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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

It's belngs to China and what ever USA try to use the card through Philippines etc they can't get it back from China
Chinese ppl where first ppl to discover it and rehabilitate it
Even Philippines Japan vietnam etc had occupied earlier many other Islands
Hope mighty pakistan come open in support of daddy just like it come in support of a terrorist in kashmir few days ago :pakistan:
Of course the ruling against China when China totally reject and not even participate in the case because the ruling is not enforceable by the court.

China ran away with its tail between its legs when faced by a small country like Philippines challenging them. Now the world can make merry in SCS like the USN. If China acts tough, individually affected countries can seize Chinese assets and China can do nothing as no international court will interfere with a bully nation who does not respect their decision. USN has issued a statement that it will be conducting exercises with Philippines in the near future and sail with impunity in SCS. Look at the countries who support you. I would be ashamed to be called a superpower.

"Angola, Liberia, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, among others, have expressed their support for China's stance since early July, according to Lu. Other African countries that support China include Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Mauritania, Cameroon, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe"
66 countries back China stand in SCS.

Please name them. Are they the below?

Angola, Liberia, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, among others, have expressed their support for China's stance since early July, according to Lu. Other African countries that support China include Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Mauritania, Cameroon, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe.
best news of the year, if not of the century!

the Chinese can say whatever they like not accepting the verdict. but the verdict stands and all nations must abide. Chinese claim is lawless, baseless and ridiculous. they can throw it to the next trash bin.

And who's going to implement the fvcking verdict, you? We really want to see you trying but I have a feeling that in the end you'll be the first to chicken out followed by your newfound American master. Have you read Gambit's post? He has already echoed what might happen next. A few sail around by the US vessels and that's it, the ground will remain in China's control.

USA is trying to bait China to a small skirmish recklessly so that she can use the excuse for various economic mischieves and the China knew Obama and his hawkish team plan too well. So why bother even to respond when in just a couple more years USA will fall into the big, big she is digging for herself. USA is self destructive if she continue this way. How can she sustain herself with such huge MILITARY BUDGET in maintaining so many bases overseas.

The PETRODOLLAR may be the currency of the past.

And China is the largest investor in the USA. Its like cutting your nose to spite your face. Your post shows that China is a poor looser.
China ran away with its tail between its legs when faced by a small country like Philippines challenging them. Now the world can make merry in SCS like the USN. If China acts tough, individually affected countries can seize Chinese assets and China can do nothing as no international court will interfere with a bully nation who does not respect their decision. USN has issued a statement that it will be conducting exercises with Philippines in the near future and sail with impunity in SCS. Look at the countries who support you. I would be ashamed to be called a superpower.

"Angola, Liberia, Madagascar, Papua New Guinea, Senegal, among others, have expressed their support for China's stance since early July, according to Lu. Other African countries that support China include Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia, Mauritania, Cameroon, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kenya and Zimbabwe"
There's so much potential for huge growth in African continent, backing of the whole continent is definitely a huge boost for China in the international stage. By the way stop acting as if only african countries supports China, powerful countries like Russia surely backs China too.
Kid I believe u do not know single page of history ... it was India who invaded Kashmir not Pakistan
China never use force over this dispute ? Remember!but it's usa who fooling viets. Philip. And Japan's gov and sitting on Malaysian bay to gtfo of the is region now... even now India will s there forfather usa will do...
the ground will remain in China's control.

and the other ground will remain in PH and vietnams control (ground that china claims).

So everyone will just continue the status quo it seems.....but the international community has basically said they do not recognise china's 9 dash line as having any historical validity.
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