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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

China Military is not Iraq or Afghanistan or Philipinee Military class.
It's Ridicoluous to expect America to sacrificing hundred thousands of their soldier for Philipinee interest

You are contradicting your own claim.

China is not a militia, its a country. US can do unacceptable damage in sea and air without even deploying a single foot soldier.

China and US will not go to full scale war, but even a minor skirmish which doesn't threat rightful sovereignty can humiliate China in its own backyard.

Frankly speaking, China is at more disadvantage than Taliban or ISIS in facing the US.
It does not matter if China agreed to it or not. In self interests, countries will seek any level of legitimacy they can. With this UN decision, they now will have reasons, regardless of China's attitude, to ignore that silly dashy line that China put forth to claim the entirety of the SCS. Are YOU going to put yourself in the line of fire for China ? We know -- not. You ain't that brave and are not that into China.

As for our hypocrisy, see if that will convince the Asian countries to give up their rights to the SCS.

hahaha, exactly was my point. They think this is a sport. They don't even know how to fight a war.
The same universe that the USA resides in I believe. Gotta learn from someone.
We have not asked the Asian countries to cede the SCS to US. We just asked that ALL countries be allowed peaceful passage thru. I guess that is too difficult for a Chinese mind to grasp.

Be patient. I heard that it comes with older age, even to cow boys.
Be patient ? Tell that to your Chinese leadership. I guess several thousand yrs of civilization was not long enough to learn some patience.
We have not asked the Asian countries to cede the SCS to US. We just asked that ALL countries be allowed peaceful passage thru. I guess that is too difficult for a Chinese mind to grasp.

Be patient ? Tell that to your Chinese leadership. I guess several thousand yrs of civilization was not long enough to learn some patience.
:omghaha: I love their excuses.
We have not asked the Asian countries to cede the SCS to US. We just asked that ALL countries be allowed peaceful passage thru. I guess that is too difficult for a Chinese mind to grasp.


Hundreds of miltary bases, countless wars a homeland wracked by racial strife and you talk peace? USA have no high horse to talk down from Im afraid. You can wrestle with China and drag both countries into the gutter though.

I certainly hope that your brain isnt suffering from the ravages of age.
China's folly in creating the 9 dash line and claiming many islands in the SOUTH CHINA SEA as its own is threat to world peace in that no country can stop China from maintaining underground shelter for nuclear missiles and weapons -just like in the James Bond movie "MOON RAKER" Readers please think...........ahead about the future in many years hence,

When filippines accept the 9 dash line, it donesn't threat the world peace. Acceptance is not hard, realize the history and reality.
Just like they accept filippines once a colony of USA.

By the way, USA's exist in South East Asia never means protect peace, from Vietnam war, Combodia war, Timor war, Filippines internal conflicts, USA keeping peace of the region is a joke.

Here is a 10-point guide to the South China Sea dispute:
  1. China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei make competing claims to territory in the South China Sea, a 3.5 million sq km area with some of the world's most promising oil and gas fields and vital fishing grounds.
  2. China's increased military assertiveness - it has built artificial islands and conducts patrols and military exercises in the area - has had its smaller neighbours worried. It has also led to a confrontation with the United States.
  3. The US has backed those against China and has built up military presence in the region to ensure, it says, access to critical shipping and air routes. Both the US and China have accused each other of provocations in the region as recently as last month.
  4. China has been very active in the region in recent months installing missile launchers, radars and other military equipment, apart from pouring sand on coral reefs to build artificial islands.
  5. The case brought by the Philippines in 2013 challenges China's so-called "nine-dash line", a boundary that is the basis for its claim to roughly 85 percent of the South China Sea.
  6. It hinges on the legal status of reefs, rocks and artificial islands in the Scarborough Shoal and Spratly Island Group in the south China Sea, contesting China's control.
  7. Manila argues that the Spratlys and the Scarborough Shoal, a scattering of rocks off the coast of the Philippines' Luzon island, are within its territory.
  8. Beijing says it has had rights to the territories for centuries, a claim also contested by Vietnam which says it has controlled the Spratlys and another chain of islands called the Paracel for many years. Taiwan too claims those islands.
  9. China has boycotted the hearings at the Permanent Court of Arbitration, saying it does not have jurisdiction to decide on the matter.
  10. The court cannot enforce its decision but its ruling could embolden Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei to file similar cases.

