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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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American's are just so weird. How can they host the illegal opposition of a country, who is not only their ally, but is part of their militarily security group??

Because they do that with most controversial political figures which they can use as proxies against countries of interest. They provide them refuge and use them for political and other gains. They are assets until they become obsolete.

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poor Faux News and the lying scum Rupert Murdoch their happiness was short lived :lol::lol:

It is not even a hidden desire anymore. What a shameless cowards. They still wonder why they are hated that much.
May be you are right to some extent but when we see the indications they very vividly explains US/Europe double standards .
US Sec of state first statement said" We want peace and stability etc" when he should have said we strongly condemn this coup attempt and we stand with democratic forces which clearly proves whether US was actively involved or not they wanted this coup to be successful( same way they welcomed coup in egypt) but on the other hand they want democracy in Syria .

Regarding your Islamist comment well you are blinded/brainwashed by your media and are not willing to let any rational thoughts cross your mind . ISIS is killing muslims in Turkey, Iraq , Syria , Jordan and Saudia despite claiming to be a muslim movement and ISIS has not carried out a single attack in Israel even though they are right next to them. Why ?

What kind of Islamist / Muslim movement is this?

Jews are brainwashing Christians and will use you people as tools like they did in world wars in last century and finally got the land they only call" Holy of holies" on the pretext of self created Holocaust.

Its high time Europe see that all these attacks in Paris , Nice , Belgium etc are done by people who on the surface may be labelled as ISIS soldiers but they have no Islamic values they drink whisky , dont offer their prayers and are not the type of Islamic fanatics your media tries to paint them its just an eye wash to create fear of So called Islamists in you people so that another war can be initiated.

What are you on about dude? I thought you people in the region were saying the U S/ West were/are supporting the Muslim brotherhood morsi government because it was Islamists and we wanted to destroy muslims countries like Egypt with Islamic radical governments?lol I heard this countess times on here. Now you are saying we were/are supporting SISI (beer mind that the U S imposed ban on military aid/support against SISI government .lol) who overthrowed Morsi due to another secret dvislish reason?lool. As I said before, you people will use any reason excuse to justify your anti western agenda.
Doesn't matter what happens, the West will always be behind it and blamed. People in the middle East and Muslim world are. All dumb puppets manipulated by the U.S/WEST and NATO :lol:

YOU mean ISIS is created by Israel and the West and has nothing to do with Islamists in the region, isn't it?:sick: just because they haven't been able to strike Israel . So using your logic, since ISIS hasn't been able to strike Shia heretic Iran, I guess ISIS is also an Iranian creation. :lol: some of you people make me laugh with your way of reasoning lol

As for your point about the Jews using Christian Europe and U.S for wars against peaceful holy muslims. I can only laugh, I won't even waste my time debating about such a childish comment. Lol

Anyway, this is an internal Turkish affair , stop blaming OTHERS for everything that happens in your countries. As I always said, When you start blaming others for your all your ills and shortfalls, then it means your system is already failing or has failed. :agree:
Good morning people, with the dramatic events unfolding in Turkey in the early hours I said
Everything depends on the Turkish population. If most are with Erdogan than this coup will fail. If not then Erdogan will be history. Only the Turkish members here can tell if Erdogan still has substantive traction within the country.
Clearly the coup has failed simply because the majority Turkish population opposed it. As Erdogan said "power lies with the people". No amount of force can quell the public mood if it carries "sufficient traction". The differance between successful coups and failed onces depends on the public.

I used to hear many people call "Erdogan" the Sultan. I guess he now is going to become the Sultan if not in title but in deed. I hope all our Turkish friends are safe and condolances to the familes of the dead. This was a terrible night. After seeing this I can see military coups are fundamentally wrong and cause long time societal damage. They deposit the ugly principle of might is right. And that cannot be a good thing.
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Dude before having an idea get some knowledge about.

Those guys didn't try to take Erdogan down just because they are secular or liberal or whatever.

They are Islamists. Your post nothing but ridiculous.

Nonsense. Read what they declared first thing when they declare Marshall law. Returning Turkey to its "Secular" constitution, was their goal. The kamalist and young Turks garbage.
Is there any standing NATO protocol on what to do with political asylum seekers like this?

