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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

When the excitement is over and 'business as usual' returns tomorrow morning, what will they do?

Cry foul. I've already said it numerous times. This verdict has no meaning. Not even a symbolic one. It only serves the purpose to exert pressure on China which it honestly hasn't. I think this will make China more defiant. The architects of this circus show have underestimated China's resolve. China is darn serious about the South China Sea.
Americans wont sit there and watch Communist rise. The Chinese are so over themselves. They feel like the SCS situation is a sport to them. When they have no idea, what deaths, pain and the lost of their love ones even mean.
That is absolutely right. You viets must have first-hand experience about that. after all, US is good at killing civilians of small country. it slaughtered millions of civilians in vietnam, iraq and afghanistan like playing vedio games. it is a champion in that aspect.

But things changed dramatically when it comes to communist country north korea, which kept humiliating US and crossed all the red lines it drawed, US couldn't do nothing execpt begging China and Russia to put jointly sanction on them.
Is that your master, USA.
can stop China to build their Naval base in SCS :D

Lolzz dude .. I'm my own master.:confused:

And all these artificial islands mean nothing to SE Asian countries , US , Japan and rest of the World. Nobody recognises these islands as Chinese territory. Even if USN or other Naval/Merchant ships dock on these artificial islands , China can't do anything about it, as they are located in Open Sea.
Learn some simple chemical, it' easy to judge the fake date.

as if the so called maps got any importance... demographics changed with time... so is the Chinese territory.. silly trying to grab weak countries land ....
The thread is more like an Indian festival celebration. Could never understand the way Indians are thinking. Maybe Indians believe that now their warships can sail freely in SCS? You could just make a try!

China loses nothing. Instead, if Pinoys make a wrong move, they are going to loose control of the few rocks they stole from China by tricks and lies.
All the time before the UN decision, you guys have been talking tough about sinking ships, now the decision is against China and all I see so far is a lot of sputtering about building on the islands. So build all you want. The UN decision has more to do with the ownership of the SCS than it is about China's wasting of money on a few man made islands. Essentially, no one owns the SCS, no matter how many maps China can conjure up via Photoshop. The greater issue is that now with this decision, not just China but no one can claim ANY expanse of the seas anywhere ANYWHERE in the world. China made a tactical play and it blew up in Beijing's face.
Does not matter how many islands you made your broke international law take the case Nicaragua vs the US in the end US had to pay up 30million endettement after ignoring it so go ahead veto it ignore it in the end you have to comply.

Do not be emotional.

In terms of China's course of action, it is highly likely that China will continue the build up and development activity as planned.

Hardly anything will change in terms of real policy behavior.
That is a HOLLOW victory for the Philippines but why are you so happy?

OBAMA is pretty pleased because now her navy can sailed with 12NM of India Nicobar and Andaman Island.

Remebrance about India own humilating defeat in 1962 or what?

I have to make this account to ask a simple question. Are you stupid or acting daft??

You are peddling this canard of countries losing their EEZ due this ruling. May I know on how hard you failed in comprehension?

Chinese Island are artificial ,where no Chinese national lived before they were built upon artificially, while the Indian Island in question are natural, were populated, and undisputed part of India.

The law is clear on this: Artificial Island does not have any EEZ, while natural and populated Islands have. There is no legal dispute on this matter, with few exceptions like when a small natural and populated island belonging to a country is just off the coast of another country.

And the matter of EEZ is not even within the ambit of this verdict. What this verdict is about is illegality of preposterous 9 dashed line on basis of which China is claiming territories of its neighbours that are just off their coast. Chinese claims have not been declared invalid on basis of EEZ technicality, but on basis of illegality of nine-dashed line.
That is absolutely right. You viets must have first-hand experience about that. after all, US is good at killing civilians of small country. it slaughtered millions of civilians in vietnam, iraq and afghanistan like playing vedio games. it is a champion in that aspect.

But things changed dramatically when it comes to communist country north korea, which kept humiliating US and crossed all the red lines it drawed, US couldn't do nothing execpt begging China and Russia to put jointly sanction on them.

I guess you must be a Vietnamese. You really don't understand the Vietnam war and how people died. Do you even know the Vietnam war? or are you just trying to fulfill your pathetic fantasy that you are better than others?
How is it a trial if other party is not even bothering to be present. Even US and UK dont recognise the authority of such arbitration courts yet they want China to accept its ruling :lol:. I dont think china spent billions on artificial island just to evacuate.

I am waiting to see if Americans will try to enforce it and risk a confrontation.
The problem in your post is that the UN decision did not came from a trial. It was a dispute over a claim. And China lost.
That title is Indian trademark since 2012. Before US had the title. Before that, UK had it. China has never had the title.

China is a developing nation. It needs to continue to build islands for economic security and enjoy trade surplus.

Exactly so.

Being a winner, you need to take some solid action. Otherwise, it will be all words on paper.

Tag some Indians here as well, otherwise they will feel disappointed you ignore them.
China's folly in creating the 9 dash line and claiming many islands in the SOUTH CHINA SEA as its own is threat to world peace in that no country can stop China from maintaining underground shelter for nuclear missiles and weapons -just like in the James Bond movie "MOON RAKER" Readers please think...........ahead about the future in many years hence,
Cry foul. I've already said it numerous times. This verdict has no meaning. Not even a symbolic one. It only serves the purpose to exert pressure on China which honestly it hasn't. I think this will make China more defiant. The architects of this circus show have underestimated China's resolve.

That's really a very sad affair of things. It could have been different. PH side has forever lost China's trust. I guess they have been given assurances by the US underhand, but like Taiwan has tasted many times, the US is not a reliable partner. They have a hierarchical approach and countries like PH and VN stand at the lower stratum of food chain in terms of US' regional allies.

They are not Japan or Korea.

US recently sold out Taiwan for Japan. Why would not have done so?
Back in the old old days when people were taming horses, a person would one day approach a captured horse and stand near by. After a few weeks doing this a person would then walk right up to the horse and put his hand on casually. Later put hands on and leave on. Then put on a blanket. Then change to a saddle. Then ride the horse. Then the horse is his.

From fighting the person who captured it, the horse will yield in TIME.
In the old days, you could speed up the process by 'breaking' the horse, as in getting on the horse and rode him no matter how much he may protest. China just tried to ride the international horse and got ignobly tossed off.

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