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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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The interesting thing about Indians on PDF was last night they were jumping in ecstasy just on the news of a coup in Turkey just because it was a Muslim country and bloodbath in any Muslim place let it be Kashmir or Turkey gives Hindus a joy and its evident from the last night's post of our Indian friend despite the fact that they have no link with Turkey whatsoever.

Our worried Turk friends were more concerned and so were Pakistani and other Arab nationals but the joy of Indians and certain EU and US members was very disappointing and inhumane at the site of blood shed in Turkey.

I guess Turks should check out past 100 pages to see who is their real friend and who just enjoys the chaos and misery in that beautiful country.

After what you guys are doing in kashmir Indians should be the last guys on earth to talk about morals and humanity.

Their response is very muted now knowing the mutiny has failed. They are in defensive mode now. The jokes about Erdogan have ended as well. The celebrations had an abrupt end.
The interesting thing about Indians on PDF was last night they were jumping in ecstasy just on the news of a coup in Turkey just because it was a Muslim country and bloodbath in any Muslim place let it be Kashmir or Turkey gives Hindus a joy and its evident from the last night's post of our Indian friend despite the fact that they have no link with Turkey whatsoever.

Our worried Turk friends were more concerned and so were Pakistani and other Arab nationals but the joy of Indians and certain EU and US members was very disappointing and inhumane at the site of blood shed in Turkey.

I guess Turks should check out past 100 pages to see who is their real friend and who just enjoys the chaos and misery in that beautiful country.

After what you guys are doing in kashmir Indians should be the last guys on earth to talk about morals and humanity.
On the contrary, I am supporting the secular forces of Turkey who had tried to protect Ataturk's vison of a liberal and secular Turkey.

It is interesting to see a large number of Pakistanis openly celebrating an Islamist tyrant who is dragging Turkey into the dark ages.

But please do continue your tirade against India, your fixation on Kashmir goes to the very heart of the reason Pakistan is in the state it is. It would just be my preferance that Turkey was saved from a similar fate.
Good morning people, with the dramatic events unfolding in Turkey in the early hours I said

Clearly the coup has failed simply because the majority Turkish population opposed it. As Erdogan said "power lies with the people". No amount of force can quell the public mood if it carries "sufficient traction". The differance between successful coups and failed onces depends on the public.

I used to hear many people call "Erdogan" the Sultan. I guess he now is going to become the Sultan if not in title but in deed. I hope all our Turkish friends are safe and condolances to the familes of the dead. This was a terrible night. After seeing this I can see military coups are fundamentally wrong and cause long time societal damage. They deposit the ugly principle of might is right. And that cannot be a good thing.

You are right, but you also forgot the entire military. In fact the military is even more important than the people. As far as someone has the full support of the military, then he will claim power or remain in power even if the people are against it. A good example of this is Syria's Assad who still had the support of his military , thus his military didn't hesitate to shoot and kill his own people who opposed him or wanted him gone, reasonhe is still in power even today. if Turkey's military was fully behind the coup plotters and had behaved like Assads military then the coup would have succeeded and any opposition would have been gunned down/crushed ruthlessly.:)

So military comes first(ALWAYS) and people come second. :)
A very ill-executed operation by the miltiary, so ill-executed that it's a little suspcious really.

Oh well, the ultimate winner is Erdogan, he now has the mandate to fully elevate himself to "Sultan" and take Turkey into the dark ages.

Not long ago Turkey was such a promising country, the sole beacon of hope in the ME a sad sad day.

It still is. One of the most economically successful countries in the modern world. A country that under an Islamist government has changed itself to major power status in 10 years.

Oh, yes. I forgot, they don't worship western values like the slaves of the Indian sub-continent. I guess that's what makes them 'backward'.
I don't quite understand how the coup worked.Straffing the Parliament building at night ,while members weren't there ? For what ? Closing bridges instead of going directly for Erdogan and the PM ? Than soldiers just giving up.......I think this was a false flag by Erdogan.He knew some officers were unhappy and baited them.
Come on. Come on. This comment of yours is in the same league as "Twin Towers was inside job" and "OBL" is not dead but living in Las Vegas with harem". The scale of what happened and numbers dead would preclude this being any "inside job" as it would be impossible to prevent this leaking out.
You and @flamer84 are flipping this thing the wrong way around? Funny juxtaposition of morals here. If a person broke into your house you guy's would be judging the bloody victim and holding him to account. Bloodbath? How about those who instigated this action? They knew the consequences of this illegal act would be people killed or even civil war yet they went ahead. They are accountable for everything. Not the reaction that followed their action.

