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South China Sea Arbitration News & Discussion

That way SCS belongs to Mongolia as they subjugated China with ease and ruled over them? :yahoo:

It will depends on what you understand about the history about Mongolia?

I bet you do not know much as do you know in recent years there discovered that part of the Great Wall of China is found inside Mongolia which makes me wonder where is the real Mongolia? Central Asia or deep in the streppe in Siberia.

But for a citizen that come from a land which used to belongs to 32 nations, we can understand why you reason that way?
The ruling is not enforceable by the court issue the virdict, tell me how the virdict will change the fact China own the newly build islands and no one can force China to leave.

How did they let you in the US, with such shocking spelling and grammar? use the function in chrome or browser of your choice for auto-correct! On your point no one can force china to do anything other than shoot themselves in the foot. They are doing this remarkably well...
Not only fact, the result also shows which side has the most influence. I dont talk about US influence only since even US cannot help Israel in UN.
Lol...I'm loving this...Chinese members getting flustered and bringing up the nsg lol:rofl:

:coffee: For heaven sake stop whining and harping on an old issue and just join the NPT and become one of the responsible member of the World community. India will needs NO favour instead of attempting to enter by the backdoor as directed by that sneaky Obama.
Yes great master China.Whole of East Asia are subjects and China its great dictator.Will crush all that comes into its way.So Philippines,Vietnam,Japan and others just shut up and pay heed to Chinese interests.And say loudly- Chinese products are best.
:coffee: For heaven sake stop whining and harping on an old issue and just join the NPT and become one of the responsible member of the World community. India will needs NO favour instead of attempting to enter by the backdoor as directed by that sneaky Obama.
Who the f are you? Put on your glasses and read....then you'll know who is whining? Peace
we will see something happen in ten days,
no need to say more, just do.


today, two Chinese planes landed on the above islands
:coffee: For heaven sake stop whining and harping on an old issue and just join the NPT and become one of the responsible member of the World community. India will needs NO favour instead of attempting to enter by the backdoor as directed by that sneaky Obama.

You never know by china stupidly being a sore looser and UNCLOS, you just may handed Obama and India a back door entry into a NSG as why listen to country which does not respect global rules to which it was a signatory?
Pakistani cheerleaders aside, anyone who's seen the map of SCS knows how hollow Chinese claims are. They claim islands that are next door to other countries but hundreds of miles from Chinese land. Excellent decision by The Hague, Chinese bullying should be condemned.
this is an open insult to China... power..
What is that considering that fact all Asians were subjected to unfair and humiliation by the former Colonial Powers?

I discovered Indians have short memories maybe something to do with the vegetation of India landmass - not enough trees I supposed.
We don't loose nothing. We will keep building our islands. Seems You are very jealous.

Build as many Islands as you want but you get no EEZ of 200 miles with it. Whats the point then. USN has issued a statement SCS is open to all and China can only threathen people here on PDF but not in the SCS.
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