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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

AMSTERDAM: Judges at an arbitration tribunal in The Hague on Tuesday rejected China's claims to economic rights across large swathes of the South China Sea in a ruling that will be claimed as a victory by the Philippines.

"There was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the 'nine-dash line'," the court said, referring to a demarcation line on a 1947 map of the sea, which is rich in energy, mineral and fishing resources.

In the 497-page ruling, judges also found that Chinese law enforcement patrols had risked colliding with Philippine fishing vessels in parts of the sea and caused irreparable damage to coral reefs with construction work.

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"None of the Spratly islands grant China an exclusive economic zone," the Hague tribunal said.

China, which boycotted the case brought by the Philippines, has said it will not be bound by any ruling.

China's state-run Xinhua news agency said on Tuesday that the "law-abusing tribunal" hearing a case about the disputed South China Sea had issued an "ill-founded award".

It gave no other details.

Philippines urges "restraint and sobriety"

The Philippines' foreign minister called for "restraint and sobriety" in the South China Sea on Tuesday after an international arbitration court issued a decision favourable to Manila and condemned by Beijing.

"Our experts are studying this award with the care and thoroughness that this significant arbitral outcome deserves," Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay told a news conference.

"We call on all those concerned to exercise restraint and sobriety. The Philippines strongly affirms its respect for this milestone decision."http://m.timesofindia.com/world/chi...a-Sea-UN-backed-tribunal/articleshow/53172399o
Can you give me a source that Russia backed you?

Russia only said that it would like the dispute to be settled by bilateral talks but never endorsed China's historical claim. Stop spouting half truths.
and the other ground will remain in PH and vietnams control (ground that china claims).

So everyone will just continue the status quo it seems.....but the international community has basically said they do not recognise china's 9 dash line as having any historical validity.

Yes. But the world is divided and so are their opinions.
Yes. But the world is divided and so are their opinions.

Not the world only China and some dictators in Africa who have been bribed by the Chinese Govt.

Angola, Liberia, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, among others, have expressed their support for China's stance since early July, according to Lu. Other African countries that support China include Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Mauritania, Cameroon, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe.

We were told Chinese didn't care about this ruling?

Guys follow People's Daily and Xinhua on twitter.You can literally feel their frustration with all the tweets being edited and deleted. :lol:
You are not Chinese, how do you know we feel frustrated. I'm pretty happy with it cause it urge the central government to invest more in defense. Only power speaks or the truth will be lie if you are weak. More ships, aircraft, missiles, I can't wait see it.
The ruling is not enforceable by the court issue the virdict, tell me how the virdict will change the fact China own the newly build islands and no one can force China to leave.
And who's going to implement the fvcking verdict, you? We really want to see you trying but I have a feeling that in the end you'll be the first to chicken out followed by your newfound American master. Have you read Gambit's post? He has already echoed what might happen next. A few sail around by the US vessels and that's it, the ground will remain in China's control.
Read the issue at hand again genius, nobody is stopping china from using SCO, they are only going to treat it as international waters giving zero fvcks to chinese claims of territorial claims.Oh, I am only here because I find the hypocrisy in this thread very interesting.
The ruling is not enforceable by the court issue the virdict, tell me how the virdict will change the fact China own the newly build islands and no one can force China to leave.

With comments like the above you should refrain from posting in a defense forum? Do you know anything about Maritime law? No one is bothered about the artificial island created by China which has costs billions and now are a useless investments as you cannot declare a 200 mile EEZ around the islands. everyone will now sail past the islands and Chinese Navy can only whistle and follow them like loosers but not stop them.
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