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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

There is nothing to enforce. Nobody .. i mean nobody acknowledges China's ridiculous claim in SCS. Merchant ships and Naval vessels of other countries ( including that of USN) is gonna sail through the SCS as they like.

What can China do ? Will you guys fire on these Naval and Merchant ships and risk a conflict.
why would we attack...we just want to defend our territory and use the resources, so we will just continue to build up artificial islands and oil drills and deploy missiles, why should we attack Naval and Merchant ships? Will they attack us first to start the conflict? pls notice that we have just crush a illigal boat a few days ago. we have gaint boat, so we can simple do the crushes without fire a single bullet, so this is not war right? as long as we can get what we want, why should we attack?
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Filipinos must pay a price for what they did. Otherwise other countries will follow PH.

Well threats now? you guys are the one going to pay the whole s china is not gonna come out in favor world opinion is with us
Let's follow the rules guys....lets follow some UN rules as we have always been following, some technical rules of the UN :china:

game has just begun peeps :pop:
bro this is the real deal, as i said before let anti China Indian and other dance for their master US... they will be very disappointed when nothing going to change in SCS..

Let them have their Wet Dream, bro.

Because one year ago,
they so Butthurt to China. because China can build Island, Naval base in SCS, but They (Pirates and Banana) can do nothing. :lol:

So they very Butthurt today.
doesn't realise that no one Dare to Confront China to enforce Decision of that tribunal clowns.
Xi: China rejects any proposition, action based on S. China Sea arbitration award
Xinhua, July 12, 2016

Chinese President Xi Jinping said China will not accept any proposition or action based on the decision Tuesday by the South China Sea arbitral tribunal.

Xi said the South China Sea Islands have been China's territory since ancient times. China's territorial sovereignty and maritime interests in South China Sea, in any circumstances, will not be affected by the award.

He made the remarks on Tuesday afternoon while meeting with European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in Beijing.

China has always been a guardian of international rule of law and of fairness and justice, and will always adhere to the path of peaceful development, Xi said.

China is firmly committed to peace and stability in the South China Sea, and to settling the disputes with countries directly involved, through peaceful negotiations based on the recognition of historical facts and in accordance with international law, he said.


On Taiwan TVs at the moment it is all about the SCS ruling and it seems be clear even to DPP that they cannot rely neither on US nor Japan. Indignation toward Japan, Taiwan's traditional close partner, is especially big.

One DPP official on CTI just said big countries will never be on Taiwan's side and Taiwan should perhaps seek a common position with Mainland.

I also believe that, especially after the kangaroo court decided Taiping fails to be an island, Taiwan's overtures to the US and Japan will come to an end.

It's not late for Taiwan you know. Only the power can protect internal law and own interests. 9 dash line as internal law have to be more effective than any arbitration, China today just deploy a new 052D destoryer. When it comes to 20+ new destroyer given service, the situation could change.
You are emotional. Take a minute to think.

Like I said, China doesn't care about the ruling. The ruling means to China as much as thin air.

Victory is won through bloodshed and sacrifices by going through battles. Without those things, there is no real victory only false hope with unrealistic goals.

If the Chinese are unwilling to die for what they want, then they are simply cowards. I don't care how many islands they build, how many walls they put up, how many planes, bombs, etc. They will remain so.
Well threats now? you guys are the one going to pay the whole s china is not gonna come out in favor world opinion is with us

The only payment made so far has been to the lawyers by the PH. On the other hand, China spent lots of money, in the meantime, to develop islands.

World does not even care about you. You will understand within several days that your moral victory means nothing for a P5 country.
China as the Middle Kingdom was undisputable part of ancient Chinese history but for USA claimed her role as a World Policeman is both ludricious and egocentric.
China's being a favor of the gods -- the Middle Kondom -- is ridiculous in its face. No one but the Chinese believed it.

As for US being the world's policeman, more countries accepted and embraced it than China's superstitious nonsense.

In fact Duterte is very SMART. Smarter than OBAMA and the rest.
Venezuela has oil, what does the Philippines have ? But look at Venezuela now. Looks like Duterte ain't that bright.
There is nothing to enforce. Nobody .. i mean nobody acknowledges China's ridiculous claim in SCS. Merchant ships and Naval vessels of other countries ( including that of USN) is gonna sail through the SCS as they like.

What can China do ? Will you guys fire on these Naval and Merchant ships and risk a conflict.


As you can see USN has a major presence near SCS. You can't just bully your way through.

China doesn't have intention or say to close SCS zone from Civilian Shipping.

Doesn't like Supah Powah Indian, want to close Indian Ocean Zone, but doesn't have power. LOL Pathetic :cry:

Is that your master, USA.
can stop China to build their Naval base in SCS :D
Yongshu 3.jpg
Why you don't like a counter trantum? Sorry am getting sick you arrogant countrymen in the forum
hey man I just simply point out what the most logical outcomes all right? If the west had the ability to saction china they would do it a long time ago. clearly today world ecomomy is very fragile so if china, the second largest ecomomy and major manufactuor and consumer in the world market get sactioned, we can simly destory the main supply chian/industrial chain and fanancial system of the world economy and made the world a disastor( very likely to cause a world war), so the question is will the west risk the fragile world order?
You are emotional. Take a minute to think.

Like I said, China doesn't care about the ruling. The ruling means to China as much as thin air.
If China does not enforce her own claim to the SCS and punish (attack) violators of said claim, that mean for all practical purposes, the ruling was effective.
It's not late for Taiwan you know. Only the power can protect internal law and own interests. 9 dash line as internal law have to be more effective than any arbitration, China today just deploy a new 052D destoryer. When it comes to 20+ new destroyer given service, the situation could change.

China will likely show defiance through action rather than being wordy about it. Hence, the repercussions will be felt over time. I am, however, expecting, some surgical action such as new island development activity. Ren'ai would be a good area for concrete strategic action.
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