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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

It depends on the capacity of the individual absorbing the knowledge that is scattered all across the thread which is screaming hypocrisy... :D
Ofcourse you are not from china and you are totally neutral,:agree:... I am now on going to gain knowledge from your brilliant logical posts that have no iota of tantrums or double standards...  :pdf:

Time for you folks from the South to stick to the topic instead of making useless comments like this.
Why in the hell is China still so reactive? Should China not be a little proactive? China needs to get something concrete from this crisis, which equals to opportunity.

This award might "literally" be turned into an award by China.

@AndrewJin , @Jlaw , @Chinese-Dragon , @ChineseTiger1986 , @Daniel808 , @xunzi , @CAPRICORN-88 , @Dungeness , @yusheng , @cirr , @cnleio et al. Let's pool our comments under this thread.


Law-abusing tribunal issues ill-founded award on South China Sea arbitration
Source: Xinhua Published: 2016-7-12 16:59:36

The tribunal handling the South China Sea arbitration case unilaterally initiated by the former Philippine government issued its final award on Tuesday, amid a global chorus that as the panel has no jurisdiction, its decision is naturally null and void.

A source with the Philippine Foreign Ministry told Xinhua that the ministry has received the award.


China's reaction to arbitration depends on provocation
Source: Global Times Published: 2016-7-12 0:18:01

The award of the South China Sea arbitration will be issued at 5 pm Beijing time Tuesday. The US and Japan have claimed that relevant countries, including China, should comply with the arbitration result. They stand in sharp confrontation with China, which has announced that the award would be "nothing but a piece of paper." Whether the arbitration will lead to a severe geopolitical crisis has come under the global spotlight.

The Western media is analyzing how China will respond to the award. Bloomberg posited three scenarios from Beijing, from benign to moderately aggressive or aggressive. It considers that China establishing an South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) would be moderately aggressive and towing away the Philippine warship grounded at Ren'ai Reef and construction on Huangyan Island as aggressive.

We believe the Chinese government must have made a series of contingency plans to deal with subsequent actions. What actions China may take on Huangyan and Ren'ai, and whether China will announce a South China Sea ADIZ depends on the reactions of the Philippines to the arbitration result and the degree of US and Japanese provocations.

So far, none of the concerned parties want military confrontation. But all are ratcheting up military preparations. The South China Sea has been clouded by unprecedented tensions. It's uncertain where the situation will head to.

Chinese society pays close attention to the South China Sea situation. After the the post-arbitration wrestling begins, the most important thing for China is to show the outside world the solidarity of its society. For one thing, Chinese society has full confidence in the country's diplomatic and maritime strength; for another, no matter what price China has to pay for the wrangling, all the Chinese will squarely accept it.

The Chinese people and government share the same interests and responsibilities. We should not only safeguard territorial sovereignty, but also make the utmost efforts to maintain peace in China's periphery, prolonging China's strategic opportunities for China's rise.

The South China Sea is a big arena. China will devote its varied resources there. China in the past was weak. It could only express determinations through demonstrations or a few activists visiting its own islands in the South China Sea. But now it has multiple means at its disposal. It has become a formidable competitor that deserves respect. No power in the world could split a united China. As long as we stick together, provocateurs are doomed to fail.

really a simple solution but China always reactive and turned it into a big thing. Chinese government should have contacted PN government and "make them a deal they can't refuse" during this fiasco. Small countries only fear power. Even threaten them by stop importing bananas would have stopped them from going through.
Now China can either accept the ruling of The International Court of Arbitration and come out as a responsible power, or it can reconfirm the fact that it is an irresponsible rogue nation, just like its two adopted rogue nations.
Or perhaps China is actually adhering to the UNCLOS ruling by taking what it deems as its own.

If one reads the ruling, we can be quite perplexed.

1. It says China has damged the ecological system of the SCS. That is taking the words out of the Philippines mouth.

2. China has NO historical title meaning what? What does it mean?
Has Gilbratar, Falkland or Guam or Diego Garcia got historical title and who issue them in ancient times? That is also coming out word for word from the Philippines.

I will have to read the full ruuling before commenting on them as at this point it is quite confusing.

Ofcourse, bringing 1962 and NSG was totally by us and not by any chinese members here.. Read is as sarcasm.. Now practice before preaching.
Just stick to the topic and stop harping on those were in words that were used to counter your argument. They were like yours out of line.
How about you take deep breath first.

