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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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I don't quite understand how the coup worked.Straffing the Parliament building at night ,while members weren't there ? For what ? Closing bridges instead of going directly for Erdogan and the PM ? Than soldiers just giving up.......I think this was a false flag by Erdogan.He knew some officers were unhappy and baited them.
It's funny that a lot of Turks on social media and other sites are saying the same thing. How could the military botch this coup up so pathetically when they knew their lives were on the line if they failed?

This "coup" is effectively the best thing to have happened to Erdogan, he now has the "mandate" to enact sweeping laws that elevate him to the Sultan he has always aspired to be.
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It's funny that a lot of Turks on social media and other sites are saying the same thing. How could the military could botch this coup up so pathetically when they knew their lives were on the line if they failed?

This "coup" is effectively the best thing to have happened to Erdogan, he now has the "mandate" to enact sweeping laws that elevate him to the Sultan he has always aspired to be.

Why don't you just say that Erdogan plotted the entire thing. He made the army personnel stage a mutiny against his government. All this so that he can strengthen his grip for more power. The absurdity is just beyond words.
Turkish anti-government group hijacks frigate
An anti-government group in Turkey has hijacked a frigate at the Golcuk naval base and taken the head of the Turkish fleet hostage, a senior Greek military source has said.

It follows a night of violence in the country as a military faction attempted a coup.

Last updated Sat 16 Jul 2016
It's funny that a lot of Turks on social media and other sites are saying the same thing. How could the military could botch this coup up so pathetically when they knew their lives were on the line if they failed?

This "coup" is effectively the best thing to have happened to Erdogan, he now has the "mandate" to enact sweeping laws that elevate him to the Sultan he has always aspired to be.

Erdogan had no fear going on a plane and flying around Turkey.If you suspect a fraction of your Armed Forces to be against you,you won't do that because you fear atleast a few rogue F16's or some officers commanding some AA missiles to fire at you.He knew he was in no danger.
No, it is rather interesting to see how a person who claims to hold democratic values high is now speaking in double tongues. How this person can justify a a horrific mutiny against a democratically elected government by the vast majority of the Turkish people. How this person can justify the blatant killing, destruction and bombing of people and sacred institutions such as the parliament. How this person wants to impose his views into the peoples of another nation.
From what I understand, by Ataturk's design, the Turkish army is a seperate entity altogether entrusted with keeping his vision of a secular Turkey alive. As such, with the direction Erdogan is taking his nation these officers clearly felt it was their responsibility to address it.

This action is the natural progression of a failure in the democratic framework of Turkey, with widespread accusations of election fraud being commited on behalf of the AKP, there was little recourse other than to attempt to de-throne Erdogan through military action.
An Islamist sitting in the lap of uncle Sam? His followers working for secular constitution! Mate don't want to be rude here, you Turks need to get your heads out from your back sides and understand what is really going on. We in Pakistan have learned the hard way, we can only give you advise. Get rid of your society with this secular cancer. This is the right time.

Hahaha it's little completed isn't it? But yeah he has been living with uncle Sam for quite a long time.

Dude we have no problem with secularism. Don't worry about it.
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Erdogan had no fear going on a plane and flying around Turkey.If you suspect a fraction of your Armed Forces to be against you,you won't do that because you fear atleast a few rogue F16's or some officers commanding some AA missiles to fire at you.He knew he was in no danger.
This was BY FAR the most curious element of the entire debacle. Before it was even clear what was going on he was in the air in his little Gulfstream and circling over Turkish airspace that too when it was clear the "rebels" had fast jets in their inventory. I had followed this episode from late last night and the timeline of Erdogan's movements is very very bizarre, he went from seeking asylum in Germany (surely the last nation willing to grant it) to flying towards Istanbul within a matter of hours.
So,a faction of the military is gulenist,a larger faction AKPeons......where did the Kemalists go ?
Long story short, Erdogan and Gulen kick 'em out together accusing 'em as ergenekon terror and replaced with Gulenists. Than after Erdogan and Gulen become enemies of each other's. Now both sides trying to take each other down. So far Erdogan is the winner.

Sound like game of thrones isn't it?
From what I understand, by Ataturk's design, the Turkish army is a seperate entity altogether entrusted with keeping his vision of a secular Turkey alive. As such, with the direction Erdogan is taking his nation these officers clearly felt it was their responsibility to address it.

This action is the natural progression of a failure in the democratic framework of Turkey, with widespread accusations of election fraud being commited on behalf of the AKP, there was little recourse other than to attempt to de-throne Erdogan through military action.

Whether Turkey is a failure or not is not for you or outsiders to judge. Let the Turkish people be the judge of that through the ballot box. Besides, judging by the economic and other indicators Turkey is doing perfectly fine. In fact, a country which has recently paid all of its IMF loans and installments should be very telling.

It is mindboggling how far the conspiracy theorists are willing to go to prove and impose their ridiculous theories onto others.

You have been proven sorely wrong because the people of Turkey have spoken loud and clearly. They won't accept outside dictation on any of their internal matters. Whether you like secularism is your personal matter. You cannot impose these values onto others.
The military did not seek blood
They did. If bunch of armed men walked into your neighbourhood and ordered all the locals inside while they got on with their patently illegal act are you suggesting that if the said locals resisted and there was bloodshed the resistance would be blamed?

These coup makers initiated a extra constitutional act which is high treason by any account. The moment they did that they were just thugs. Nothing but plain simple thugs with guns. Even if a police officer acts beyond his legal remit he loses legal as well as moral authority. You sound like a apologist for military coups.
The same people saying false flag are the same people who wanted it to succeed. Before they were saying because of stupid policies the military rebelled and to restore secularism, now they say false flag.


All opposition parties condemned the coup attempt, top secular media people like Murat Yetkin condemned it. State TV that is influenced by Erdoğan was taken under control by coup people. Everyone knows these Fetö guys infiltrated the military via sinister ways. Ask @Neptune he knows this.

People with no evidence want to spread inside job narrative to cause internal problems in Turkey.
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