In short if you punch me and I react with punches your not going to be in any position to lecture me on my reaction.
The military did not seek blood, they ordered the civlians inside their homes to avoid any potential harm and ,in fact, they surrendered when the prospect of violence on the populace became the last resort.

The army did not take this action for their own ego, they clearly felt the direction of the self-styled "Sultan" had to be reversed for the good of their nation.
@Sinan @T-123456 @xenon54 ....an opinion?you're awfully quiet
You know, i don't like Erdoğan at all, i would very like to see him gone from the power. But, not like this. 5 Generals shouldn't outcast the will of 80 million people.

Also, i'm very saddened by the fight among the brothers.....Turks fighting and killing Turks.
I don't quite understand how the coup worked.Straffing the Parliament building at night ,while members weren't there ? For what ? Closing bridges instead of going directly for Erdogan and the PM ? Than soldiers just giving up.......I think this was a false flag by Erdogan.He knew some officers were unhappy and baited them.

Actually most of people are questioning those questions as well.

Some say, this is well prepared drama which written by Erdogan. They think that way coz this coup thing was sooo amateurish attempt.

However one thing is certain Gulen was behind it.
Puhahahah you say these things just because of that garbage?

Dude this is my country. They are our traitors and we know what the hack are they and what the hack they were trying to do.

They are army man in tsk who were working for Gulen. Gulen is an Islamist character in our political field. What do they declare in that garbage is nothing but b.s.

An Islamist sitting in the lap of uncle Sam? His followers working for secular constitution! Mate don't want to be rude here, you Turks need to get your heads out from your back sides and understand what is really going on. We in Pakistan have learned the hard way, we can only give you advise. Get rid of your society with this secular cancer. This is the right time.
On the contrary, I am supporting the secular forces of Turkey who had tried to protect Ataturk's vison of a liberal and secular Turkey.

It is interesting to see a large number of Pakistanis openly celebrating an Islamist tyrant who is dragging Turkey into the dark ages.

But please do continue your tirade against India, your fixation on Kashmir goes to the very heart of the reason Pakistan is in the state it is. It would just be my preferance that Turkey was saved from a similar fate.

No, it is rather more interesting to see how an Indian who boldly claims to hold democratic values high is now speaking in double tongues. How this person can justify a horrific mutiny against a democratically elected government by the vast majority of the Turkish people. How this person can justify the blatant killing, destruction and bombing of people and sacred institutions such as the parliament. How this person wants to impose his views into the peoples of another nation.
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265 people killed amongst which 161 were police and civilians and over a thousand injured. Videos of these rouges brutalities and the video where bodies were on the street with blood but no the rogue rebels wanted peace and prosperity. By killing their own people. Its amazing that coup supporters are still blaming erdogan.

It was the right of the people to come yo the streets to defend their freedom and defend their democratic right against these thugs and the Turkish people proudly did that. Erdogan asked them to come forward and do not meekly surrender and they came forward at night and fought of this thuggish take over. Today the Turkish people truly showed democracy and the will of the people. They were victorious.

I think this has ended the military coup chapters. The people just don't want it.
Actually most of people are questioning those questions as well.

Some say, this is well prepared drama which written by Erdogan. They thing that way coz this coup thing was sooo amateurish attempt.

However one thing is certain Gulen was behind it.

So,a faction of the military is gulenist,a larger faction AKPeons......where did the Kemalists go ?
A good example of his is Assad who still had the support of his military , thus his military didn't hesitate to shoot
No I disagree. The military in Syria is with Assad because he continues to enjoy significant support within Syria. As long as that continues the military will stay in support. The Sunni Syrians are opposed to Assad. In Turkey Erdogan enjoys general support amongst the population from which the military is recruited from.

This is a complex military/civilian power dynamics) but intersting subject which we can discuss in another thread sometime.
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