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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

By the way the newly elected president of Philippine said he will choose to talk with China no matter what the result of verdict is. Hahahhaha. He said the turmoil in the Middle East was caused by USA interference. Look at the Indian and Yankees jump and down, the initiator of the sue had changed his mind. Why you here?

Well if he wanted to talk to you he would have withdrawn the case as you begged and tried to bribe him. face it a small proud country like Philippines put you in your place Mr Bully with no muscle. Last I checked is that in the coming months Philippines and US will hold joint exercises in SCS while China will have to go to Sudan to do the same.

In my opinion - USA

USA is not even a signatory to the UNCLOS but encourage its lackey Philippines BS Aquino to file this case in order for Philippines - a POLITICAL ONE which to me is HOLLOW as its is not enforceable.

Meanwhile USA will exploit the water as much as they want.
The US have not been 'exploiting' the SCS. We have been making sure no one can claim it to himself.
No one is 'kicking' China out of the SCS. We are just saying the SCS is not yours.
Not ours ? but i see Chinese still building those islands in SCS, and more ships & workers sending to there. The SCS controlled by many countries including China, if not ours why China still stay there for a long time ?
At least you accepted the contents of the article unlike @Srinivas who keeps rejecting facts.
So What, Italy Rejected are MTCR Bid in 2015 we Got it in the End this year

Indian Rejection Was on Pure Technical ground for Doubt on Non NPT members Joining in NSG Some people is Projecting it as China Influence Which Incorrect .Our NSG move was More of what Political To test our Diplomatic power in International Forums. 38 countries Favoured us including 4 Veto power UNSC members US,Russia,UK,France that Major Achievement For our Diplomacy

For that matter We have wavier for Now from NSG for business in Nuclear materials That major achievement of our Diplomacy

We will target Another Major Groups in the world Like Australian group and Wassenaar Arrangement who not bound to such compulsions Which will get Since we are in MTCR Now
Why a bull, why not a tiger or a

Address it to Pakistan and palestine...want kashmir then get a tourist visa.

And if you want to visit the SCS get a tourist visa from Beijing! I say indians should be denied tourist visa, they might try to implant IED explosives the way they supply them to the Daesh terrorists.
If you pay attention to the SCS map and look at the claim line, it resembles a certain biological organ of the male genitalia, that the Chinese are trying to save with all determination and might, hence all the chest thumping!
It's belngs to China and what ever USA try to use the card through Philippines etc they can't get it back from China
Chinese ppl where first ppl to discover it and rehabilitate it
Even Philippines Japan vietnam etc had occupied earlier many other Islands
And if you want to visit the SCS get a tourist visa from Beijing! I say indians should be denied tourist visa, they might try to implant IED explosives the way they supply them to the Daesh terrorists.

You must be smoking something really good? USN just sailed past the artificial Island created by China and China could do nothing so what visa are you talking about? many foreign companies are happily drilling for oil there without asking China's permission so what are you talking?
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