I mean from a fellow NATO member.
American's are just so weird. How can they host the illegal opposition of a country, who is not only their ally, but is part of their militarily security group??

do u know anything at all about fethullah gulen or are u just spewing filth against usa ? if usa is ur target then go on but go read about imam gulen before u talk abt him. he did more in service of turkiye than anybody after its founding father. may allah (swt) be the judge of the man's great works
Nonsense. Read what they declared first thing when they declare Marshall law. Returning Turkey to its "Secular" constitution, was their goal. The kamalist and young Turks garbage.

and u believe everything an army which stages a coup says ? :lol:
do u know anything at all about fethullah gulen or are u just spewing filth against usa ? if usa is ur target then go on but go read about imam gulen before u talk abt him. he did more in service of turkiye than anybody after its founding father. may allah (swt) be the judge of the man's great works

Honestly, I don't know much about Gulen, so you could be 100% right, and I could be hilariously wrong in my analysis.
A lot will be said and written about this dark night. This night will go into the history books.

One thing is certain, certain powers who were backing this coup have been red faced and humiliated. They cannot hide their feelings of anger and frustration as is apparent as daylight. They are in denial and disbelief. We must rejoice and savour this moment. Most importantly, we must take a learning.
I'm very curious too. Would Erdogan get stronger internally by putting more of his guys in the military, or would he get weaker by the remaining military guys being stronger and saying, "We saved your ***, Erdogan, now you owe us big time, be careful, or next time, we won't help you".

Surely military and political purges of conductors of the coup is main priority for Erdogan right now ... on the other hand many opposite parties have condemn military coup too (one of the reasons that the coup failed) therefore if Erdogan tries to find a logical and controlled way to cooperate with them regarding this matter ,which I think is very important, then his Gov. could overcome current situation and raise again otherwise it's a two edge blade which could end up badly and cause more chaos in Turkey 'cause he might be accused of using the coup as pretext to crackdown his opponents ..
By the way Turks should make their minds on what form of the Gov. they want asap ...Ottman Turkey, Islamic Turkey, ? secular and laicite? otherwise this vicious cycle would countinue ...
A lot of people outside of Turkey quietly supported this coup and we're waiting to see what would happen before they said anything. They saw it fail and now have to shut up.

The military and government are blaming the Gülen movement, stop making up alternate theories and man up and admit that this is some kind of coup conducted by them. You think CIA at the very least didn't know about this? At the very least they are listening to all communications coming in and out of Gülens complex in Pennsylvania. Shouldn't they have warned their ally?

We all know that all of our traditional enemies and BS fake allies that we have no brotherly connection with want our country to be weak and incapable. They don't care if we would be living under a military dictatorship, they just want whoever benefits them in power. If this coup was successful they probably would brought this Gülen Guy in to Turkey.
They are humiliating their own Army while chanting Allah ahbar.RIP Turkey.

It is clear that the coup leaders gave up when they saw that it could lead to civil war.The last thing they wanted was to destroy Turkey.
Whilst Erdogan was urging his supporters to come out onto the streets and stand in front of tanks, it is clear which side had morals and which side was looking for a bloodbath.
Nonsense. Read what they declared first thing when they declare Marshall law. Returning Turkey to its "Secular" constitution, was their goal. The kamalist and young Turks garbage.

Puhahahah you say these things just because of that garbage?

Dude this is my country. They are our traitors and we know what the hack are they and what the hack they were trying to do.

They are army man in tsk who were working for Gulen. Gulen is an Islamist character in our political field. What do they declare in that garbage is nothing but b.s.
I think your failing to see the situation in Turkey with sufficient clarity. It all depends on how you interpret "secularism" and "Islamism". The Turkish version of Islamism is closer to UK version of secularism. The Turkish version of secularism is equivalent to totalitarianism.

Therefore what you see in Turkey as Islamist forces are in fact similar to Christian Conservatives in UK. A form of liberalism informed by private religious beliefs but no dogma or imposing of religion on others. This is exactly what we have in UK. On the same street you will have drunk woman with miniskirt and another covered head to toe in burqa. This is where the Turkish version of Islamism will lead to and already has after over decade of AKP being in power.

This is entirely at variance to the Mullah driven dogmatic Islamists that want to force sharia on everybody.
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