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Some in Indian military are calling for "limited action" against China

Since China is too big of a panda to take on, the Indian modi jis will say to Aryan public let's fight Pakistan to divert their attention, hoping they can win this one to turn the tide and sentiments of the ppl. psychologically make one feel better after suffering from chinese bamboo.

No. China has deployed 200,000 soldiers on the Indian border since the 2017 Doklam incident.

India had to divert troops from LOC to LAC for this Galwan Conflict and you can see the result.

Indians, who maniacally wished and wished for a two-front war are finally seeing their wish come true. They're now trapped between two nuclear powers.
China already got the money on that broken TV. :rofl:
While replacing it you pay her again...

Indian Army is not stupid. They ll never do such a thing.
Don't count too much on the human intelligence....

According to the KITAP, most of the human beings are impatiently running toward the Jehennem...
India is escalating the matter on her terms alone.

She is alone in her fight to conquer Chinese territories flaunting international conventions.

The world does not want to go back a 100 years for the Indian ego.
No. China has deployed 200,000 soldiers on the Indian border since the 2017 Doklam incident.

India had to divert troops from LOC to LAC for this Galwan Conflict and you can see the result.

Indians, who maniacally wished and wished for a two-front war are finally seeing their wish come true. They're now trapped between two nuclear powers.

India back in 2017 was more calculated than in 2020.

Maybe they believed that China having a hard time to confront the US in a trade war and geopolitical war, and they thought that they can definitely start to take advantage of it.

Nothing else can explain their suddenly emboldened behavior.
Indians have already fought the limited war and the only option they had i.e Breaking Chinese TV and shouting boycott China. No other option left.

this is bad..:

if they break TV how will Hindu janta watch arnab goswami’s shouting shows ?

India back in 2017 was more calculated than in 2020.

Maybe they believed that China having a hard time to confront the US in a trade war and geopolitical war, and they thought that they can definitely start to take advantage of it.

Nothing else can explain their suddenly emboldened behavior.

According to RT contributors like George Galloway India is doing this on behest of trump. Trump has accelerated China bashing to cover his own domestic failures.

India Willy nilly did it but it miscalculated China’s response. US did what it always does and issued a statement not condemning China much to the surprise of Indians.

I am suprised Indians fell for this old trick they did it with Iraq ie Saddam Husain prior to his invasion of Kuwait and did it with us via the Afgan taliban. Prior to the beginning of GW1 US ambassador to Iraq guaranteed there would be no intervention. Like with afgan taliban US was the initial list of countries that supported them.

Henry Kissinger said it perfectly

“It is dangerous to an enemy of the USA, however it lethal to be it”s ally”

indians just found how lethal it was ....
India back in 2017 was more calculated than in 2020.

Maybe they believed that China having a hard time to confront the US in a trade war and geopolitical war, and they thought that they can definitely start to take advantage of it.

Nothing else can explain their suddenly emboldened behavior.
Look up news about Indias economy. It in shambles and not even American banks can cover up the earlier than expected failure to prop up India as some counterweight to China. It may no be the sole reason but its definitely part of the calculation.
Look up news about Indias economy. It in shambles and not even American banks can cover up the earlier than expected failure to prop up India as some counterweight to China. It may no be the sole reason but its definitely part of the calculation.

Their 2020 GDP will probably be less than 1/7 of China's.


this is bad..:

if they break TV how will Hindu janta watch arnab goswami’s shouting shows ?

According to RT contributors like George Galloway India is doing this on behest of trump. Trump has accelerated China bashing to cover his own domestic failures.

India Willy nilly did it but it miscalculated China’s response. US did what it always does and issued a statement not condemning China much to the surprise of Indians.

I am suprised Indians fell for this old trick they did it with Iraq ie Saddam Husain prior to his invasion of Kuwait and did it with us via the Afgan taliban. Prior to the beginning of GW1 US ambassador to Iraq guaranteed there would be no intervention. Like with afgan taliban US was the initial list of countries that supported them.

Henry Kissinger said it perfectly

“It is dangerous to an enemy of the USA, however it lethal to be it”s ally”

indians just found how lethal it was ....

China was too lenient back in 2017 Doklam standoff which had sent a wrong signal to those Hindutva right-wingers.

They thought that Trump's USA was their reinforcement and didn't expect a such ruthless retaliation from China.

After getting slashed by China, the wound is not even healed, but Indians want to re-open it.

This seems like US pressure on India. I wonder what is the plan to half-heartedly send Indians to their doom again. More defense purchases from Washington?

Indian Army is not stupid. They ll never do such a thing.

Galwan proves they are absolute imbeciles.

Anything can be expected. They just need to be blessed by Sadhguru.
Trump prodded India to spark an event..

Yes it back fired for the Indians
I doubt Trump is shrewd enough to do this honestly ... he is definitely not a foreign policy grandmaster by any means
Indian fantasy of DP from China and Pakistan may finally come true
(PS. DP: Double Phrunt)
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