You're leading an off topic again. Maybe you need to learn how to mind your own business. Obviously, it is a well known fact that China can't win this battle. You and the Capricorn aren't happy about that so I just pointed out the obvious to help you understand the REAL situation. I Pointed out to you and Capricorn the cause of your delusions. :)
sorry but this is really a minor issue, I don't know why ppl concern so much. We have ignored so many "international opinion" and "international laws" so many times and nothing happened, as long as you are strong enough, you just you can just impose your will with pure power.
Why Indians looks more happy than pinoys?

Nobody is happy here.

We are all just amused contradictory claims made by Chinese members here.

One hand Chinese members claim: The ruling is pointless

On the other hand the Chinese Govt proudly boasted : :D

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims the number of countries supporting China’s position has climbed to 60, “but has not provided a list of the countries or, in most cases, evidence for their support.”


If the ruling is insignificant why should Chinese Govt bother about number of nations supporting it? :partay:

The whole ruling is major diplomatic defeat and embarrassment for China and Chinese members losing their heads for being humiliated in the hands of Philippines

3 naval fleets 100 ships drill in SCS: China "strike the mountain to warn the tiger"








Why in the hell is China still so reactive? Should China not be a little proactive? China needs to get something concrete from this crisis, which equals to opportunity.

This award might "literally" be turned into an award by China.

@AndrewJin , @Jlaw , @Chinese-Dragon , @ChineseTiger1986 , @Daniel808 , @xunzi , @CAPRICORN-88 , @Dungeness , @yusheng , @cirr , @cnleio et al. Let's pool our comments under this thread.


Law-abusing tribunal issues ill-founded award on South China Sea arbitration
Source: Xinhua Published: 2016-7-12 16:59:36

The tribunal handling the South China Sea arbitration case unilaterally initiated by the former Philippine government issued its final award on Tuesday, amid a global chorus that as the panel has no jurisdiction, its decision is naturally null and void.

A source with the Philippine Foreign Ministry told Xinhua that the ministry has received the award.


China's reaction to arbitration depends on provocation
Source: Global Times Published: 2016-7-12 0:18:01

The award of the South China Sea arbitration will be issued at 5 pm Beijing time Tuesday. The US and Japan have claimed that relevant countries, including China, should comply with the arbitration result. They stand in sharp confrontation with China, which has announced that the award would be "nothing but a piece of paper." Whether the arbitration will lead to a severe geopolitical crisis has come under the global spotlight.

The Western media is analyzing how China will respond to the award. Bloomberg posited three scenarios from Beijing, from benign to moderately aggressive or aggressive. It considers that China establishing an South China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) would be moderately aggressive and towing away the Philippine warship grounded at Ren'ai Reef and construction on Huangyan Island as aggressive.

We believe the Chinese government must have made a series of contingency plans to deal with subsequent actions. What actions China may take on Huangyan and Ren'ai, and whether China will announce a South China Sea ADIZ depends on the reactions of the Philippines to the arbitration result and the degree of US and Japanese provocations.

So far, none of the concerned parties want military confrontation. But all are ratcheting up military preparations. The South China Sea has been clouded by unprecedented tensions. It's uncertain where the situation will head to.

Chinese society pays close attention to the South China Sea situation. After the the post-arbitration wrestling begins, the most important thing for China is to show the outside world the solidarity of its society. For one thing, Chinese society has full confidence in the country's diplomatic and maritime strength; for another, no matter what price China has to pay for the wrangling, all the Chinese will squarely accept it.

The Chinese people and government share the same interests and responsibilities. We should not only safeguard territorial sovereignty, but also make the utmost efforts to maintain peace in China's periphery, prolonging China's strategic opportunities for China's rise.

The South China Sea is a big arena. China will devote its varied resources there. China in the past was weak. It could only express determinations through demonstrations or a few activists visiting its own islands in the South China Sea. But now it has multiple means at its disposal. It has become a formidable competitor that deserves respect. No power in the world could split a united China. As long as we stick together, provocateurs are doomed to fail.

You are very correct. At least more and more bananas start to look clear what the USA is. Only the piggie still believe in the America's universal values. They will turn to support China.
By the way, the arbitration court deny Taiping's island identity, they judge it is shoal. What a joke, those lawers and chief justice are really blind.
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