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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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its just a group ... i am sure they will be in taken to the task soon,,,,,
Celebratory gunfire heard in Damascus.
Turkey has seen a lot of military coups before , nothing new !

I know, but I thought at present the Turkish society and civil institutions are strong. And that the Turkish military is a professional one, being part of NATO etc. I didn't think they'd conduct a coup.

I really hope this won't further destabilize the region. Only Turkey has been relatively safe there in recent times, apart from the terror attacks. I hope this ends quickly, with no bloodshed.
No he wasn't, I believe it's the opposite, other people want change on policy, and gonna do so forcefully. This isn't independent internal Turkish decision, definitely prepared from outside.

You understand international affairs, kind sir.
@Malik Alashter

ليهنأ الموالون بهذا الانتصار القادم إليهم، هذه هي عاقبة صبرهم واحتمالهم أذى الناس في سبيل حب من أحبوا من آل محمد. هاقد بدأ المعادون لأولياء أهل البيت يندحرون واحدًا تلو الآخر. وما هذه إلا بوادر اكتمال عصر الظهور وخروج صاحب الزمان ليملأ الأرض عدلاً بعد أن ملئت جورًا وظلمًا، وويل يومئذ للمكذبين.
خيرا ان شاء الله.
to Erdogan the first line of defense will be takfiri terrorists from around the world the Turkish army need to unite and finish this as fast as they can
There is a system called election and if it is free and fair there is never a justification of any coup.

Yeah election...

I would love that way could work for my country and people but unfortunately it doesn't work.

You see 13 years a lunatic retarded has been ruling Turkiye.

Someone must tell these retarded sponge type akp supporters they were part of so-called parallel... once he was called hoca efendi now he is leader of paralel gov. In Turkiye. This is a great sample how sick tayyip is...
Nawaz Sharif has plenty of rooms in Raiwind awaiting him. :dance3:
Nawaz is packing himself up and Keeping ready to make a run after hearing the news of Turkish Military Take over... This time PA wont spare his Life like Musharraf did to haunt them after, if the coup happens in PAK
There are a lot of a factors. Many world powers aren't pleased with Erdogan and that is not a secret. From flotilla to the refugee crisis in EU. There are many political reasons. There is also a segment of the Turkish public that oppose Erdogan's government due to liberal vs Islamic differences. Turkey isn't Egypt though. Erdogan has huge support in Turkey. He won the elections multiple times for a reason. There will be bloodshed. Erdogan supporters won't tolerate this military coup of their democratically elected leader.
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