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Some elements in Turkish Military attempt to overthrow government

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Turkish military personnel land in Greece seeking asylum (Via CNN Turk)
But if there is civil war, and terrorist actions, and different groups fighting against each other for months, and Jihadists become more powerful, and Kurds take more actions, and Russians & Americans get more involved, then yes, it will be bad for trade & tourism

i was talking about first case, in this case i agree.. it will be worrisome for Iranian authorities too..
Can we please have some Turkish posters post here more, special about what they think happened?

The whole thing seems very weird to me, from a distant perspective.

Usually when military coups, they succeed, or if they don't, it happens after a prolonged conflict. Something like this is rare because it means the military elements miscalculated badly, and the last governmental department you expect to estimate conflicts so badly is the military. I mean, if these guys didn't expect to lose so badly, how could they ever have been trusted with military matters?

I think it seems realistic that Erdogan is right that Gulen's fans were behind this. From what I understood (but Turkish members could be more accurate on this than me), Gulen's followers are a bit cultish. Such people usually are disillusioned. They might be 10% of the population, but in their mind, they might think they are 90% of the population.

The other thing I was thinking of was that this coupe might have been planned for months now, and had lots of support. Erdogan might have heard about this and his foreign policy changes (resetting relationship with Israel & Russia) might have satisfied a lot of officers who were leaning towards the coupe. The plotters might have thought if they wait more, they will lose more and more officers and Erdogan distances himself away from some of his Islamist foreign policies. If this assumption makes sense, then it could mean that if the plotters acted a more or so before, maybe they would have been more successful.

Finally, what about a little conspiracy theory to finish of this post. What if Erdogan sort of secretly encouraged this, and maybe asked some of his top officers to pretend they are willing to help with the coupe, and then maneuvered his enemies to fall into the trap, giving him the best mantle to now strike heavily among the militarily ranks and make it more inline with his own aspirations. If this is true, Erdogan would be much smarter than we would have assumed.


I'd rather to know how this coup is gonna impact Turkey policy in the future ... I think from now on Turkey Gov. would focus more on internal affairs.
Turkish PM: Any country that stands by cleric Gulen will be at war with Turkey

Any country that stands by the Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen will not be a friend of Turkey and will be considered at war with the NATO member, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Saturday. The government said that followers of Gulen, who has been living in self-imposed exile in the United States for years, were behind the attempted coup by a faction of the military on Friday. The government accuses Gulen of trying to build a "parallel structure" within the judiciary, education system, media and military as a way to overthrow the state, a charge the cleric denies....

Did we declared war against US ???
I'd rather to know how this coup is gonna impact Turkey policy in the future ... I think from now on Turkey Gov. would focus more on internal affairs.

I'm very curious too. Would Erdogan get stronger internally by putting more of his guys in the military, or would he get weaker by the remaining military guys being stronger and saying, "We saved your ***, Erdogan, now you owe us big time, be careful, or next time, we won't help you".
It's a Allah's given once in a life time opportunity for Islamist Turks to get rid of their nation the secular and liberal scumbags within who are basically the extension of western civilization and their tentacles inside Turkish society. Hit the iron when it's hot. No one will question now, no one will dare to speak, go for it mercilessly. Turkish nation has spoken, they want to be ruled under Islamists. Eat your heart out the secular filth and your western sponsors.

The fleet commander has been rescued. They were after the top commanders. What was their plan? I don't want to even think..
Turkish PM: Any country that stands by cleric Gulen will be at war with Turkey

Any country that stands by the Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen will not be a friend of Turkey and will be considered at war with the NATO member, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Saturday. The government said that followers of Gulen, who has been living in self-imposed exile in the United States for years, were behind the attempted coup by a faction of the military on Friday. The government accuses Gulen of trying to build a "parallel structure" within the judiciary, education system, media and military as a way to overthrow the state, a charge the cleric denies....

Did we declared war against US ???

American's are just so weird. How can they host the illegal opposition of a country, who is not only their ally, but is part of their militarily security group??
Turkish PM: Any country that stands by cleric Gulen will be at war with Turkey

Any country that stands by the Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen will not be a friend of Turkey and will be considered at war with the NATO member, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Saturday. The government said that followers of Gulen, who has been living in self-imposed exile in the United States for years, were behind the attempted coup by a faction of the military on Friday. The government accuses Gulen of trying to build a "parallel structure" within the judiciary, education system, media and military as a way to overthrow the state, a charge the cleric denies....

Did we declared war against US ???

Do you really think a so called "islamist" leader will be sitting in the lap of uncle Sam? Is there any doubt who was behind this?
Will there be a Presidental Referandum which will turn Erdogan, the de facto dictator to a ruler supported by law??
Turkish PM: Any country that stands by cleric Gulen will be at war with Turkey

Any country that stands by the Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen will not be a friend of Turkey and will be considered at war with the NATO member, Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim said on Saturday. The government said that followers of Gulen, who has been living in self-imposed exile in the United States for years, were behind the attempted coup by a faction of the military on Friday. The government accuses Gulen of trying to build a "parallel structure" within the judiciary, education system, media and military as a way to overthrow the state, a charge the cleric denies....

Did we declared war against US ???

No doubt, the Americans have provided refuge to this wanted miscreant. He needs to face justice. A litmus test for the US. Will they extradite this man or not?
A very ill-executed operation by the miltiary, so ill-executed that it's a little suspcious really.

Oh well, the ultimate winner is Erdogan, he now has the mandate to fully elevate himself to "Sultan" and take Turkey into the dark ages.

Not long ago Turkey was such a promising country, the sole beacon of hope in the ME a sad sad day.
It's a Allah's given once in a life time opportunity for Islamist Turks to get rid of their nation the secular and liberal scumbags within who are basically the extension of western civilization and their tentacles inside Turkish society. Hit the iron when it's hot. No one will question now, no one will dare to speak, go for it mercilessly. Turkish nation has spoken, they want to be ruled under Islamists. Eat your heart out the secular filth and your western sponsors.

Dude before having an idea get some knowledge about.

Those guys didn't try to take Erdogan down just because they are secular or liberal or whatever.

They are Islamists. Your post nothing but ridiculous.
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