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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

hatred towards China? don't you know why is that... China trying to grab entire sea including EEZ and Islands from small nations ... open eyes first ..

Now,MIGHT IS RIGHT........Who cares what has happen in past...;)

I think some of us are beginning to get the point.

Whether it was Britain, France, Spain or USA, nothing has changed over the century.
Absolutely. The UNCLOS tribunal is legally binding. The fact that there is no enforcement mechanism does not change that and it does not prevent a third party to decide to enforce the ruling. Now USA has the legal cover to take action if they so choose. I'd say that a particular party placed itself in a corner and felled into a very well calculated trap.

The legal enforcement is from UNSC. Also, no one will start shooting because of this verdict. This is a one day news as the situation on the ground will not change.

The only change is that Indian members of PDF are very happy. So this is a PDF related ruling...lolol...
The legal enforcement is from UNSC. Also, no one will start shooting because of this verdict. This is a one day news as the situation on the ground will not change.

The only change is that Indian members of PDF are very happy. So this is a PDF related ruling...lolol...
You do crystal ball fortune telling too?
There is no logic in your absurd statement, comparing apples to oranges.Besides, we we get into NSG one way or the other, there is only so much china can do to stop our growth.
There is not much logic in India claim either. First they claim 44 nations supported them and China was the sole opposition then they says it was 38 nations only supporting them at the NSG.

Pretty confusing but that is expected from people from your country.
It is mind boggeling to see such senseless hatred, envy and glee towards China from some quarters... those doing this do not realise that in any conflict between two great powers only these fools will suffer. The government, public and media open hatred coming from this quarter is nothing less than madness.

Do people not realise that such behaviour leads to self destruction. Hope good sense pervails.

Nothing is going to happen. The reality on the ground is in China's favour. China is going to sit tight and see fools jump up and down. None in ASEAN is going to give a toss to Philppines claims. If anything see the bee line from Manila to Bejijng increase.

Why do not the Chinese here explain to hateful souls that monkey god can not jump from the hand of Buddha.
Really, that is how you see the issue as, nobody hates china. It is the chinese hatred of other's sovereignty that is appallingly clear with the double standards and blatant hypocrisy. We honestly have no skin in this game or want to waste resources here unless it is profitable, but do know that this will be a measuring scale to chinese adherence to international laws and will head to future chinese related issues.
China ruled over Mongolia for longer. It's like Greek, Persian, Afghan, Arabs, Turks, Mongol and Muslim conquered and ruled India for 1000 years? And the British too.. By your same logic, India belong to those countries :omghaha:
Or vice versa
I see only 3 big issues

Economically - The slowdown globally and the intrinsic debt aspect of Chinese economy which is well managed for the time being but deeper correction is needed. Its an export focused economy atm but the same cannot be sustained with their Yuan currency accommodating this aspect. Its a short term adjustment but long term some more solid actions are needed.

South China Sea - The Hague Tribunal has finally bought out the issues with neighbors to international arena. Much is being talked about what China has done and the reports will use choicest words to showcase that.. I expect them to ignore the Tribunal ruling but this will be an issue as morally standing for the right and following rules was displayed by China in last international forum like NSG. Now if it does nt like and adhere the Hague tribunal ruling, it will be shown in negative light by being selective and by being artificial in its so called morally correct and following rules aspect.

International relations - Its continuous issues will be further fuelled by confrontation with Japan and USA arming its neighborhood .. Inspite of what people will claim or project, China is a rising power but such confrontation and driving the neighborhood to other strategic relationship with purchase of military hardware from them will only complicate teh matter.

India also has vital interests and i expect the GOI to say respect the tribunal ruling and show restraint for all parties concerned. Officially i believe that will be our position but unofficially we may be courted to join and form an alliance which is basically ant China.Of course we wont join right away but its a bit unnecessary and over the top reactions would follow..

I expect the mainstream newspapers in multiple countries to run amok now and showcase this ruling with China bashing aspect... The funding of all that articles would be critical to understand who is playing the games from the shadows..
Hague verdict a tight slap but not enough time stop bully..

For who? Certainly NOT as I have says before. China has openly declared she will not respected any ruling that is issue by an Independent Tribunal with NO JURISDICTION.

The tight slap is for the rest of the CLAIMANT STATES who suddenly cornered themselves back into the 12NM instead of the 200NM.

India should not be pleased because her islands in the Indian Oceans are now deemed as rock by that ruling.
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