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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

Shooting ships? Why? Are you ok? That shows you are a war monger, actually you are a coward. Bully Iraq,Lybia, Yugoslavia. Sorry you can't do shit about China. Why you still type here if you are such a war monger, go back join the US marine.

China should accept the UN tribunal verdict and show that its not the war monger but a law abiding nation.

As for now the impression is actually otherwise.
Turkey voted in favor of Non NPT members that includes India!
(indian source)

Read it again! Turkey opposed India's nsg bid. You cannot change that fact.

After India Fails NSG Bid, Opposition Calls it 'Failed Modi Diplomacy'

In a clear setback to India's efforts to join the 48-nation grouping, a two-day NSG plenary ended in Seoul after deciding against accepting India's membership application.

China, which had made no secret of its opposition, succeeded in scuttling India's bid despite a significant majority backing the Indian case. Thirty-eight countries supported India, according to Indian officials.

Beijing was unrelenting in thwarting India despite Prime Minister Narendra Modi urging Chinese President Xi Jinping during a meeting in Tashkent on Thursday to support India's case on its merits.

An upset India later accused "one country", a clear reference to China, of persistently creating procedural hurdles during the discussions on its application.

"We understand that despite procedural hurdles persistently raised by one country, a three-hour-long discussion took place on the issue of future participation in the NSG," External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Vikas Swarup said.

"The NSG plenary in Seoul earlier in the day decided against granting India membership of the grouping immediately and said it will continue to have discussions on participation of countries which have not signed the Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

"An overwhelming number of those who took the floor supported India's membership and appraised India's application positively. We thank each and every one of them. It is also our understanding that the broad sentiment was to take this matter forward," he said.

Besides China, countries like Brazil, Switzerland, Turkey, Austria, Ireland, New Zealand were also opposed to India's entry because it is not a signatory to Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

In its statement, at the conclusion of the plenary, NSG declared its "firm support" for the "full, complete and effective" implementation of the NPT as the cornerstone of the international non-proliferation regime.

However, it said it had discussions on the issue of 'Technical, Legal and Political Aspects of the Participation of non-NPT States in the NSG' and decided to continue its discussion.
This is good, hope they extend the dash lines to encircle all the countries claiming SCO, that way there won't be anyone to oppose this mind boggling territorial claims of soup pawa china and we don't have to deal with the chump change 50cent brigade.
its nice to see China's real obligation to international norms/guidelines with Spartlys and vis a vis NSG membership for India.
its clear that all the chinese claims of righteousness are as hollow as its historical claims on the whole wide world.
By the way the newly elected president of Philippine said he will choose to talk with China no matter what the result of verdict is. Hahahhaha. He said the turmoil in the Middle East was caused by USA interference. Look at the Indian and Yankees jump and down, the initiator of the sue had changed his mind. Why you here?
Am going to sacrifice a bull to the gods in the hope that China will pull out of UNCLOS and starts being aggressive in the SCS.
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