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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

US Iraq tricks reused in tribunal award
By Zhang Junshe

The award of the international arbitration filed by the Philippines on the South China Sea dispute was announced Tuesday, and will cause a surge of tensions in the region, especially between China and the US. Washington, under the disguise of protecting international law and order, has ratcheted up its efforts to pressure China by instigating denunciations in global public discourse and deploying more military forces in and around the South China Sea. Beijing, suspicious of the nature of the arbitral tribunal, has elaborated on its stance, which is non-participation in and non-acceptance of the case, and is determined to safeguard its national interests by employing countermeasures.

From China's perspective, the arbitration is nothing but a farce, engineered and supported by the US for the purpose of containing China. The arbitration, though self-claiming to focus on dispute over maritime rights, cannot avoid concerning territorial ownership and sovereignty issues, which are not included in the jurisdiction of any international arbitral tribunal.

Besides, the proceeding of the arbitration without China's attendance has resulted in a forced and unilateral award. China is being deprived by the US and the Philippines of the right to choose its own way of dealing with international disputes.

The dramatic arbitration is a recurrence of the same trick the US played before it invaded Iraq. The US vilified Iraq for possessing large volumes of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and connections with Al Qaeda.

However, after 13 years, the US has found no sign of WMD on Iraqi soil. In a recent published report by the UK government, the war has been confirmed to be a terrible mistake. Both warmongers of the invasion, former US president George W. Bush and former British prime minister Tony Blair, should be charged with war crimes.

This time, the US targets China by painting the country as a challenger of the global order and a rule-breaker of international law and practice. But compared with Iraq, China is a heavyweight and a powerhouse. Besides, it is no longer the collapsing and corrupt country like the lamb to the slaughter it was 150 years ago, and the US should understand China will by no means accept unjust and unequal treaties forced upon it. This is a red line set up by its bitter history.

It is ironic that the biggest rogue disregarding international law is pretending to be a flag bearer in this term. Washington has a blemished record of contempt of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and its decision in the 1986 Nicaragua vs US case. The ICJ ruled that the US had violated international law by supporting rebels in Nicaragua and mining Nicaragua's harbors. The US refused to participate in the case and blocked the enforcement of the judgment by the UN Security Council. Despite the veneer of international law, the US actually believes in nothing but "might makes right."

As a non-signatory of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), the US groundlessly demands China comply with the Convention. Although vowing to protect freedom of navigation from China, the US cannot find one example of China blocking international waterways in the South China Sea. Without a proper capacity and a convincing cause, the US' interference in the arbitration simply serves its rebalancing to the Asia-Pacific strategy.

As a pawn and puppet in this farce, the Philippines needs to realize that it might be the biggest victim of the Sino-US power game. The country's new President Rodrigo Duterte has intention to draw back, stating that the Philippines is willing to negotiate with China even if the award is in its favor.

It is a good sign that Manila is re-calibrating its former dangerous approach. But it should understand that China won't engage in any talks with the Philippines on the basis of the award.

Bilateral negotiations are a commonly agreed method of dealing with territorial disputes in the South China Sea. If there are any talks, China and the Philippines need to go back to square one and rearrange the structure of negotiation.

Even though tensions might escalate after the arbitration, only maniacs would start a war between China and the US because of the South China Sea. However, all parties must exercise more restraint in the current circumstance, especially the US, which is increasingly upping the ante.

By the way the newly elected president of Philippine said he will choose to talk with China no matter what the result of verdict is. Hahahhaha. He said the turmoil in the Middle East was caused by USA interference. Look at the Indian and Yankees jump and down, the initiator of the sue had changed his mind. Why you here?
Yeah...And the Philippines will give the PLAN access to Subic Bay.
"There are only two tragedies in life, one is not getting what you want, the other is getting it. " it is the real meaning of the so-called arbitration for Philippines, Vietnam, America and lapdog Japan etc:agree:.
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By the way the newly elected president of Philippine said he will choose to talk with China no matter what the result of verdict is. Hahahhaha. He said the turmoil in the Middle East was caused by USA interference. Look at the Indian and Yankees jump and down, the initiator of the sue had changed his mind. Why you here?
We are here to see how chinese respond to international law, frankly we are not surprised. Hope we can leaverage this attitude of china against it when it offers sermons about following rules next time.
Your country is poor loser, so much crying when China decline to accept you as member of NSG.

Last I checked we were members of NSG Mr looser who got his bottom spanked by a small country like phillipines. USN has issued a statement that they will continue to sail freely in SCS so there. Poor Chinese only 8 countries like Sudan supported them. Shows what a super power you are in the world.
Religious nut job. Hope and pray what you will, but spare the bull please.
I just had a vision from the gods. They do not need any sacrifice. They said that if China decide to do anything stupid, such as pulling out of UNCLOS, we have their blessings to do anything we want.
We are here to see how chinese respond to international law, frankly we are not surprised. Hope we can leaverage this attitude of china against it when it offers sermons about following rules next time.

And we're also interested to see how the US minions respond to international laws in Kashmir and Palestine.
It is Western design misleading title:
:laugh: China did not lose as they have proclaimed right from the begining that they will not respected any ruling from a biased tribunal set up by Shunji Yanai and UNCLOS has NO JURISDICTION in dealing with historical land claim.

The rest of the claimants including Vietnam, Brunei, etc all ended up as losers as their EEZ claim have now been reduced from 200NM to 12NM under this biased ruling that claimed that China damaged the eco-system as well (Based on what?).

So who wins?

In my opinion - USA

USA is not even a signatory to the UNCLOS but encourage its lackey Philippines BS Aquino to file this case in order for Philippines - a POLITICAL ONE which to me is HOLLOW as its is not enforceable.

Meanwhile USA will exploit the water as much as they want.

UNCLOS is all about water and not land!

Did China loses? Certainly not - as China has declared right from the beggining that they will NOT recognized the tribunal as well as ruling. Over the next few days many international legal maritime experts will challenged and ridiculed the judges (selected by Yanai and approved by Philippines Ministry of Foereign Affair) ruling as it will affected Australia, Britain, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia as all these islands are now declared as ROCKS.

Interesting revelation but NOT entirely UNEXPECTED. :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Aquino gave it. The new president definitely don't like USA. We are waiting for you in the SCS, anytime.
The Philippines is small fry, buddy. Duterte is going to lead his country in the path of Venezuela. So often, any country that starts blaming US for their troubles, their leaders ended up doing stupid shit that harms their countries more than US.
Am going to sacrifice a bull to the gods in the hope that China will pull out of UNCLOS and starts being aggressive in the SCS.
Why a bull, why not a tiger or a
And we're also interested to see how the US minions respond to international laws in Kashmir and Palestine.
Address it to Pakistan and palestine...want kashmir then get a tourist visa.
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