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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Bro tayyip is an abnormal person. You can't work with him long enough. So far, everyone yes everyone who used to work with him become anti_tayyip kind a person. All of 'em confirmed that tayyip is mentally sick. That's the why ever single policies of him turned into a threat of Turkiye's existent.

Coup is not good indeed. None would have this happened to my country but think that a country has been ruling by mentally ill person for years and after all we have gotten biggest problems of our history.

Allah c.c may help TSK and Turkiye.

There is a system called election and if it is free and fair there is never a justification of any coup.
Not good news. The response from the West is muted. No outrage over dictatorship. John Kerry hopes for peace and continuity which says it all.

I told everyone these so called good will from Israel and others toward Turkey is not what it seems! It is a trick! Even as an atheist, I stand for freedom! And the MB constantly gets overthrown even though they achieve power through democratic means!

That's it there's no solution but global armed conflict to defend freedom, the West shot it's credibility big time, except Saudi Arabia to experience something possibly similar soon too. They are going to start a big fucking war, terrorism will increase ten fold and hundreds of thousands will join ISIS thanks to these fucking power hungry tyrannical pigs.
@Malik Alashter

ليهنأ الموالون بهذا الانتصار القادم إليهم، هذه هي عاقبة صبرهم واحتمالهم أذى الناس في سبيل حب من أحبوا من آل محمد. هاقد بدأ المعادون لأولياء أهل البيت يندحرون واحدًا تلو الآخر. وما هذه إلا بوادر اكتمال عصر الظهور وخروج صاحب الزمان ليملأ الأرض عدلاً بعد أن ملئت جورًا وظلمًا، وويل يومئذ للمكذبين.
If this coup is successful, will we see the Turkish military take a more heavy-handed approach against Kurdish paramilitary groups?
No change both military & govt was against kurds.
Sultan was making U-turns on almost everything. I wonder what's going on.
WTH, I never thought this could happen in Turkey. I thought civil institutions were pretty strong.

Anyway, I hope this ends quickly and without bloodshed.
Well, expect crap to hit the fan. That is for sure. This world isn't safe anymore.
Looks like the military coup was successful. Turkish military has seized the national television. Very worrisome situation. I hope the military backs down.
Opposition to the coup now saying they will do everything in their power - "even if that includes fatalities"

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