators of said claim, that mean for all practical purposes, the ruling was effective.

Americans wont sit there and watch Communist rise. The Chinese are so over themselves. They feel like the SCS situation is a sport to them. When they have no idea, what deaths, pain and the lost of their love ones even mean.
Its just matter timing my friend but seriously the chinese economy is now a zombie economy especially the state owned factories etc sorry but your screwed in few decades or maybe less
...if chinese economy still has "a few decades" to go then think about it's size man...it will be the largest in the world, that’s literally a vain threat ...
So what's USA doing all over the world? What is the business of USA in East Asia apart from plundering resources of other nations? Americans are only mad that China is doing what USA has been doing since its foundation, invading, looting and killing. Let the playground become fair, there is a second tough guy on the playground, the older bully is scared. :lol:
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