They say so many terms, I have only one question: when the America itself jump directly on the stage?
China and US will not go to full scale war, but even a minor skirmish which doesn't threat rightful sovereignty can humiliate China in its own backyard.

Frankly speaking, China is at more disadvantage than Taliban or ISIS in facing the US.
This is what the clueless PDF Chinese do not understand.

They mock US about about not fighting for the Philippines, but would China go to war against the US over a few Chinese ships that was damaged or even sunk in the SCS ? No.

The Chinese government know they would not. Any shooting fight, not yet war, against the US Navy and the PLAN will lose and lose badly. This UN decision mean any country can travel thru the SCS with no consideration for whatever China claimed. Any challenge by China will be met not just by US but by an alliance led by US. Any sinking of any ship from any country will be taken by US and that alliance as permission to retaliate in kind.
We have not asked the Asian countries to cede the SCS to US. We just asked that ALL countries be allowed peaceful passage thru. I guess that is too difficult for a Chinese mind to grasp.

Be patient ? Tell that to your Chinese leadership. I guess several thousand yrs of civilization was not long enough to learn some patience.

Patience and doing nothing is not the same. You cant be too timid eh? Although I do agree that this move should have been planed for 10-15 years down the line. Oh well, plough ahead.

Hundreds of miltary bases, countless wars a homeland wracked by racial strife and you talk peace? USA have no high horse to talk down from Im afraid. You can wrestle with China and drag both countries into the gutter though.

I certainly hope that your brain isnt suffering from the ravages of age.

You talk like it is your war. lol, what do you even care. US has fought with many countries and been to many wars. Pretty sure, she can take care of China without going to war.
It does not matter if China agreed to it or not. In self interests, countries will seek any level of legitimacy they can. With this UN decision, they now will have reasons, regardless of China's attitude, to ignore that silly dashy line that China put forth to claim the entirety of the SCS. Are YOU going to put yourself in the line of fire for China ? We know -- not. You ain't that brave and are not that into China.

As for our hypocrisy, see if that will convince the Asian countries to give up their rights to the SCS.

Who will enforce this in your opinion :lol:. How many more Carrier group will you deploy untill you run out of the number. Unless US wants a direct confrontation between US and China right next to their shores then who are we to stop you.

You Americans just cant get over the fact that you dont have a unipolar world anymore. Both China and Russia are openly showing you middle finger yet you people dont get the hint. Anyways you have blessing of Pakistan to interfere with china in SCS as we are eager to watch you try.

If you refering to stance of Pakistan then you should know Pakistan will support China over US any day.
Nicaragua is a different case. Cause it's not about territory issue. You want China to give up our territory by a cheap arbitration? How naive is that. The only way you can gain our land and water territory is by war. Sorry. No other choice. I think this ideology works for most countries. Not just China.

Oh please the point here is it's not the strength of arms anymore even the US has to respect international law and china is no exception you commie nationalist in the forum makes stupid arguments making you look worse you simply not proving anything with your half @$$ tantrum post and you people lack some common sense on this point simply put making threats is laughable now because in the end your country has to comply with international law
This is what the clueless PDF Chinese do not understand.

They mock US about about not fighting for the Philippines, but would China go to war against the US over a few Chinese ships that was damaged or even sunk in the SCS ? No.

The Chinese government know they would not. Any shooting fight, not yet war, against the US Navy and the PLAN will lose and lose badly. This UN decision mean any country can travel thru the SCS with no consideration for whatever China claimed. Any challenge by China will be met not just by US but by an alliance led by US. Any sinking of any ship from any country will be taken by US and that alliance as permission to retaliate in kind.

I was hoping that Pakistan would defend China in this one.

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